When the cold/bad guy saves you from getting raped : you as the "deaf" girl

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Min Yoongi (oneshot):
First something important about Y/N:
- She is not "deaf" from the day she was born.
- She had a very traumatic accident in her childhood which caused her to close herself and not speak to anyone
- Just so you know, this actually happens to a lot of people and they can speak again in the future
Let's continue

Y/N's POV:
Today is a little dancing festival in our school and so since we are seniors, they want us to prepare everything. My parents are okay with it, cause at least It's not some party. Yep, life is hard when you can't speak and it's even more frustrating when you realize that you could speak, but someone rather than something had to destroy everything in seconds. When I want to talk about it my heart hurts, my stomach is closed and the shivers and pain that I'm getting all over my body is just disgusting. My parents don't know about anything that happend and since I can't talk, I also can't open up, but I guess that's exactly what my mind wants.....not to open up. Now I'm 18 and still can't proceed to talk. The worst thing about this is that I feel so weak, so vulnerable and most importantly disgusted in myself and my own body. It's hard to live with yourself when you think that you are worthless, but even harder would be to see the disappointment that you imagine in your parent's eyes when you would tell them. When I was about 6 or 7 years old I had an uncle Joe. He was kind and funny to be around, but one day my trust in him broke in pieces. He was taking care of me, since my parents were on a vacation together. He touched me inappropriately and completely destroyed my soul. Since that time I closed myself and wanted to die.
I arrived earlier in the school today, cause I needed to finish one project and since we were told that we will be in school the whole day, I had to finish it today, cause tomorrow is already the Chemistry lesson. I was sitting on the floor infront of my locker, when the popular group of boys were walking the corridor. I was minding my own business so I didn't pay any attention to what they were talking about and also they were whispering. Right after them was walking another popular group and the head of this group Min Yoongi in the front. They were seven guys and obviously they were best friends. The difference between Yoongi's and Yongha's group is that Yongha and his friends are known as let's say "fuck boys" (lol I'm so sorry WEi🥺😩😂💜) Yoongi is complete opposite, he is cold towards everyone most of the time, but somehow he is good to me as well as his friends. They don't really talk to others in our school that's why girls are all over them, but I feel like Yoongi could be the only person who understands me and I admit that my heart beats faster when I see him or share eye contact with him. I don't know If this is love or just a crush, but the feeling of safety that I feel around him is something magicaly beautiful. Usually when we share eye contact, he just looks away or has no expressions at all, but today when I looke up at him, he smiled and slightly raised his hand as he said "Hi" in sign language. I gasped as I was shocked, but smiled back and signaled him hello as well. 'How does he know sign language? That's so weird, but I'm so happy!' I thought to myself as I continued to do my project, being completely red and flustered.

Time skip:
The day went by surprisingly well. Now it was almost ending, so we were already cleaning the corridors. We were all cleaning in different places, cause the school was big, so I was alone or that's What I thought. I was cleaning the floor with a mop, when suddenly someone held my wrist and pulled me into a janitor's room. The room was dark and I felt How anxiety took over me. I couldn't see when I felt his breath on my neck. Tears brimmed in my eyes as the horror scene from my childhood came back to my mind. Terror took over me when he started sucking on my neck and his hand were under my shirt and my panties. I tried to push him away, but I wasn't strong enough. My body gave up again as I zoned out. I couldn't breathe, all I was feeling was complete disgust towards myself. I wanted to die and I knew that If this will happen again, I won't be able to live with myself. He was fingering me while sucking on my boobs as my blood was boiling with anger, but I was so weak to do something. Suddenly I heard some voices outside and I told myself 'This is your last chance Y/N! Come on, don't let this happen!' I encouraged myself and surprisingly finally after years of silence I screamed as loud as I could for help. 'HELP! PLEASE HELP!' I yelled, but my voice was sore after not speaking for so long. The boy held my neck tightly, so I couldn't yell anymore, but also I couldn't breathe. I thought I'm gonna die until the door flung opened, revealing Yoongi. He immediately pulled the guy away from me as I fell on the ground. He was beating him up so badly. 'WHAT DID SHE DO TO YOU, HUH?! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE HER LIFE EVEN WORSE THAN IT IS?! ARE YOU REALLY SUCH A BAD PERSON THAT YOU WERE TRYING TO RAPE A DEAF GIRL?! DOES IT MAKE YOU HAPPY OR SATISFIED TO SEE HER LIKE THIS?!' He yelled at him as he held him by his collar and pinned him against the wall. 'Listen to me! She may be deaf and different, but you know what?! She is one hundred times better than all the hoes that you've ever slept with. This girl right here is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. This girl has a breathtaking smile and eyes with a whole universe in them. And she is fucking hurting, cause her life is 100% harder than ours! Now she will be hurting even more, cause of bastards like you who are only thinking about themselves! So I'm telling you now.....don't you dare lay your filthy hands ever again on her, cause I will make your life a living hell and I'm always around!' He said as I heard everything. I couldn't describe the feeling inside of me. My soul felt lighter and suddenly I had a reason to live. The feeling that there is someone who cares about me and understands me gave me that safety and love that I needed. I wasn't weak anymore, I felt encouraged enough to be happy and speak myself. 'Now get the fuck out before I'll do something very bad to you, something that will cause your head to fall off!' Yoongi yelled and pushed the guy outside. He came to me and said 'Y/N are you okay? How do you feel? You can talk to me, you are safe now!' He signaled me in sign language as I smiled softly before hugging him as tight as I could. 'Y-Yoongi, t-thank y-you.' I tried to speak as he pulled away with widened eyes. 'Y-You can speak?' I noddded with a happy smile. 'I'm not deaf, I just had a traumatic past and closed myself completely.' I explained as he nodded. 'A-Are you okay? Did he do something?' I shook my head. 'No, I mean....yes, but you came and saved me before it got any further. Thank you Yoongi.' He shook his head and as we were really close he was looking right into my eyes. 'Did you really mean what you said?' I asked looking down as he smiled and lifted my chin up. 'Yes, I did. I-I mean I do....I love you Y/N and It's completely okay, If you don't feel-' I cut him off as I kissed him passionately. 'I love you too dummy.' He smiled as he got flustered. 'Y/N please...be my girl?' I nodded and pulled him into another kiss.
Who knew that I would find my safe place and get my courage and happiness back again.

BTS IMAGINES BY @youmeandi7💜Where stories live. Discover now