Chapter Twenty One

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By the time the next morning came, I was still in two minds about going to school. The idea of staying off, although trivial, was kind of terrifying to me. First of all, I would have to lie and act to my parents. Lying about a poetry club was one thing, especially since I did occasionally actually write poetry, but this was a completely different ball game. Pretending to be sick had layers to it. There was an art to doing it well. 

If you didn't act sick enough it was game over from the beginning, but act too sick and you ended up in the doctor's office. If step one was completed successfully and you got your day off, you then had to go through a specific process of recovery throughout the day, otherwise you might get more than you bargained for and end up with more days of lies and acting and ultimately finding yourself at the doctors despite initially avoiding it. In the morning you had to big up your symptoms and then gradually get better, finishing the act off with being cured by the evening. 

To others, it might seem like an easy task, but for me it was more of a 'high risk, high reward' situation. 

Secondly on my mental list of cons was the fact I would be missing out on work, although I quickly brushed that fear aside. The benefits of staying behind everyday made that concept majorly less terrifying. 

And thirdly, my attendance was thus far immaculate and the guilt that settled in my stomach at the thought of tarnishing it was almost enough to make me jump out of bed and get ready for the day.

But as I read Lily's text over and over, it became apparent to me what I really wanted to do. 

I was definitely certain I didn't want to go to school today, and now I'd been given a reason not to go, I wondered if it would be stupid to not take it. I didn't want to have to clean up syrup and stray ants and Klaus wouldn't even be there to help me. And, to make matters even worse, Lily would apparently still be off sick for another day. Was there any point in me even debating it with myself any longer?

A faint pitter patter of rain drummed against my window and, for me, that was the last straw. I would not be going to school. 

I got up as quietly as I could and rushed to the bathroom, turning on the hot tap and letting it run for a few seconds so it could heat up. Then I splashed it on my face, dried off and headed downstairs, hoping the warmth would last long enough. I did my best zombie expression for a couple of minutes before my mother noticed.

"Isadora? Are you alright?" she asked, a concerned look on her face.

I couldn't help but feel bad, but I knew I had already come too far to quit so I gave my best 'sick' face and said, "I don't feel too good."

She felt my forehead and I thought about the most embarrassing memories I had to my name in the hopes it would increase the temperature of my face even just a little bit. Every little helps, I thought to myself. 

"Hmm, you are quite warm," she said after a moment. "I know you're not going to like what I'm about to say but... maybe you should stay off, even just for a day."

I pretended to be dejected before giving in and agreeing, and as soon as I said the word, my mother gathered up blankets and tucked me up on the sofa with a hot cup of tea and a slice of toast.

I couldn't believe how well it had worked and, as much as I hated to admit it, I was secretly really glad with decision. There was nothing quite like being snuggled up in front of the television while the weather raged on outside. 

Soon, Quigley and Duncan raced downstairs, both of them running late as usual, and I tried not to notice the suspicious looks they both gave me. I knew I was in for a questioning as soon as school ended and they got back home, but that was okay. They couldn't prove I wasn't sick.

After everyone left the house for the day, I finally relaxed and could stop acting like I had caught the plague. I caught up on all my homework, mostly because the guilt of not being at school was latching itself onto me, and then I just did whatever I wanted. That pretty much just consisted of making tea and reading.

It was only when I was onto my second book that I realised what I was wearing. I had got too warm and gone to take my jumper off, only to remember that it wasn't mine, it was Klaus'.

"Did I sleep in this?" I exclaimed aloud to myself. Had I suddenly thought I was the main character of an netflix original movie or something? Since when did I sleep in a boy's hoodie? 

I ripped it off me as quickly as I could and stared at it in horror. I hated how comfortable it was. After a quick sniff, I realised it smelled like my perfume and decided I definitely had to wash it straight away. I couldn't give it back to Klaus like that. 

I also washed and dried the leggings Violet had lent me before folding both items and putting them in a bag ready to give back. 

After that ordeal, I went back to reading and tried to ignore the annoying feeling that wearing my own hoodie wasn't quite the same. 

A/N: HELLO I'M SO SORRY IT'S BEEN TWO WEEKS HONESTLY DISOWN ME RIGHT NOW. Also please excuse that this is a shorter chapter, I just really wanted to get something out before the guilt swallowed me whole. I'll have another chapter up soon I promise. It definitely won't be another two week wait.

I hope you guys have been thriving anyways. Also is it just me or is January seriously dragging? I feel like it's been a year and a half since christmas I stg. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter despite it being a little bit shorter than the rest, I had planned more but after I started writing it I realised it would probably be better split in two.

Thank you again for all the reads, votes and comments. We recently hit 1.5k reads which really means a lot to me :D It's crazy to me when I think back to when this story had 2 or 3 chapters and less than 10 reads, and then I see how far it's come now. I'm glad it's been so well received by you guys! Thank you for everything, and I hope each and every one of you has a great day! <3

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