Chapter 3

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Whippet's Pov,

I watched from the tower's doorway as the most beautiful girl I have ever seen walked off the beach and up the road.

I watched as her small figure struggled to keep her surfboard balanced under her arm and her bag on her shoulder as she waddled up the road to where I am guessing her apartment was.

Her apartment which she most likely shared with her boyfriend. Her VERY lucky boyfriend.

I mean, how could a girl like that not have a doting boyfriend? Yeah, its pretty impossible if you ask me..

When she was out of sight I turned around and took a deep breath before going back inside. Because I knew that when I got back in there, the boys would be on my back about her.

I walked inside and as if on cue I heard a wolf whistle followed my Maxi's cheeky voice "I think Whippet over here is a little bit whipped if you ask me"

"Yeah, well no one asked you. And you don’t even know what whipped means!" I snapped back giving him a smirk to let him know I was joking. The rest of the boys laughed  as I sat on a chair, swinging it round and pulling myself over to where my half empty water bottle was sitting. I could feel all the boy's eyes on me but I pretended not to notice.

"You like her don’t you?" Mouse said from across the room.


"Mhm" they all said in sync

"Seriously guys, I just met her! Im probably never going to see her again so theres honestly no point!" I replied taking a sip of water.

"Ahh! So you do have a little thing for her!" Harries said smiling over at me

"Im outta here" I said getting up and grabbing my bag swinging it over my shoulder

"Adios lover boy!" I heard Maxi yell from behind me as I shut the door and walked down the stairs.

The sun had almost disappeared behind the horizon as I made the quick walk to my flat. I threw my back pack on the couch as I opened the sliding door that lead out to the veranda that overlooked the beach and the street below.

My eyes kept drifting back over to the hill that Sam, had not so long ago walked up to her supposed apartment…

I sighed as the memories of todays events floated around my head.

She was just mesmerizing..

The way she ran down into the water to rescue that peaceful she looked when she was resting...the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled or laughed.. She honestly was breath taking…I don’t know how to explain it..

But the thing is…

Would I ever see her again?

Sam's Pov,

I struggled to keep my board balanced under my arm as I started to make my way up the hill to my apartment.

I constantly caught myself glancing back down at the tower. I could see the faint movements of the boys inside as they packed up for the day as I continued to trudge up the hill to my apartment.

I threw my bag on the couch and leant my surfboard against the wall. I heard my phone beep but I chose to ignore it. I opened the glass door leading out to my little desk and felt the cool sea breeze blow against me as I leant against the railing.

I took a deep breath.




The sky was now a shade of pinky-orange and the last few surfers were starting to emerge from the surf. The sight of the crashing waves brang my mind back to this afternoons events. I then remembered I hadnt asked Whippet if William had been okay…Then my thoughts suddenly flashed to Whippet… I still couldn’t figure out what it was about him that made butterflies form in my stomach...His eyes were sincere ...and his smile… his cant even explain how it makes you feel…

I caught myself smiling as I recalled every moment I spent with him in my head…

I wondered where he was now…

Most likely at his apartment...with his girlfriend...

I honestly had no idea why I couldn’t stop thinking about him...I just met him...i hardly know him...

And the thing that made a knot form in my stomach was the thought that I would probably never see him again…

New chapter! Soooo sorrry this is so shit!! Ahhh im really sorry! I promise itll get better! Please let me know what you think and if you've got any suggestions about what the "plot" should be or what should happen in this book ( i have no idea) please message me or leave it in the comments!! pppllleeaaasseee! And dont forget to vote and fan!! yay! xxxxxxxxx-S

Rescue Me - Bondi Rescue FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang