Chapter 11

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Whippet's Pov,

"Here let me help you" I said jogging down to where Sam was struggling to carry the flags back up from the beach.

"Thanks" she smiled, following me as I placed the flags in their usual off duty spot. I helped her pull down the roller doors as we finished off for the day.

I had been with Sam all day down at backpackers. And I was still trying to figure out if she meant what she said earlier...Us forgetting about what happened last night. 

"Ugh im so exhausted" She groaned as we trudged up the stairs

I gave a slight laugh as we grabbed our bags from the lockers

"Everyone must have already headed off" I said looking around at the empty tower

"Must have" she commented zipping up her bag

I grabbed the keys off the hook and we headed out the door

"So" I started "What are your plans for the evening?"

"Umm" She contemplated as I shut and locked the door on the way out of the tower "I think I might just head home and have dinner..Ive got to catch up on Game of Thrones" She said smiling "Im so excited for the 4th season" She beamed doing a little giddy dance before we walked down the stairs.

I smiled and shook my head in amusement

"What about you?" She asked as we continued to make our way up to the pavilion

"I have a date"

Her head instantly rose and her eyes met mine; was that a tinge of jealousy I saw flash in her eyes?


"Yeah" I replied "With my pillow" I quickly added

A smile danced across her face and she gave me a little nudge.

Soon we reached the road and it was time for us to head our separate ways.

"Well" She said turning to face me "I guess I will see you tomorrow"

"I guess you will" I agreed

We lingered there for a little while more, non of us saying a word.

"Have fun on your date" She smirked as she began turning around, giving me a little wave

"Oh I will" I replied winking

"Bye" she laughed

I watched her make her way up the pathway to her house. I watched as she picked up her pace and kept turning her head in caution watching the people around her as she walked by the nightclubs and old pervert men's eyes racked her body.

I wish I could make her feel safe. I wish I could tell her how I really felt towards her and that she needn't worry anymore. I just wanted to be with her and for her to want to be with me.

But I knew. I knew that I couldn't do that. Our conversation from today meant that a line had been drawn. We were just friends. That 'almost' kiss was a mistake and we were just friends.

Sam's Pov,

When I knew I was out of Whippet's site I picked up my pace and soon began jogging home. I tried to act as casual as possible and tried to make it look like I was just going for an afternoon jog but on the inside my imagination was playing all these scenarios that do not end as a happily ever after.

With my heart pounding against my chest and my breaths quick and short I reached my apartment and locked the door behind me. Leaning against the closed door I stopped and caught my breath.

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