Chapter Fifty

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We arrived at the ceremony, which was being held in a small church about a half an hour's drive away. There were plenty of other guests and I stuck to Klaus' side as we navigated through each small group of people so the Baudelaires could greet them. Sensing my apprehension, Klaus took my hand and held onto it softly, which settled my nerves just slightly.

We weren't outside the church  for too long, as the doors soon opened and we were allowed to go in and take a seat. I sat between Klaus and Violet and admired the way the place had been done up, from the petals on the floor to the flowers and candles that decorated the ends of each of the pews.

"Oh my goodness," Violet said quietly to me, grasping my hand tightly. "What do you think her dress will be like?"

I thought for a second. "White?"

Violet gave me an irritated look, although it only lasted a split second before she started gushing on again. "I bet it'll have lace. Oh actually, maybe it'll be long and strapless. Or backless or-"

Suddenly, a pipe organ began to play and Violet instantly cut herself off. We all stood up and turned to look at the door, where the bride and her father had just stepped into the room.

I realised at that point that I didn't actually know the bride's name, but I did know that she looked completely ethereal, especially with the light from outside casting a glow around her. Her hair was light, and styled in a way that meant it cascaded most of the way down her back, covered only by a long veil. Her dress was relatively simple but it was still pretty, and the bride's sparkling jewellery more than made up for the lack of embellishment on the actual gown. All in all she looked beautiful, and I couldn't help but hope I looked even half as incredible as she did when it came to my own wedding day.

Everybody sat down once the bride reached the altar and was handed off to her groom from her father. My family and I weren't really religious but I listened carefully all the same, knowing that the words being spoken were important to some people, if not to me.

It was a nice service: not too long or short and a perfect amount of emotional. Of course, the bride's mother had been crying since before her daughter had even stepped into the church, but she smiled through it all the same.

Then, once a few pictures had been taken outside on the church grounds, it was off to the reception, which was being held at a manor house just a short drive away.

Upon arrival, we made our way to our designated table and then began to enjoy the festivities. The tables were decorated with similar flowers to the church, but these ones were arranged in bouquets, with pale green ribbons wrapped around them. It was clear the colour scheme was green and white, as the reception had been decorated with lots of plants and balloons in those colours, and the bridesmaids were dressed to match.

Soft music played as everyone socialised and enjoyed a three course meal, and then it was time for speeches and cutting the cake; which was four tiers and covered in fondant roses.

After that, the relaxed ambience was replaced by a DJ and the reception turned into more of a party. Violet was one of the first on the dance floor, taking Sunny with her and spinning her around in circles. Mr and Mrs Baudelaire followed shortly after which surprised me. I never imagined they were avid dancers but I smiled as I watched them swap partners over and over with their other family members, each one taking turns dancing with everyone.

Klaus and I were just sitting quietly, enjoying some wedding cake and talking about pointless things, from admiring people's outfits to listening to funny anecdotes about the different wedding guests.

Then, a shadow fell across us, and we simultaneously looked up to see a lady in a crimson dress and matching hat with who I could only assume was her husband, standing slighting behind her.

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