Chapter 33

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The sun cast a soft glow across the beach as the waves crashed against the sand in rhythm to my thumping heart. 

 I could hear Melissa's sandals hitting the pavement as she walked slowly behind me, holding the small trail of my dress up.

I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth as we neared the tower, knowing that in a few short moments my eyes would land on my future.

Whippet's POV

I rubbed my sweaty palms on the sides of my board shorts as the sun set slowly behind me. 

Harries, who stood beside me along with the rest of the boys, gently clapped my shoulder "How you feeling?" 

Without taking my eyes off the end of the aisle where the love of my life would soon be walking down, I replied "I've never been more nervous or excited in my life"

He smiled and patted my shoulder a couple of times before returning to his spot beside me.

On my right, Hoppo stood with his arms crossed in front of him. Today, instead of being my boss, Hop was the man who was going to marry us. His eyes looked towards me and smiled, I returned a nervous smile before returning my gaze to the end of the aisle. 

Maxi appeared in front of me and began fixing up my bow tie and jacket. "Tsk tsk, whip... Who taught you to do ties?". I flashed him a nervous smile. The boys and I's attire consisted of our Bondi board shorts, thongs, dress shirt, jacket and a bow tie. The perfect mix of lifeguard character and formality. Hopefully it would gain a little laugh from Sam as she made her way down the aisle. 

I was nudged out of my thoughts by Carters elbow. I looked up and I swear it felt like all the breath had been knocked out of me. 

In that instant, I was taken back to the day and moment I first laid eyes on her. And just like that afternoon on Bondi Beach when I saw her waltz down in her red swimsuit, my breath was taken away.

At the end of that shell lined aisle, stood the most beautiful vision my eyes have ever beheld.

I no longer felt nervous, as just the sight of Sam made me feel instantly calm. 

Melissa gently placed the end of Sam's trail on the sand and moved in front of her and began to walk down the aisle. 

Then Sam began to walk. 

Sam's POV

I could not wipe the smile off my face the instant I saw Whippet and the boys standing at the end of that sandy aisle in their board shorts and dress shirts. And to be really honest, I didn't want to. 

Mel began to walk down the aisle and once she had made it down the end and stood on the opposite side of Whip, I began to make my way down. 

I took in every moment of that walk. Feeling the soft, cool sand beneath my feet, the afternoon sea breeze fluttering against my face and feeling through my hair. I took in how the setting sun cast that soft orange glow across the sand and waves... Everything about this moment...Everything about this evening was more then perfect... It was everything I could ever ask for. And the man who had given it all to me was waiting for me at the end of that aisle and was soon to be my husband. 

I took the last couple of steps, turning to stand in front of him. I looked up at the boys and they all had beautiful big smiles plastered across their faces. Then I looked at Whippet. My heart jumped. Tears were glossing his eyes and a few had managed to escape down his pink cheeks. 

Tears pricked my own eyes and I raised my hand and placed my palm on his cheek, I smiled as I brushed away his tear. He placed his hand over mine. "You look so beautiful" he whispered. 

I bit my lip, trying to keep the tears back. He lowered my palm from his face and held it in his hand. He then turned to Hop. 

I looked at Hoppo and he gave a little nod. He then began to speak. 

20 minutes into the ceremony, and Whippet still had a strong grip on my hand. He made small circles with his hand as Hoppo announced it was time for the vows.

Whippets voice filled the air 

"Sam... Everyday since I met you on that warm Saturday afternoon I have been thankful for your presence in my life. For your smile and your laugh. For your frown,your tears and your passion. And especially for your love. We have been through a lot since the day you pulled that boy out of the water. So I would like to remind you and promise you one more thing.

I am here. I will always be here. I will never leave you, I will never let you down. Sam, my love for you will not falter, it will not diminish. I am stronger then any obstacle we could ever and will ever face and nothing will ever exhaust me. 

There was no possible way I could keep the tears from falling after Whippet spoke his vows. "It's okay baby..." He whispered squeezing my hand. I nodded my head, biting my lip "I know... I'm just so happy" I laughed, blinking back the tears. 

I took a moment. 

I glanced over at the boys. They all either had a ginormous smile on their lips or surprisingly, were pushing back tears. My eyes returned to Whippets. His eyes poured into mine.

I took a deep breath

"Before I met you, I had no purpose. My life had no meaning. I was lost. That day I walked onto Bondi, I was lost" 

I clenched my eyes shut, trying to stop the tears from falling. I shook my head and looked back up at Whippet. He squeezed my hands. 

"And then.... I met you" 

I smiled and a smile grew on his face too, his eyes twinkling. 

"And you caught me when I fell. You comforted me when I upset. You stayed with me, you pursued me, you cared for me... You loved me. And then, when I woke up in the hospital that day and you weren't there and I thought I had lost you....i realised that I had found it... I had found my purpose..." 

I took a deep breath, tears falling freely down my cheeks. 

"My purpose in life is you, Ryan Clark... I was put on this earth to find you and exist with you. On that salty afternoon.... you found me. I was lost... and... and you found me. And I will live the rest of my life proving how grateful I am for you.... I will live the rest of my life loving you" 

Whippet shook his head, "I love you so goddamn much" 

I smiled through my tears as he did his best to wipe them away with his thumbs. With tears in his eyes, Hoppo cleared his throat. "It's time for the rings" 

Chappo stepped forward with the beautiful gold wedding bands. Whippet picked up his ring and took my left hand in his "Whippet, do you take Sam to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Hoppo asked, his voice soft and full of meaning 

Whippets beautiful green eyes stared deeply into my own. He smiled "I do" 

Salty tears fell down my cheeks once more as Whip slid the perfect ring onto my finger. I smiled up at him, unable to contain my happiness 

Hoppo spoke again as Chappo moved towards me with Whips wedding band. "Sam, do you take Whippet to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

I smiled 

"I do"  

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