Chapter 8

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Whippets Pov,

There was a loud banging on the door "Whippet! Whippet please open the door!"

I jumped up from the couch and sprinted for the door opening it to see an out of breath Sam, her hair all over the place wearing a grey jumper and silk pyjama pants. God she looked beautiful.

She practically ran inside. She was shaking and breathing heavily "What happened?" I asked, concern filling my voice as I shut the door behind me.

"I..there was" she panted "this man" pointing to the door "he..he was following me" Tears formed in her eyes " so I ran". 

She would have collapsed on the floor if I hadn't have caught her. I held her close to me and she cried into my chest. "Its okay shh, your safe here. It's okay, he's not going to hurt you okay. Everythings going to be okay" I tried to hush her but she just continued to cry, clutching onto my shirt. I brought her down softly to the floor, still in my arms. God this girl had been through so much in the last 24 hours.

We sat like that for a while. Maybe half an hour or so. She had stopped crying a short while ago but she just continued to hold onto me. I have to admit, I didn't really want to let go. This. This was good.

But soon enough she pulled away. She sniffed and wiped under her eyes "Sorry" she said, I gave her an understanding look. She looked down at my shirt "I kinda..soaked your shirt" she said pointing to my shirt. I looked down and shrugged "Its okay, I don’t mind. At least I don't have to have a shower now" I replied smirking. She giggled and shook her head.

I smiled at her as she looked up at me. Our eyes locked for a small moment before she looked away and began to stand up and I did the same. She looked around the apartment "You have a lovely apartment" she observed. "Thank you".

She continued to look around until her eyes drifted over to the glass doors leading out the balcony, she gave a little gasp and she began to walk towards it. Sliding the doors open, I watched as the cool night air blew through her hair and she stepped outside. I watched, unable to control the butterflys that fluttered around inside of me. Yes, guys get butterfly's too. I walked out the door and joined her. She was leaning against the railing, the wind pushing her hair out of her face as she admired the view. "It's beautiful" She said looking over at me. I locked eyes with her once again "Yes, yes it is" I replied still not breaking eye contact with her.  A small blush crept across her cheeks as she smiled and turned to look back at the view.

I'm not entirely sure how long we were out there for, just staring off into the distance. Every now and then we'd point something out to each other, like a couple of drunks who stumbled along the beach and a fight that was beginning to break out down by the pub but was luckily stopped by one of the security guys. We continued to watch as the waves broke against the shore and the full moon reflected off the water.

Sam gave a yawn and I looked over to her "Ready for bed?" I asked, she nodded her head. I opened the door for her and she walked inside with me close behind her. She picked up her keys off the floor and the piece of paper with my address on it "Did you want a shower?" I asked. She shook her head "No thank you, I had one earlier". I nodded my head "Okay..well" I started walking towards the bedroom and she followed "You can sleep in here, there is a bathroom ad toilet in here" I said turning on the light to the ensuite to show her "And if you get thirsty or hungry or anything the kitchen is just there as you might already know. Help yourself to anything that takes your fancy". She nodded her head but stopped "Wait...i'm not sleeping in here am i?" She said, I didn’t say anything. "No, I can't sleep in your bed. I can't" She said starting to walk out of the room. "Sssaamm" I said stepping in front of her, she looked up at me. "You are sleeping in here" I playfully scolded "But-" she began "No buts, you are sleeping in here that’s final" I said. She sighed dramatically and huffed. I smiled, proud of myself "Good night Sam" I said turning around "Nighty night" She replied. I made my way to the couch and started arranging it for the night "Hey Whippet?" I looked up and saw Sam standing in the doorway to the bedroom "Yeah?". "Thank you...for tonight.." She said shyly "And today" she added. "Your very welcome" I replied smiling. She smiled back and chuckled slightly before turning around and then quickly back at me "Good night" she wished for the 2nd time tonight. "Night" I wished back as she gave me one of her beautiful smiles before closing the door to the bedroom. I exhaled and smiled to myself before slumping down on the couch, adjusting the pillow to my liking. I was still wearing my tear soaked t-shirt but I didn't mind and I was honestly too exhausted to change, not to mention my clothes were in the bedroom where Sam was now sleeping. The smile continued to play on my lips as I closed my heavy eyes and very quickly, fell into a well needed sleep.

