Chapter Fifty Three

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I had never been so completely terrified to hear my name being called.

At first, when I heard the soft rapping on my bedroom door, I had stirred but not fully woken up, thinking it was just my brothers being annoying. I had closed my eyes tighter and cuddled into the warm cushion beside me, wondering why I was getting woken up on a weekend.

When the knocking got louder I had groaned but sat up, rubbing my eyes so hard I saw stars. Then, I finally took in my surroundings and my stomach dropped.

First of all, it was very clearly morning, which was apparent since I hadn't closed my curtains before falling asleep, which meant my room was as bright as if I had a light on. Second, my warm cushion was actually Klaus. Who was fast asleep... in my bed. And third, someone was awake and wanted in to my room. That person called my name through the door and I almost choked on nothing as I realised it was my mum. At least if it had been Quigley or Duncan I might've been able to pay for their silence. This truly was the worst case scenario.

"Hang on!" I shouted, the panic setting in. Then I was on my feet, trying to piece together a plan.

I ran to the window, peering out and seeing that the ladder was still resting against my window, looking extremely suspicious in the broad daylight. Perfect, I thought to myself.  Then I placed my hands gently on Klaus' shoulders, shaking frantically but getting ready to shush him if he woke up with a start. Luckily for me, he wasn't scared by me waking him up and instead noticed my alarmed expression and started getting up.

"Isadora, this is ridiculous," my mother said, sounding exasperated. "I'm just coming in."

Shocked by her sudden declaration, I softly pushed Klaus back onto the bed and sprinted for my door, catching it as my mother pushed it open, and making sure she couldn't open it fully. Then I wedged myself in the gap and tried to wipe the guilty look from my face.

"What's wrong, I've been calling you for ages!" She exclaimed.

"Nothing, Mum, I was asleep."

She gave me a disapproving look but didn't press the issue. "I wanted to know if you have any whites. I'm doing laundry."

I instantly shook my head. "Nope, sorry."

"None? Can you at least look?"

"I don't need to look, I just know. I don't have any."

I tried to close the door on her so I could deal with the issue of somehow sneaking Klaus out. However, my mother narrowed her eyes.

"Let me look. You must have some."

I frowned. "Mum, why would I lie to you about laundry?"

But she didn't listen to me and instead pushed past me, stepping into my room. Then she gasped. Despite my panic, I had to try not to laugh at the sight of my boyfriend halfway out the window, frozen and with a look of pure fear on his face as he stared wide-eyed at my mother, who I assumed had a similar expression.

After a tense second of silence, I said, "Mum, I can explain..." Although, I wasn't really sure how to explain the situation without getting us both in trouble. If there was a way out of this, I needed to think of it, fast.

But, to my surprise, my mother just cleared her throat. "Yes, you can both explain at breakfast." And at that, she turned around and left, not looking me in the eye as she passed me. As soon as she shut the door, I looked back at Klaus, who still had his leg out the window, presumably resting on the top rung of the ladder.

"What just happened?" I said quietly.

I had expected a fight. I had expected her to shout and scream, drag Klaus out of the house and then lock me in my room, never allowed to see him again. But instead she had invited us for breakfast? It was kind of unsettling. The calm before the storm, I thought to myself. And maybe it was. Maybe she would keep herself in check while Klaus was here, pretend to be okay with the fact he had snuck in and spent the night, and then turn on me after he went home. As if he could sense my apprehension, Klaus quietly shut the window and then pulled me into a hug, whispering, "Sorry" in my ear.

"What are you apologising for?"

"I didn't mean to fall asleep," he mumbled, "I was meant to make a good first impression with your parents but now..."

I couldn't help but smile at his words. "At least you don't have to worry about your entrance."

"I didn't even bring them a gift," Klaus whined and I pulled away slightly, looking at his frown and laughing.

I couldn't fight off the fit of giggles that came over me. This whole situation was insane and I knew I was in so much trouble, Klaus was about to have breakfast with my family and I knew we would probably have to awkwardly try and convince my parents that we only slept and nothing more. I should've been stressed and freaking out, but instead I was laughing. Because of course this would happen. Unfortunate events happened to me all the time. But there was nothing I could do about it, so I figured I might as well just make the most of it.

"You're crazy," Klaus said, but laughed too.

I patted his hair down, which had gone slightly haywire in his sleep, and then made my way to the door. "We should probably go down, shouldn't we?"

Klaus nodded, "I'll try my best to make them like me."

"They will, don't worry," I reassured him, and then we finally went downstairs so he could meet my family.

A/N: Hey, happy 2021! This year better be an improvement I stg.

This chapter is short but let's be positive and just consider it fun-sized, okay? I always give an excuse as to why there's always such a big gap between my posts but I'm just gonna keep it real: I have no self discipline and I find it hard to do stuff if I'm not 100% in the mood. But I'm trying really hard to sort this out and overcome it! This year I'm really going to work on staying productive!

Anyway, this is short because I haven't posted in ages and just wanted to get something out for you guys. The next one will be out soon and that's a promise! I'm going to make myself start it now so I don't slack off.

I hope you guys have started this new year right! If you have any new years resolutions (I know this topic is old by now but still) and you want to share, leave them in the comments! I'm just curious haha.

I hope you guys have a good day/night wherever you are, and stay safe! ❤️

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