Chapter Thirty Five

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"Isadora, I'm so sorry," Violet said, looking extremely concerned.

After my initial shock seeing Carmelita, I hadn't been sure what to say. Luckily though, Violet had been there to take the reins and get everything off to a smooth start. Lily, Carmelita and a few other girls I hadn't expected to be there had been sent to pick out nail colours in the other room while Violet had taken me into the kitchen to explain.

"It's alright," I replied, even though deep down I knew I was lying. I couldn't stop the feeling of dread that come along with Carmelita. It was practically a two for one deal at this point.

Violet shook her head. "It's not alright though, is it? I should've known something like this would happen. Of course I wanted to invite you and Lily, but I also invited Grace and Georgia since they're two of my best friends. I thought it would just be the five of us but then Grace asked to bring a plus one and I didn't really feel like I could say no. But I had no idea she was going to bring Caitlin!"

"Wait, Caitlin's here too?"

"I'm so sorry, I forgot that her and Grace had been hanging out lately. When she turned up at the door I didn't even recognise her, I mean she's given herself homemade highlights and now she looks like a completely different person." Violet realised she was rambling a little and got to her point. "She didn't ask me but she brought her own plus one, who you've probably guessed is Carmelita."

"I tried to kick her out," A voice said from behind me, and I spun around to see Klaus leaning on the kitchen counter. I hadn't seen or heard him come in. "Violet wouldn't let me."

"It's not that I want her here, I just feel bad," Violet insisted. "It's bad manners to just kick out a guest."

"It's a bit different when our guest's a psycho," Klaus scoffed.

"It's fine," I said, "Honestly. She probably won't try anything, there's too many people here as witnesses."

Violet looked away. "I guess," she said sheepishly, "but still, I'm sorry."

I reassured her again and then we rejoined the group. Klaus, who wasn't really up for having his nails painted, went off and did his own thing.

When we got upstairs to Violet's bedroom, Carmelita and Caitlin were being surprisingly well behaved. I had half expected there to be nail polish all over the walls and a fight to be taking place. But instead, there was music playing and everyone was just relaxing, even Lily. We painted each other's nails and talked and did other normal sleepover activities, and it ended up being a lot of fun. Carmelita and Caitlin had sat themselves in the corner, a little bit away from everyone else, and weren't really taking part but the rest of us had a good time. I didn't completely let my guard down though, because even though they were seemingly acting innocent, I knew that as soon as my back was turned they would probably have something treacherous up their sleeves.

But despite my fears, I didn't want them to affect my evening. Lily and I were there to have a good time and I wanted to make sure that we did.

After our nails were done, we headed downstairs to the living room, where there was a similar set up to the other night. Cushions and blankets covered the whole seating area and the floor, and the other girls wasted no time in settling down.

Again, Carmelita and Caitlin suspiciously sat away from everyone and were whispering non stop until the film started. At least they had the decency to not talk while the movie was on, except for the odd comment here and there. 

Lily, despite being with me and witnessing the exact same things as I did, was completely oblivious to my concerns and was instead having the time of her life. Violet had unveiled a whole table full of snacks in the dining room and Lily had wasted no time in raiding them, and now she was even more hyperactive than she usually was. Her mother didn't allow sugary food or drink in their house so now, while she had the chance, she was making the most of it all. She sat wide eyed as she watched the film, one hand in the popcorn and one hand in the gummy worms. And every time a funny moment happened she guffawed as loud as she could and almost spilled both bowls. It was safe to say she was having a sugar rush. 

We watched a couple of movies in a row and then realised it was getting a bit late. Violet had decided we would order pizza and went off to make the call while everyone put their pyjamas on. 

Luckily, Lily and I had been given the guest bedroom to share; the same one that I had used a few nights before. We were used to sharing a bed from all the times I had an impromptu sleepover at hers and when we couldn't be bothered bringing up an extra mattress, so that was no problem for us. And, it meant that we wouldn't have to sleep anywhere near Caitlin or Carmelita. There were two blow up mattresses set up in Violet's room for her friends and, since they weren't technically meant to be there, Carmelita and Caitlin would have to share the sofa downstairs. Violet had felt bad telling them that but I found it hilarious. It served them right for crashing the party. I was just glad to have a whole floor between us. Even though the guest bedroom didn't have a lock, I felt like we wouldn't have any trouble from the pair of them since they would be all the way downstairs. It was a hopeful thought, at least. 

Lily and I got changed and then were about to go downstairs again to wait for the pizza to arrive. But, as I headed to the door, Lily groaned and flopped onto the bed.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," she said, clutching her stomach.

"Huh? But you didn't even eat that much," I said, concerned. It was a bit of a lie though, because Lily had demolished six bags of sweets on her own. No wonder she felt ill.

"I think I'll call my mum," She said and reached for her phone. My eyes widened.

"Don't go home Lily, please," I pleaded, instantly knowing what she was up to, "I'll get you some water and then you'll feel better."

But she shook her head. "No, I feel really bad. I think I need to go. Sorry Isadora."

"It's alright," I sighed and helped her get her things together while she spoke to her mum on the phone.

Within ten minutes, she had gone home and the dread settled within me once more. This sucks, I thought to myself. I still had Violet but her other friends were there, who she was much, much closer to. With Lily gone, I ended up being stuck between two conversations as we all sat downstairs, neither of which I was a part of. Lily texted me more apologies but I wasn't annoyed with her. It wouldn't have been fair of me to force her to stay, just so she could feel sick all night. However, that didn't mean I was happy about the situation either. 

But, I didn't have too much time to sit and mope around because all of a sudden, Carmelita and Caitlin snapped out of the quiet, clandestine state they had been in all day and Carmelita jumped up. 

"I think we need to play a game," She announced.

"Oh," Violet replied, "I think the pizza should be here soon so maybe we should do it after."

Carmelita's face dropped. "No. We're doing it now."

Caitlin, who's highlights I was hating more and more as the day progressed, also stood up. "We're gonna play Truth Or Dare!"

The other girls- not including Violet, who looked irritated that Carmelita was starting to take over- gasped and started talking excitedly, discussing some good dares before the game started. I, on the other hand, just sat in panic. While this game might've been fun for them, I knew it could only spell trouble for me.  

A/N: Okay so I suck. As soon as I vocalise a posting schedule I instantly mess it up, sorry. I completely missed my Friday deadline and now it's Sunday. Anyway, I still wanted to get this up and honestly let's forget I said anything about a schedule because it's clear I can't stick to one. Basically, I just want to post twice a week, I just don't think I should set specific days.

Anyway, enough of me being annoyed at myself, thank you for reading!! I feel like I'm dragging out this sleepover a little bit but there's a lot of things I want to happen so I hope you don't mind. 

Thank you, as always, for all the reads, votes and comments, they truly mean so much to me!! I hope you're all staying healthy and safe 🥺❤ see you next time! 

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