Sam's Pov,

I woke with a jump as a crashing noise ran throughout the room. I sat up, my eyes adjusting to the light. It took me a while for yesterdays and last nights events came flooding back, a shiver ran down my spin and rubbed my arms. I whipped off the covers and my feet came in contact with the fuzzy carpet I tip toed over to the door and quietly opened it, curious of what that noise was. I giggled quietly to myself as I watched a frazzled Whippet quickly sweeped up what looked like a broken plate and put it in the bin. He chucked the broom and dust pan in a cupboard and quickly shut it, he turned around and huffed in relief before looking up and noticing me standing in the doorway. I smile instantly formed across his lips "Good morning! I made breakfast!" He exclaimed pointing at the plate of food nicely presented that sat at the breakfast bar. I smiled, "Good morning" I said walking over to towards the kitchen. "How'd you sleep?" He asked pouring coffee into a mug "Very well thank you. How was the couch?" I replied taking a bite of toast "Best sleep ever!!" He exclaimed setting the coffee in front of me. "I still feel terrible for sleeping in your bed and you having to sleep on the couch" I said quietly "Don't sweat it! It's perfectly fine" He said flashing me a pearly white smile. God he had a beautiful smile. I blushed shyly and smiled before finishing off my toast and turning the stool so I was looking out towards the balcony where Bondi beach was in clear view "It's a beautiful day, what time do we have to be down there?" I asked bringing the mug up to my mouth "Uhh" he said checking his watch and holding a piece of toast in his mouth "It's 6:30 and we have to be down there at 6:45 to start setting up at 7" He mumbled and bit down on the toast. "Okay, I better go if im going to make it there on time. I didn't bring my uniform with me, which probably wasn't a very smart idea on my part" I smirked jumping down from the chair "Hang on, let me grab my keys. I'll drive you" He said grabbing for his wallet and keys "Thanks" I replied quickly running into his room and grabbing the keys to my apartment and meeting him at the door.

"I'll be right back" I said shutting the passenger door and running to my apartment. I raced for the bedroom and grabbed  for my uniform and bikini's. I looked up at the clock 6:55 "shit" I cursed quietly running back out the door and shutting it behind me. Lucky we practically live on the beach. I jumped back in the car and Whippet gave me a odd look "What?" I asked "Your still in your pyjamas" he pointed out. "Oh.." I said mentally face palming myself "It's okay, just get dressed in the tower" He said putting the car in drive "What!" I exclaimed "I can't walk onto the beach and turn up at the tower in pink pyjamas!" Whippet smirked "And why not?" "Because people will see me! The guys will see me!" I said  motioning with her hands. We pulled up out the front of the pavilion "Quick get out of the car!" "What?" He said turning off the car and giving me a quizzical look. "I'm going to get changed in here, so you need to hop out!" I stated. He laughed and began to get out of the car "Out!" I said playfully waking him on the arm to get me out of the car "Keep watch! Don't look!" I demanded pointing at me. He continued to laugh and stood guard.  I threw off my pj's and chucked on my bikini's and uniform making sure that no one was watching and Whippet was keeping quard "Hey nothing to see here" I heard him say to a group of guys walking past "Keep walking, keep walking" He continued staring them down as they made their way up the pathway giving him weird looks. I giggled and opened the door, getting out of the car. He turned at the sound of the door opening "All good?" He asked, I nodded my head "Yep, all good". He smiled and we began to walk down towards the tower. "There were a few quys trying to have a peek but I told them there was nothing to see and to keep on walking" he said smiling down at me, I threw my head back in laughter as we continued to make our way to the tower.

Hope you liked it! Let me know what you think! And please don't forget to to vote, comment and fan!! And it would be fabulous if you could check out my Jesse fanfic called My Brothers Keeper and let me know what you think! Thank you! xx-S 

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