Chapter Forty Nine

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When the morning finally rolled into session, I was up and out of bed in an instant. The second my alarm when off and a thin stream of light shone through my curtains, I was wide awake and ready to go. I showered quickly and then had a quick breakfast before heading back to my room to get ready.

It was the day of Klaus' cousin's wedding and, although I had never met them, or any of Klaus' extended family for that matter, I was still buzzing with anticipation. 

There was something so magical about weddings. I had only attended a couple, both when I was quite little, but I always remembered the feeling. It was a generally happy experience where everyone got together, dressed in beautiful dresses and suits, to celebrate the everlasting love between two people. My heart sang at the idea. 

I styled my hair and did my makeup to match my outfit. Then, I put on the new dress I had bought specifically for the occasion: a blush pink number that hit just above the knee. It was the perfect dress and I loved that it was subtly sparkly; tiny gemstones peeking out from an array of pink flowers that covered the dress in its entirety. 

Then, the time came for me to leave and I went downstairs, only to stop in my tracks when I heard my mother's reaction.

"Oh, Isadora," she cooed, "You look beautiful."

Her compliment took me slightly by surprise. If you had told me a week ago that she would be speaking to me in that tone, I would've called you mad. But here she was, doing that motherly thing where they go soft in the eyes as soon as you put on a nice outfit. 

"Thanks Mum," I replied.

She pulled me into a hug and I smiled to myself. It seemed like after our talk last night a weight had lifted off her shoulders. She was no longer cold or distant and I knew her smile was genuine. I was glad to finally understand her a bit better.

"I've got to go," I said, as she tightened her grip on me.

"Do I have time to take a picture?"

"Mum," I whined, and she finally released me and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Sorry, I'll let you go now," my mother said quietly. There was a hint of sadness in her expression, despite her soft smile, but she didn't give me a chance to question it before she hurried me to the door and told me to have a good time.

Although I wanted to consider the possibilities of why she was suddenly feeling so melancholy, I pushed all my thoughts of that to the back of my mind. I had an event to attend, and an important one at that. This would be the first time I was meeting Klaus' extended family and it was imperative that I made a good first impression.

I hurried down the road and towards the Baudelaire's house, grateful that I hadn't listened to Lily's suggestion of higher heels as the ones I had were already slowing me down a bit. A quick look at my phone told me I wasn't late though, so I slowed my pace in favour of lowering the chance of me falling straight on my face. 

"Isadora!" A voice called as I approached the house, and I glanced up towards the sound. Violet was hanging out of an upstairs window, waving wildly, and that was enough to tell me she was in an excitable mood. 

The next time I looked, she was gone and, seconds later, the front door swung open and she appeared there instead.

"You look amazing!" she enthused and I smiled happily as she hugged me. "Aw," she cooed, her tone changing slightly, "my cute little sister in law."

"Hey!" I complained, feeling my face flush.

Violet just smiled teasingly at me and then ushered me inside.

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