Chapter Thirty Eight

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"I can't believe you!" Violet roared, storming into the dining room.

The conversation in the room halted, and when I caught up with Violet and entered the room as well, I saw that Caitlin had gone as white as a sheet. Grace and Carmelita looked confused, while Georgia laughed awkwardly as if she had been caught up in a very poorly thought out prank.

"You're a massive liar," Violet said matter-of-factly, before gesturing towards Carmelita, "and you're probably in on this too, aren't you?"

"What's going on?" I heard Klaus whisper and I jumped slightly, not realising he had followed us and was now watching his sister go off on her sleepover guests.

Violet frowned. "Neither of you were even invited yet I let you stay anyway since I'm a nice person! And the way you show your gratitude is by taking over the whole night and then lying, saying that you snogged the face off of Klaus? Who even lies about that?!"

"Wait what?" Klaus exclaimed. His ears had turned scarlet and a blotchy redness had spread itself out over his cheeks. I wasn't quite sure if the cause was anger or embarrassment. "Why would you say that?"

Caitlin had become a blobfish, her eyes wide and her mouth opening and then closing again as if she was struggling to breath. She looked as though she was trying to come up with something witty to say or an excuse that would save her from the predicament she had got herself into. But instead, she came up dry. 

"Got nothing to say for yourself?" Violet said sassily, crossing her arms and giving Caitlin a smug look.

Then, out of nowhere, Carmelita descended into a fit of giggles. Grace, Georgia and I all exchanged looks that said: what the hell is going on? But Carmelita didn't offer much of an explanation other than her sighing and wiping a pretend tear from her eye. Then she glanced around at us all with a content smile.

 "Hilarious," she commented, "how the cakesniffers wouldn't know a joke if it hit them in the face."

"I'm not joking," Violet snapped.

Carmelita chuckled. "No, but Caitlin was. She was just joking about the whole Klaus thing, weren't you Caitlin? I mean, come on, who in their right mind would actually want to kiss him?"

My mouth hung open, unable to process how someone could say something so mean about someone standing right in front of them. Carmelita was clearly stone cold though, as she stayed smirking and looking just overall extremely amused by her own comment.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Violet snarled. Despite her tone being angry, her expression was of someone who was hurt. "You know what? G-"

"Caitlin and I are going for a walk!" Carmelita announced, completely ignoring Violet and grabbing Caitlin's hand before leading her out of the room. We were all in shock and nobody said anything until we heard the front door close.

"What the hell?" Georgia said quietly, and her and Grace shrugged at each other.

Klaus' face was unreadable as we both followed Violet into the hallway. She peered out of the window before shaking her head angrily.

"I hope they don't come back," she said, "I'm so annoyed."

"Just kick them out," Klaus suggested, his tone flat.

"How can I kick out someone who's not even here?! I'll have to do it the second they come back." Violet sighed and reached towards Klaus. "Just ignore what she said, okay?"

He batted her hand away. "It's fine, I don't care about her opinion."

Klaus ended up going back upstairs, taking his box of cold pizza with him, and Violet and I rejoined the others and ended up putting another film on. None of us could really think of anything to say to brighten the mood so we let the TV do the talking and just sat in the semi-darkness, picking at the remainder of the snacks.

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