Chapter 34

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Whippets smile mirrored my own as those two words left my lips.

"I do"

Hell yes I do!

With a giant smile Hoppo finished the ceremony "And now, Whip, you may kiss your bride"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he leant in. His lips met mine.

Our first kiss as husband and wife.

The boys cheered and clapped loudly in the background.

We pulled away and leant our foreheads against each others. He gave me a quick kiss on the nose and then laced his fingers with mine.

He turned and gave a little cheer with the boys.

Whip then turned and shook Hoppo's hand, earning a clap on the shoulder. I then wrapped my arms around, Hop "thank you". He gave me a swift kiss on the cheek "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else". I smiled before feeling Mel's hand on my shoulder. I turned around before embracing her in my shaky arms.

"Awww" she gave me a squeeze before pulling away. Her eyes were still a little glassy, but she wore a smile.

I have a little giddy dance, bouncing a little. Mel laughed and nodded her head.

She understood the feeling.

Before I could think about turning around I was embraced by about 12 pairs of arms. "Ahhh" I squealed, laughing. The boys continued to cheer, fist pump and celebrate while each giving me a kiss on the cheek.

The familiar tingly spark of Whippets touch found me as I was reunited with my husband. He reached for me through the crowd of lifeguard bodies and took my hand. He smiled down at me and i gave him a big joyful smile. 

He opened his mouth to say something just as e a ginormous cheer and sound of running feet erupted from behind us. We turned around and both fell into laughter.

The sight that held before us was the entire Waverley Council Lifeguard team racing down to the water in their board shorts and formal shirts.

Whippet held me, his cheeks turning pink from laughter and happiness as we watched Jesse tackle Maxi into an oncoming wave while Harries pretended to be a mermaid in the shallow water.

My eyes drifted up to Whip, wanting to take in every inch and aspect of that moment. His smile, his twinkling eyes in the late afternoon light and his pink, flushed cheeks. My eyes then drifted down to his left hand. The gold band on his finger caught the afternoon light and I found myself brushing my own finger lightly over it.

Whippet must have felt my intimate touch as I felt his eyes glance down at me before hugging me tighter to his side.

We watched the boys muck around and joke in the water for a couple more minutes before they returned to the shore and back up at the beach to watch Whippet and I make our exit as a newly married couple.

"Are you ready, my love?" Whip asked, looking down at me as we stood at the top of aisle.

I nodded my head "I've never been more ready in my life"

With the boys and Mel and Carter cheering and celebrating in the background, we began the walk that would begin the rest of our lives.

Whippets POV,

After reaching the end of the aisle and walking back onto the concrete promenade, we turned and gave a quick wave to the wonderful people watching us from the beach. Whip and I then began to walk back to the Volks Wagon that I arrived in. It was surreal to think that I arrived in this car Whip's fiancé and was leaving his wife.

Sam Clark.

I liked it.

The 2 minute walk was made in content silence as we basked in each others presence and the event that just took place.

He opened the door to the passenger side and gave me his hand to help me in before making sure my dress was all In before closing the door and jogging around to the drivers side.
As he started the engine and backed out of the vacant car park he intertwined his fingers with mine, shaking his head he spoke softly "I can't believe you're my wife"

I looked over and smiled at him

"The moment I watched you waddle up that path with your surfboard that afternoon" he nodded towards the hill I trekked up the first day we met  "I knew that we would end up here somehow.... But damn.... I never thought I would feel this happy... "

Still smiling, I laughed a little and squeezed his hand as we neared our home.

Arms wrapped around my waist and pressing sweet kisses on my cheek and neck, we made it to the front door of our apartment. He pushed the key into the lock and opened the door.

With his hands still on my hips I stopped suddenly at the sight in front of me, causing Whip to lightly crash into me.

I pointed to the three fully packed suitcases sitting in the middle of the living room

"What is that?" I asked, my eyes wide

"Why don't you go find out?" He whispered in my ear

I looked at him and he nodded towards the cases where a yellow envelope sat neatly on top.

I looked back towards the display and moved slowly towards it. Picking up the envelope, I looked back at Whip who was still standing at the door wearing the biggest grin.

I looked back down at the envelope and began carefully peeling. Whippet began to speak as I took out the contents

"The wedding was so sudden and unexpected that we didn't really get time to plan a honeymoon..."

My hand flew to my mouth, as for the hundredth time today, tears glossed my eyes. I looked up at Whip, his smile never faltering

"So I planned one for us..."

My hands shook as I read the small pieces of paper.... Or should I say, tickets

To: Verona , Italy

From: Sydney

"You're did you... When... How...I..."

Whippet moved towards me "Apart from The Lion King, do you know what other movie was the most loved and watched in your collection?"

I shook my head in disbelief as he wrapped his arms around me

"Letters to Juliet...."

I small little happy sob escaped as I wrapped my arms around him before pressing my lips to his.

"Don't cry, love.... Our adventure is only beginning"

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