Chapter 38

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"Whats going on? Where are we?"

I giggled as I heard a car door shut and Whippets feet quickly patter around to my side of the car. My passenger door opened and Whippets warm hand found mine, steadily leading me up out of my seat.

"You'll see" He replied, I could hear the smile in his voice "Are you warm enough?" He quickly asked, pulling my coat tighter around me as a chilly gust of wind blew past us.

I nodded my head

He took a deep breath and exhaled

He was making me nervous, "Whip, what is going on?"

"Come on"

He then began to slowly lead the way, as he held tightly onto one hand as his other was wrapped steadily around my waist.

"Okay, be careful, there is a step here"


"Okay, okay we are here"

I laughed through my smile, shaking my head slightly. My world was still black.

I placed one hand on my growing belly. Not long to go now.

"Okay, stay here and don't move okay" He ordered, removing his firm grasp and disappearing

I remained alone. A smile still plastered across my face

There were a few quiet moments before Whippets voice reappeared out of the darkness. He took a deep breath, "Okay, you can take off your mask"

I slowly untied the blind fold. It loosened and fell into my hands.

It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight. But when they did, I gasped, my hands instantly flying to my mouth.

What stood before me was a house. With a big red 'SOLD' sign, staked into the ground beside the white letter box.

My eyes glazed over as my eyes drifted across the front exterior of the house. The grass was the most perfect shade of green. A small footpath that I currently stood on, led up to the front steps of the veranda which looked to wrap around the entire house.

And then something else caught my attention. All of the boys began to appear from the side of the house, all holding gifts and balloons and a cliché, cheesey homemade banner reading "Welcome Home". Whippet moved towards me, his smile never faltering.

"Are you serious? Is this... Is this-"

"Our home?" He smiled "Yes it is"

A tear fell down my cheek in happiness as I enveloped him in a hug. He hugged me tighter as I looked up at my beautiful new home and the boys who all wore excited smiles

And then I realised something.

I realised that no matter where you come from, no matter your circumstances or your past. If you just hold on. Hold on a little longer and keep true to yourself and the belief that one day everything will be okay. That the storm will pass and you will be able to breath again. If you believe that you will be okay.

You will be okay.

Because in life, nothing is ever thrown at you that you can not handle. That you can not conquer. And I am living proof of this terrifying yet beautiful fact.

Nothing is infinite. Please remember that.

And also remember that people will come and go in your life. But the ones that stay?

Believe in them. Love them. And they will do the same in return.

They will rescue you.

Because these boys. These wacky yet beautiful boys who stood before me,

They sure as hell, rescued me.


Here you are my beautiful readers, the final chapter of the wonderful adventure known as Rescue Me. 

I really want to thank each and every one of you for joining me and believing in this story. 

For continuing to read my work even though there would sometimes be months between updates.. You have no idea how thankful i am for you all and for your infinite support.

I really hope you enjoyed the final chapter and that it was everything you hoped it to be! 

I will be starting a new story on my account shortly after i post this so i hope you find the time to jump on and sus it out! It will be called "A Royal Secret"! So keep an eye out :)

Thank you, again my darlings! I am grateful for all of you!

And no matter what, always remember that you are enough. You are so enough. It is unbelieveable how enough you are!

Love always, Sara xxx

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