Deleted Scenes

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Um hey, it's been a while. I meant to do this right after Detention ended but life happened hahaha sorry. So I'm back now to do this so I can stop stressing about promising to do something and then not doing it.

Unfortunately since I left this so long, I did have a document set up where I would paste any scenes I had cut from this story but now I can't find it because I never call important documents by a name which means I can find them again 🙄 (I know, I infuriate myself too)

However there is one that inspired this whole Deleted Scenes business that I still have, so there's that I guess hahah.

Okay let's just get into it. I'll be talking through these scenes and explaining why they were cut.

1) Violet and Carmelita were originally friends.
Ew, right? But yeah when I first came up with this idea, I figured it made sense to make Violet and Carmelita part of the same friendship group, considering the fact that Violet was meant to sort of "rule the school". To me it made sense for them two to sort of rule things together, with Violet having a redemption arc where she realises her whole group are bad people and that she doesn't want to associate with them anymore. Any pranks that Carmelita did to Isadora, Violet was meant to be a part of that. Violet was originally sort of like the ringleader planning all the mean stuff, with Carmelita actually going through with it.
This was changed simply because I think it's overdone. I much preferred the idea of Violet being popular just because she's genuinely very nice, instead of the typical popular=massive bitch. And I preferred that that made Carmelita and her friends just mean, almost delinquents, who thought they were way cooler than they actually were.
If Violet had been the ringleader, the sleepover scene would've been waaaaaaay worse btw.

And speaking of the sleepover scene...

2. Lily wasn't meant to leave the sleepover.
I didn't decide she would leave until I was literally writing that chapter. Originally, it was just meant to be a nice chance for Lily to hang out with Violet, someone she admired. However, as I was writing it, I realised that if Lily was there then Isadora had someone to run to when things went wrong or got awkward. Whereas, removing Lily from the situation, and having Violet be preoccupied with hosting etc, left Klaus to be like the shoulder to cry on. Making Lily go home created the perfect catalyst for Isadora and Klaus to bond.

3. Ball dates switched at the last moment.
Klaus and Isadora were obviously going together, but originally I had Duncan and Violet going together and Quigley going with Lily. I changed it because I thought it seemed predictable. And, I had mentioned Quigley chatting up Fiona so I figured I could put them together instead and have Lily go with someone else. But then when I was writing it I decided I didn't want things to fall into place that easily, I mean I know this is a fanfic but it's still A Series Of Unfortunate Events. I wanted things to go wrong but for them to still make the most out of the situation and have a better time because of it. Hence why Quigley and Lily both get stood up, and you expect them to get together, but then Lily goes for Violet instead, making probably one of my favourite scenes in the whole story where Klaus and Isadora dance with Duncan and Quigley. It felt like it fit, at least to me.

Then my favourite scene that got cut, the one I actually still have saved in a safe place, is this one:

4. Klaus accidentally tries to climb in Quigley's window instead of Isadora's

Klaus' POV

Getting the ladder was a pain, plus it was cold, plus I definitely didn't dress accordingly, but Isadora was worth it. I knew that as soon as I saw her surprised face, all of the negatives of making this plan happen would melt away, and I'd be left with just the good feelings: excitement and the adrenaline that came with sneaking into someone's window in the dead of night.
Well, maybe this couldn't be considered the dead of night, but it was still dark.

I positioned the ladder, careful to not let it clang on the side of the house and alert everyone to my operation, and then began to climb, hoping the neighbours recognised me enough to not call the police, thinking I was a very inexperienced robber.

When I reached the top, I took a deep breath and then knocked on the glass quietly. A couple of seconds went by where I felt my heart fill with dread; if Isadora didn't answer quickly I might just freeze to death. But then there was movement beyond the glass and the curtains were ripped open.
However, who was looking back at me took me by surprise.

The window was pushed open and then a voice drifted out.

"Good evening, lover boy," Quigley said, smirking at me as he leant on the window ledge.

"O-oh," I stuttered, "I'm guessing this isn't Isadora's room then."

Quigley feigned offence. "You mean you didn't sneak over here to see me? I can't believe this."

"Sorry to disappoint."

"Don't worry," he sighed, "I'm used to it. Isadora's is the next one along, Romeo."

The only reason I cut this was because I didn't want to differ from Isadora's POV and I wasn't sure how to include it otherwise.

That's it I think, I did have more things I cut or changed but honestly I can't remember them now since I lost that document. I hope you found this interesting though! If not, then apologies.

Also I'm going to be posting a new ASOUE story soon so follow me on here to get notified when it drops 😌 and you can follow me on Twitter (htb12wattpad) if you want to see sneak peaks and stuff.

Anyways, thanks for reading if you got this far! I really appreciate every single one of you! ❤️

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