Chapter 24

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Enjoy! xxx

My eyes widened, "Whippet...what are you doing?"

He swallowed, as if he was trying to gather the courage to speak

"We're young" He began "I know. And we havn't been together for very long. Hell, it hasn't even been a month. But it feels like ive known you all my life. I cannot remember a day where you havn't been here and I hope to never see one"

He reached into his back pocket, exposing a red velvet box.

Tears sprigged behind my eyes

"I brought you here tonight because I know how much you adore this musical"

A small chuckle escaped my lips as a stray tear rolled down my cheek

"When you went back to work I began to unpack a few of your things. To make our home feel a little more..homey. I found your DVD's and I found The Lion King. Unlike the others, it was old and worn out. Like you had been holding onto it your whole life. And suddenly everything made sense. Somehow, that movie got you through times where… where you felt like you wouldn't pull through. And maybe at times you felt like you didn't want to be here anymore"

I bit my lip, another tear escaping

"And maybe, maybe that movie kept you going. And i..i am forever grateful that it did. Because we would not be here right now if it had not. But im getting off track"

He looked up at me, his eyes pouring into mine

"I'm kneeling in front of you now because, because when you know… you know. And when I first saw you on that first day, when you ran into the water and emerged with that boy in your arms. And when you woke up in the tower and I first looked into your eyes.. My heart stopped. It just stopped beating. And for the first time in my life, I had that feeling. You know, like the world is moving all around you, all beneath you, all inside you, and you’re floating. Floating in midair. And the only thing keeping you from drifting away is the other person’s eyes. They’re connected to yours by some invisible physical force, and they hold you fast while the rest of the world swirls and twirls and falls completely away. "

"Whippet…" I breathed

"So" He unclasped the velvet box revealing a ring beyond words. The gold band joined together to hold a ginormous diamond, sparkling as it reflected the light from the street "If you'll have me. I would like to spend the rest of my life making you happy"

Something between a sob and a laugh escaped my mouth and before I knew it I was on ground throwing my arms around him. Tears of happiness wet my cheeks as I pulled back from the embrace.

"Is that a yes?" He asked

I nodded my head, unable to control the smile that was taking over my face "Yes. A million times, yes!"

A tear rolled down his left cheek as he took the ring from the box, his hand shaking. He took my hand in his and as both our hands shook with adrenalin, he slid the ring perfectly onto my finger.

I stared down at it in awe as the diamond seemed to catch every shimmer of light in a 2 mile radius.

He stood up and I lifted my eyes to meet his, my eyes glazing over. And before I knew it, my lips were crashing onto his. Moving in sync with one another. We broke apart, our foreheads resting against eachothers.

"Oh my goodness" I breathed, staring down at the rock sitting upon my finger "I can't believe it.."

"I know" Whippet said "I can't believe you're finally mine"

I looked up from my ring finger and smiled at him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Come on…" He said, taking my hand in his "Let's go home.."

"Sure thing, my fiance" I giggled

He led me down the sidewalk towards our car, I could feel his eyes on me as I kept glancing down and moving my ring finger as it reflected the above street lights.

Whippets POV

Holy shit…

I held Sam's hand as we walked back down the street. I tried to keep my heart beat from beating out of my chest after what I had just done.


She was mine…

Well...not quite yet…

but she would be soon enough

I smiled at the thought of being able to finally call her my wife and I glanced down at her beside me.

Her green eyes kept floating down to where the ring sat upon her delicate little finger. Gently turning it to catch the light.

We finally approached the car and I quickly hopped in front of her to open the door for her. The uncontrollable smile somehow grew bigger as she looked up at me before slipping into the passenger seat.

A small sigh escaped her lips as we moved through the breezy traffic.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked, making a left at the lights

"You" She replied

I turned my head and our eyes met before I returned my focus on the road ahead

"And me"

I smiled and took her hand into mine

Her hand relaxed into mine and I gave her three quick squeezes

She looked down at her hand, then up at me

"What was that?" she asked, a small smile playing on her lips "What does it mean?"

I squeezed her hand once "I"

Another squeeze "Love"

And another "You"

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