When your daughter fell in love with an afro-american : you both as parents

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Kim Seokjin (oneshot):
Y/N's POV:
'Jin?! Jennie is coming home for holidays!' I said happily as I jumped around. 'Really?! Finally, We'll be able to see her!' I nodded as we hugged each other. 'Jackson! Your sister is coming home this holiday.' I announced as my son just looked at me and smiled. 'When?' 'Tomorrow! And I'm telling you, no fights, okay?' He nodded and continued to play his game.
Holidays were always fun and we were all together until our daughter Jennie went studying abroad to America. Of course, It's not like we wanted to stop her or something. She was always premiant in classes and so she got a scholarship and an oppurtunity to go study to one of New York's best Universities. She went there to study Art and Music. At first we weren't okay with it at all, cause you know It's hard to accept that you will see your child only once or twice a year, but we wish her the best and so we supported her dreams. About Jackson....you know as siblings they have some childish fights, but that's normal between sister and brother and at the end of the day, they love each other. This winter it looks like Jennie will come and we couldn't be happier.

Jennie's POV:
I'm happy to see my family again after so long. I always get to see them only like twice a year and that's only If luck is on my side. Although, I miss my family, friends and Korea sometimes too, I'm happy in America now. Especially since I found love. Dean, my boyfriend, is from Miami officially, but he is studying in the same University as me. Even the subject is same. He's a rapper and producent, but also a very talented singer. His vocals are mesmerizing and I just couldn't help, but to fall for him as I'm a singer too. We did some songs together and he even wrote a song for me. He's amazing, but I'm afraid that my parents won't have the same opinion. Well at least not my father. It's not like he is racist or something, I just don't know How will he react. Since it's holiday, I decided to bring Dean with me. I mean....we are together for 2 years now and maybe even planning to get married after school, so I think It's the right time to take a first step and introduce him to my family.
Now I'm sitting in the plane with the love of my life, praying that they will respect us. 'You think they will like me?' Dean asked as I looked at his nervous state. 'I hope so...don't worry baby.' He nodded and looked outside the window while fiddling with his fingers nervously. Him being the introverted type of person, It's hard for him to open up to people and get to know them. Luck was on my side that he opened up for me. I placed my hand on his to calm him down. 'It's gonna be fine.' I tried to assure him while I myself didn't know what will happen.
After the long flight to Korea, we finally arrived at the airport. People were looking at him weirdly which made me angry and him sad and insecure. We took a cab and drove to my parents house. I could see he was uncomfortable for him as people stared at him all the time. 'Hey, It's okay...they're not judging, hum? They're just curious.' I said as he nodded hesitantly, making me sigh. The mood was already off. Perfect.

