When you have to share a room with him : him as your ex-enemy (4)

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Kim Seokjin (series: part 4):
Y/N's POV:
The next morning I woke up with Jin still snuggled in my arms. I smiled, but immediately put on my poker face when I realized that this is clearly getting out of control. I sighed and gently tried to push him away, but he just pulled me closer and held me tighter. 'Don't go Y/Naaah...' He whined and yawned which was so cute and I wanted to smile so bad, but I held myself back. 'My whole body hurts...I'm in pain....please stay with me.' He said and hugged me as his head was in the crook of my neck and I could feel him sniffing my scent. 'Fuck! Why are you so cute Kim Seokjin?!' I mentally groaned. 'Ugh...wait here...I'll bring you some painkillers and water!' I groaned and stood up. I came back and made him drink it. 'You should take a shower, you smell alcohol!' I said  and looked at him, being completely disgusted. 'Yeah, yeah dumbo! Shut up and let me sleep for a while!' He whined and held his head as it hurt him. 'Sure, Goodnight Mr. Kim.' I giggled and went to take out my clothes. 'Wait...where are you going?' 'Oh...me and Jennie are going out for breakfast.' I said as he nodded and went to sleep again. 'Y/Naah?' I just hummed. 'Thank you.' He said as my heart skipped a beat. 'Gosh, again Y/N?!' I sighed and went to dress myself.

Time skip:
Me and Jennie were walking around the city center again with a coffee in our hands as we were talking. 'So Y/Naah....since we are finally alone...you can talk to me openly about Jin, you know that right?' I nodded hesitantly. 'So tell me what is going on? I can sense when you're fighting with yourself, so tell me!' She said as I sighed. 'I don't know Jennie. Everything was fine until now when he came to my life again. I thought that I overcame my feelings for him, but I realized that they were just sleeping inside of me and were always ready to wake up and now I feel like it happend. He is driving me crazy and yet he still doesn't show much interest in me like he never did. Maybe If I told him back then that I love him instead of lying....maybe everything would be different, but I can sense that he hates me now. He doesn't want to be too harsh or something, but he clearly doesn't see me the same way. There's something in his behaviour that triggers me and that makes me think 'Damn, you're so stupid Y/N!', but I just can't help it....my feelings for him are stronger than anything...even the hate that I have towards him is disappearing! Sure, what he did years ago hurts me deeply, but my love is stronger I guess....' I finished as I bit my lower bit and tear escaped my eye. 'I'm fighting myself, cause I don't want to trust him and get burned again.' I said and looked down, playing with my fingers. 'Y/Naah! You're both so stupid! Jin literally loves you! The way you both tease each other isn't hate, it isn't disliking either....It's love! You guys have that chemistry that is needed. Jimin told me that yesterday when he was drunk...he was calling your name on repeat and said about hundred times How stupid he is and that his wife 'Y/Niee' is waiting for him...' She laughed as I looked at her in shock. 'I really think that he has feelings for you and about what he did....I think that he didn't do it just like that. Ask him about it and try to talk it out. You guys are too caught up in teasing each other that you can't see the tension between you two. Like the day when you 'accidentaly' fell on him....you guys would literally fuck right there If I didn't come!' She chuckled as I hit her arm and smiled while blushing. 'So what should I do?' I asked and she smirked. 'First try to talk it out with him and than let's see.' She said as I nodded. 'Tonight we will go out for a dinner, so maybe after that?' She suggested as I agreed. We spent the rest of the day laughing and talking about 'girls' things.

Time skip: before the dinner:
Since Jin was helping his friends to choose and outfit, I thought that I could comfortably change in the bedroom and so I undressed myself and took out my dress. The dress was flawless yet simple. It was a satin dress with fluffy sleeves under the shoulder. I looked at myself in the mirror. 'Simple but perfect.' I smiled to myself and put them on. Everything was perfect, but I couldn't zip them up, I was half in the way. I was so frustrated that I didn't even notice Jin standing jist a few steps away. I groaned and shut my eyes close as I was really frustrated and probably on the verge of crying. Suddenly I felt his strong arms wrapped around my waist and I could smell his scent. 'Gosh...this is so addictive!' I mentally whined. His head on my shoulder and his hands massaging my belly. 'J-Jin?' He hummed and kissed my shoulder which made my legs weak. 'Can you...you know...help me with my dress? I can't zip them up.' I said nervously as he chuckled and nodded. He took the zipper, but instead of zipping them up he did the oposite. 'Jin...' I breathed out as I felt his hands inside the dress, roaming around my body. His juicy, plump lips, kissing my neck as I moaned slightly. 'Jin, stop!' I said....I didn't know why, but I wanted to talk things out first. He immediately stopped and zipped them up before backing off and walking away. 'Where are you going?! Why are you doing this to me Jin? Stop being rude and ignoring me and let's talk it out like adults!' I said as he stopped on his tracks and turned to me. 'And what do you want to talk about?' He asked rather annoyed. 'I know my side of the story Jin, but you never told me yours! I know that I didn't tell you either, but you never asked and now I'm asking you, cause obviously...there's this tension and chemistry between us that you can't deny and I just can't keep playing around and get hurt again in the end! So please, let's talk it out...' I said almost crying. 'Fine...but you tell me first! I literally heard you talking to your mom here, saying that you've  never loved Jackson! So you better tell me why did you lie...to me or her it doesn't matter, but explain your side first!' He said as I nodded and we sat down on the bed. 'So....gosh How do I start? Uhm..as you know, Jackson was my friend for a long time as well as you and he knew about my crush on you and he also knew How anxious and nervous I felt about it, cause I was afraid you may found out. And so he told me that If you will ever ask me, I can just say his name. When you asked me I was so nervous, I was fighting with myself on whether I should tell you the truth or not, but I was too afraid to loose you, so I said that my crush is Jackson. After what you did....Jackson eventually confessed to me, but I rejected him, cause even though you broke my heart....my love for you was always stronger than the hate I have towards you for what you did. That's why my mom keeps on telling me to give him a chance, saying that he is a nice guy. I know that he is, but the problem is that I can't give him a chance when I literally love someone else.....' I said looking down as I played with my fingers nervously. I looked at him just to see him staring at me. 'Your turn now...' I said and he nodded. 'First of all...Y/Naah....I'm so sorry. I feel so stupid for what I did. The truth is I'm crazy for you Y/N. I always had a crush on you and secretly loved you, but never had the guts to confess. That day I was ready and so I asked you first to confirm If I really had a chance with you or not, but when you said Jackson....my world broke down into pieces. I don't know...I can't describe it, I felt horrible. That's why I ignored you, cause I needed some time to recover. I was boiling with anger and I just wanted to beat the shit out of him...I wanted some revenge and so I did what I did out of jealousy. I was just a stupid teenager back than, but believe me that I'm truly sorry-' Before he could continue I slapped him. I don't know what got into me, but his words just made me groan in disbelieve. 'You're such an idiot Kim Seokjin! Out of jealousy?! Are you kidding me?!' 'So what?! Do you know How I felt?' He yelled back as he stood up and went to me as he held my wrist. 'And do you know How I felt? I trusted you with my whole life and you just had to break my trust, right?! We could just talk it out Jin! You could've talked to me instead of ruining the best years of my life!' I said crying as I yanked his hand away and ran out of our room. 'How could he be so stupid?!' I thought to myself and quickly wiped my tears before walking to the hall where almost everyone were waiting. 'Where is Jin?' Jimin asked and I had this weird feeling that he sensed that something was wrong. 'You should check on him. He is taking his time..' I said and chuckled, but Jimin knew that something was off.....

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