Mafia's obsession (final)

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Jeon Jungkook (series: final part 4):
Y/N's POV:
'It has been more than hour, yet your Jungkook isn't here. Does he really love you, hum?' He kept on manipulating me with his disgusting words. He took me into a very dark room as I was sitting on a chair with tied hands. I didn't let his words to come to me, because I knew he was a psycho. 'H-He does!' 'Are you sure about that?' I nodded and he slapped me harshly. 'Why are you like this Y/N? What did I do wrong? Wasn't I enough?!' He asked as he brushed his hair back in frustration. I looked at him with confused face. 'Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about! Do you know How I felt all these years?! You broke my heart, you played with me and I want to know the reason why?! WHY Y/N?!' He yelled as he punched the wall, making me flinch. 'I did-' 'You what?! I thought we were friends and that we could be something more, but than this fucking Jungkook came and ruined everything! Why did you do that, huh? Was it funny to play with my feelings?! You know what Y/ saved me from my bullies, but than you did even worse! I loved you so much...everytime you needed something I was there, yet you still ran to him like a lost puppy! WHAT DOES HE HAVE THAT I DON'T?!' He yelled again. I actually didn't know that he felt this way. When I look at it from his side I feel sorry for him. I've always thought that he was a nice guy, but a little bit weird and creepy. He would follow me was like If he was obsessed with me and I guess It's true. 'I hard for you, but I was never even a choice for you. I worked my ass off....I had 2 jobs, just so I could take you on a perfect date that I thought you deserved! I bought flowers for you and drove to your house, ready to finally confess, but when I.....I stood there infront of your fucking house and saw How he is all over you through the window......How could you do that? Just How?' This time he cried and he cried heavily. 'J-Jackson I'm really sorry. You were always a friend to me and I helped you, but not with any intentions. I know that you can't help your feelings, but I can't do it either! are young, handsome and a kind man....and I just know that you will find someone better, but you have to move on-' 'NO! Am I really that worthless to you?! You were my only hope for a better life.....everyone around me hated me, even my own parents! You were the only one I had and you broke me! Than it was my time for a revenge so I told Jungkook's father about you two, hoping that If he will will give me a chance, but you still love only him! You know what?! We are both so selfish in the most disgusting way!' He said which made me cry even more. 'I know that Jungkook will save you Y/N.....they have a plan and don't worry, I'm not going to destroy it! I'm sorry for annoying your life, but please forgive me. I love you...forever, your life happily....' And before I could do or say anything he put his gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. I screamed loudly....he just killed himself infront of me. 'J-JACKSON! NO!' I cried out. It wasn't like I loved him or something, but I still remember the innocent kid getting bullied. I still remember his pure smile, How he used to make me laugh, give me his food, joke around, giving me know...he was something like my brother and deeply inside I cared for him, but now I couldn't even say that to him. It wasn't my fault neither his....this was an unrequited love and no one could control or change it. I was crying...still in shock when the door wide opened, revealing Jungkook and my brother. 'Y/N!' The both yelled equally and rushed to me. They untied me and I immediately hugged Jungkook. 'Y/N are you okay? Did he hurt you?' I shook my head and moved to hug my brother as well. They both cried together along with me. 'I thought I lost you too.' Yongha cried out in my embrace. After our parents died, he never left my side and was protective over me, I was the only thing he had. 'Me too oppa, but I'm here and we are together.' I said and smiled weakly as he nodded. 'What happend to him tho?' 'H-He shot himself..' I sobbed loudly and broke down again. 'Shh...It's okay.' Jungkook kept on whispering sweet things into my ear as he was caressing me in his arms to the car.

One year later:
Author's POV:
After what happend your life turned into a better one even though It may not seem like it. You were getting a proper help, because you still had that shock and fear that will probably stay with you for the rest of your life, but your doctor said It's getting better. Your brother and Lisa are married by now and Lisa is pregnant with a baby boy. If it comes to you and two seemed to work it out and are in an official relationship. Jungkook wanted to leave the mafia for you, cause of your condition, but you refused as you assured him that everything is fine and that he can't just give up on something that he built for years. After a lot of hesitating he agreed, but he promised that he will spend more time with you which he did. You were living together now and Jungkook proposed to you just a few days ago. You were still feeling sorry for Jackson, but you knew and prayed that he is in a better place where people can understand him and love him as much as he deserves. You've already forgiven him and Jungkook as well, cause you three were suffering through the past few years, but just because of jealousy and hate. At the end of the day you were happy and you had all you needed beside you and who knows maybe Jackson is watching you right now and is smiling, cause you are both finally happy........

The end
Love isn't always beautiful for everyone. Sometimes It's painful when the person that you love doesn't love you back or doesn't care....but the best thing you can do is to let him/her go and as much as it will hurt try to move on, because that's the only thing that you can do. Always remember that It's not your fault and it's not their fault either, you can't control your or someone else's feelings. And also remember that there is someone way better waiting for you somewhere in the world who will truly deserve you and shower you with love, just wait👀💜

BTS IMAGINES BY @youmeandi7💜Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя