Chapter Five

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"You want my help writing poems?" 

"Yes Lily," I replied, "That's what I said."

We were at lunch and Lily was being less than helpful. I thought that her overactive imagination might be good for writing poems but it turned out that it was only good for dreaming up vampire AU's for the students at our school. 

"No chance."

Her response took me by surprise and I frowned. She couldn't give me a half baked idea and then not even help me make it a reality. "What do you mean? Who's idea was it to come up with the whole poetry club thing?"

"Hey!" She exclaimed, holding a hand up to me. "I come up with the ideas, not follow through with them. Do I look like I write poetry in my spare time? Do I look like Carol Ann Duffy?"

We deadpanned each other for a second before laughing.

"You're an idiot," I said.

Lily fell silent for a second and despite her saying she wouldn't help, I knew that she was probably cooking up another plan. If she wasn't writing fanfiction, she was scheming. It was always one of the two. I had yet to see her do both at once and, to be quite honest, I was afraid of the day she figured out how. 

"Write about your emotions." That was her grand idea. I gave her a weird look so she continued. "Who got you into this whole detention crap? Carmelita. She's the whole reason you have to become the modern day Shakespeare so why not write about her? You hate her and hate's a strong emotion. So channel it and write a poem."

I thought for a second before shrugging. What other choice did I have? "Fair enough. I'll release all my anger through a poem about Carmelita Spats." I sighed. "Never thought I'd be saying that."


The school day ended as quickly as it had begun and I found myself in detention again. This time, Mr Olaf wasn't there. If it had been Lily and I in detention together, we would've taken the opportunity to have an extra chat but considering it was just me and Klaus, the room stayed in complete silence. I pulled out my notebook and began to think about my topic of choice: Carmelita Spats. What could I write about her?

I started by thinking about all the things she had done to me and my brothers over the years, as well as all the things I had seen her do to other students. Those included, but were not limited to, consistently being spiteful to me and winding me up, ruining Quigley's games, pouring orange juice over Duncan's notes for the school newspaper and attempting to trip Lily up every time she saw her (although Lily had recently got really good at dodging her and considered it training for when she apparently wants to start doing parkour). I started writing everything down but kept drawing blanks as to how to put things together, mostly because it was seemingly impossible to rhyme anything with "Orange". I decided to scrap talking about all the annoying things she had done, and instead decided to focus on how I felt about her as a whole. After all, Lily had told me to write about my emotions.

With a flash of inspiration I had an idea and immediately scribbled it down in case it decided to run away from me. Then I set my pen down and sat back. I had my first two lines. That had to be the hardest part done, right?

I would rather eat a bowl of vampire bats, than spend an hour with Carmelita Spats.

I smirked to myself. Maybe I could be good at this. At least, that's what I thought until I spent the next forty five minutes staring into space instead of actually writing anything else. It was too hard to think of how I felt about Carmelita, while remembering to keep it decent in case my parents wanted to read it. Then, on top of all of that, I had to remember to make it rhyme! I didn't understand how people could be full-time poets, although I guess some people are just born creative.

Suddenly, the sound of a chair scraping across the floor brought me out of my thoughts. A glance at both Klaus getting out of his chair and the clock on the wall which read four o'clock told me that my detention was over, despite it feeling like no time had passed at all. I quickly chucked my notebook into my bag and was about to leave when I heard Klaus swear under his breath. Something clattered to the floor and I let my eyes go directly to the source of the noise. Klaus quickly snatched the item up, but not before I got a glimpse of what it was: a pair of glasses. 

I frowned. Since when did Klaus need glasses? But before I could consider it too much, Klaus grabbed his things and sped out of the room. I considered keeping the detail from Lily, since it would probably just fuel more of her fanfiction-worthy stories about her classmates, but I figured she would find it interesting so I sent her a quick text and then headed home. At least she would have some information to tide her over until she found "evidence" of one of our other classmates being a werewolf or a mermaid or something else along those lines.

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