Chapter Forty Six

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"I'm sorry WHAT?!" Lily exploded, and I couldn't help but grin at her reaction.

I had told her about Klaus and I the second I saw her at school and her first reaction was to hyperventilate. After that, she very excitedly asked me questions until she was red in the face and I was worried she might pass out.

Finally, she took a breather and said, "I'm very happy for you."

"Yeah, I can tell," I laughed.

We walked to our first class while Lily gushed about the situation.

"You're like a new woman," she said, "you're absolutely glowing."

"I highly doubt that."

"Do you feel different?"

I shrugged. "Not really. I just feel like me."

Lily fell silent for a second before gasping. "What have you told your parents?"

"Well... nothing, yet. But I know I'll have to tell them eventually." I sighed, "Watch it start an argument again."

Lily shook her head. "I'm sure it'll be okay. I mean, your mum knows you've been hanging out with Violet and stuff. She knows about the sleepover."

"But dating a Baudelaire is different than just hanging out with one," I reminded her. "But it's okay. I'm happy right now, and if she truly cares about me, she'll be happy for me too."

"True," Lily agreed with a smile. "Anyway, let's talk about your date. What're you gonna wear?"

"I have no idea."

"What?!" Lily shouted, gaining a couple of confused looks from the people around us. "Okay, change of plan. Meet me at the end of school and I'll get my mum to drop us into town. We've gotta get you an outfit."

I agreed to her plan and quickly sent a text to my mother, telling her I would be home late. 

By the time the day ended, Lily was practically bouncing off the walls. We had planned more at lunch and decided we would get a snack before heading to the shops, that way we would have more energy to look around (not that Lily needed any more of that).

Her mum picked us up and then I had to endure a ten minute car ride of the two of them chattering on about this, that and the other. It was clear where Lily got her bubbly, talkative nature from. It was quite entertaining to see from the sidelines though, and it certainly made the trip go by fast.
Soon enough we were hopping out the car and thanking Lily's mum for the ride. Then Lily linked her arm through mine and skipped off, dragging me along with her. I think somehow she was more excited than me.

We headed straight for one of our favourite cafes, one that we always went to when we hung out together. I was surprised the staff didn't know us by name by now, considering how frequently we went there. However, we stopped short just shy of the entrance because of a certain annoying redhead standing in the way.

"What's the meaning of this, cakesniffers?" She snarled, crossing her arms and blocking the doorway.

I gave her a confused look. "I don't know, caffeinated drinks?"

"Can you shift it, short stack?" Lily demanded, "We've got an important afternoon ahead of us."

Carmelita smirked. "But you didn't say the magic word."

"Oh my bad," Lily started. Then her face turned sour. "Kiss my ass!"

Carmelita gasped and I stifled a laugh.

"Come on, Lily," I said, "Let's just go somewhere else."

We turned around and, since our arms were still linked, I pulled Lily away from Carmelita, who's face was contorted into an extremely red glare. Lily and I ended up getting milkshakes in this other cafe we had never tried before. It was quite busy but we didn't mind as we were just refuelling there before the main event: finding me an outfit. Well, two outfits technically.

I had dresses but I didn't really have anything that would be appropriate for a wedding, so I fancied getting something for that as well. I wanted to make a good first impression on Klaus' extended family and I figured that the right dress would give me the confidence to do so.

We finished our milkshakes and then made our way to a fancy dress shop with a name that was hard to read because of the cursive font it was written it. Lily tried anyway, donning a French accent and probably offending anyone who was actually French in the process.

"What about this?" She joked, holding a hot pink number up against her and looking at herself in the mirror.

"Careful," I warned her, "if you wear that the guys will be all over you."

Lily did an extremely dramatic pose. "You act like they aren't already."

We shared a laugh and gathered up a few more outfits before taking them to the changing rooms. Even though Lily didn't have an occasion to be buying for, she still tried stuff on, just for fun. So, with every new outfit we tried, we counted down and then each pulled back our curtain for the grand reveal. Lily tried a few wild things, which was typically Lily, such as a zebra print hat and a neon green jumpsuit, whereas I stuck to things I would actually wear on a day to day basis. 

After looking at clothes, we also browsed the jewellery section, mostly just out of curiosity. Lily was inspecting a pair of dangly earrings when she suddenly said something out of the blue.

"Would it be weird if I came along?"

I gave her a strange look. "I'm sorry, what?"

"To the restaurant," she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You know, I still have that whole theory that Klaus is a vampire. What if you're halfway through your fettuccine and suddenly he's lunging across the table for your neck?"

"Lily-" I said sternly.

"Okay I'm sorry."

"-if you turn up at the restaurant I'll be so mad."

She help up her hands innocently. "Okay, okay, I won't." She glanced away and then, as if she had a new idea, she turned back and said: "I could be your personal photographer though."


"Okay," Lily said with a grin, "But when your kids ask about your first date and you don't have a photo album to whip out and show them, don't come crying to me."

We finished up and then Lily called her mum for a lift back home. I was pleased with what I had bought, and I'd had a great afternoon with Lily as well. All round it had been a good day, and I couldn't help the smile that was pasted on my face as I stepped into my house. 

Luckily, no one was there to interrogate me or ask what I had in the bag, so I went straight upstairs and laid out what I had bought on my bed. Then I stepped back, admiring the two perfect outfits in front of me. 

This weekend would be amazing.  


Being at work again after like 3 months is kind of bizarre but we move. I hope you guys are doing alright. Once I get back into the swing of things I'll hopefully be able to post more frequently. Going back to standing for almost 9 hours a day is pretty tiring hahahah, but once I get back used to it I'll be updating like normal.

So yeah, that's kind of all I have to say today. I usually make my authors notes too long anyway so it's probably good for this one to be short.

I just wanted to say thank you for 12k reads, it really means a lot to me. Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it.

See you next time ❤

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