Y/N's POV:
We were so excited as Jennie texted us that she'll be there in couple of minutes. I was just preparing the plates for lunch when the doorbell rang. 'Jackson, go and open the door.' He nodded and walked away. Me and Jin prepared everything and walked to the hall. 'Jenni-' I stopped when I saw something very unexpected as I looked at Jin and then at Jackson with a questioning look. 'Hey mom. Hi dad.' She said as she hugged us. 'Hey princess...w-who is that?' Jin asked looking at the guy, not being so impressed. 'Oh...uhm...mom, dad....this is m-my boyfriend Dean. Dean this is mom and dad.' She said as we gasped in shock. 'Annyeonghaseyo. My name is Dean. It's very nice to meet you.' He said and you could tell he was nervous. That boy really tried to impress us. 'Hi Dean, I'm Y/N, Jennie's mom. It's nice to meet you as well. Come on, don't be nervous, alright? We are just surprised as Jennie never talked about you yet.' I said and smiled as he smiled hesitantly. 'Yeah very, very surprised.' Jin said as I gave him a death glare. 'Come on, let's go and eat, hum?' They agreed as they went to wash their hands. 'Will you be staying here or in hotel?' 'Here mom....I-If It's okay?' Jennie said more like asking as she was looking at Jin's emotionless face. 'Of course, It's fine. Go and keep your things in your room than.' She nodded and she and Dean went to her room. 'Jackson go and sit at the table.' I send him away, so I could talk to Jin. I couldn't read his mind now and was getting a little nervous by his behaviour. 'Jin? Are you okay?' I asked as he looked at me. 'I....I don't know. I need some time.' He said and walked away. 'Perfect!' I mumbled to myself as I walked after him. 'At least eat with us. Look Jin...this guy is nervous and trying to proces everything just like you. It would be rude If you behave like this. Let's get to know him first okay? Don't judge a book by It's cover.' I said as I turned him around caressed his cheek, making his expression soft. He never can resist me even when he is angry or upset. He sighed and nodded. 'Fine, I'll try. It's not like I have anything against the guy.....I'm just shocked and...I'm trying to accept it.' I nodded, understanding him as I pecked his lips. 'I know, but the situation is same for all of us. Let's go, you can do it honey. Just be nice, alright?' He nodded as I gave him a kiss. 'What would I do without you?' 'I don't know either to be honest.' I said as he rolled his eyes and kissed me passionately. It was getting a little heated, when we heard someone clearing their throat. We immediately pulled away as I blushed. 'Uh...oh...yeah, let's go eat.' Jin said and walked away with a puzzeled face. I looked at Jennie and Dean as they were smiling. 'Let's go kids.' I said and walked away as well. They all sat down at the table as I served the food. I sat down as well as we started eating. 'Oh...Dean I'm sorry, I hope you like Korean food. If not than I can cook-' 'No, It's okay Mrs. Kim. The food is delicious. Uhm...Jennie taught me enough, you know?' He said as we all laughed except Jin. I looked at him and kicked his foot under the table as he laughed too. 'So How long are you two together?' I asked as Jennie held Dean's hand. 'Uhm...t-two years mom.' She said as my eyes widened. Jin started coughing heavily as he almost choked on his food. 'Honey you okay?!' I asked as I clapped on his back to help him. He nodded 'Water please!' He said as I quickly went for a glass of water. Jennie and Dean looked nervous by Jin's behaviour and I could see that Jennie was upset about it. 'Here.' I gave him the glass of water as he gulped it down. 'So....Dean....what do you do for work?' Jin asked as I could tell that Jennie tensed up. 'I-I'm a music producer and rapper sir.' He said nervously stuttering. I quickly look at Jin and he wasn't okay at all. 'Interesting.' He just said and sighed. I could see How badly he tried to calm himself down and accept him, but everything that Dean said just made the first impression worse. 'If you...If you want to help and get some tips about music and producing, you can ask me and we will tak about it.' Jin said with a slight smile. Dean was shocked, but thanked him and Jennie was also glad. I looked at Jin and smiled at him. 'Oh yeah, that would be nice sir. I actually was listening to BTS when I was young. That was my childhood.' The boy said as Jin's head shot up. Finally something that slightly made Jin hope that Dean isn't a bad guy. 'Really? I'm glad you like our music.' Jin said with a genuine smile. 'So you an army?' 'Yes, sir.' Jin smiled and clapped his hands. 'Look Dean....at first I wasn't really impressed and happy about you being with my daughter to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against you or your skin colour. It was just a shock for me. But you seem like a nice guy and as long as my daughter is happy, I don't have anything against your relationship.' He said as Jennie smiled and went to hug Jin with tears in her eyes. 'Thank you dad. I love you.' Jin pecked her forehead and stroked her hair. 'I love you too. Don't you dare break her heart!' Jin warned as Dean immediately shook his head with fear written all over his face. 'Just kidding, but still don't try it.' Jin said as we laughed.
After the dinner I washed the dishes and we all went to sleep. I was cuddling with Jin while watching a movie. 'I'm so proud of you.' I said as I kissed his cheek and smiled. 'As you should be.' He said laughing as I playfully hit his chest. He hovered above me and kissed me. 'I love you, my lovely wifey. Let's finish what we started earlier, hum?'

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