Chapter 9

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Whippet's Pov,

She smiled up at me and I swear nothing could stop the butterfly's from fluttering around my stomach as we made our way down to the tower. I opened the door for her and walked into the tower. Maxi, Hoppo,  Dunno,Gonzo,  Azza, Harries and Jesse were chilling waiting for the soon to arrive beach comers. "Hey guys!" Sam said smiling as she hopped up the steps and hugged each of the boys. I smiled, admiring her until I saw Maxi raising and eyebrow and smirking at me which made me snap out of it and give him a death stare. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the mini fridge and watched as people started to flock to the beach. "Alright guys, Dunno and Azza I want you two down the south end, Sam and Jesse I want you at the flags, Whip and Maxi down at backpackers and Gonzo and Harries can stay in the tower" Hoppo announced. We all nodded our heads and started to walk out of the tower. I watched as Sam and Jesse walked towards the bird cage wishing I was patrolling with her not Jesse. "You coming mate?" I heard Maxi holler, I turned around "Yeah" I said jumping in the Rhino. "So, you and Sam eh?" He said smirking "What are you talking about?" "You came to work with her today, you got out of the car with her, we all saw it mate" Maxi smirked looking over at me. I rolled my eyes and he nudged me before we parked the Rhino and watched the water.

By the time it was time to pack up for the day I had performed 26 rescues alone. Backpackers never seems to disappoint.. Maxi and I packed up the Rhino as Sam and Jesse were bringing in the flags. Sam smiled towards me as I helped her put the flags away. I pulled down the roller door and we all headed back up the tower. Azza and Gonzo were the only ones left as they packed up for the day. "Where are the others?" Sam asked as she noticed the rest of the boys weren't there "They left a while ago" Gonzo replied "Oh". "Yeah, we were all going to go down to the The Icebergs tonight" Gonzo continued "And your coming too" "Oh am i?" She replied smirking "Yes, yes you are. Your one of us now and we are gonna celebrate!" He chanted. She threw her head back I laughter and nodded her head "Okay then. What time?" "7:30" Gonzo stated "Okly dokly, I shall see you all at The Icebergs at 7:30" She approved before grabbing her bag and saying goodbye. I heard the door close soon after.

The boys and I all went our separate ways about 15 minutes after Sam left the tower. I walked up to where I had parked the car this morning at the pavilion, throwing my bad on the passenger seat and hopping in. Not even 2 minutes had passed and I was already pulling into the driveway of my apartment block. It was around 6:45 when I finally got upstairs and inside the apartment. I had 45 minutes until I had to be at The Icebergs. I was really looking forward to tonight. It wil be the first time we will have spent time together outside work and outside of me saving her from creepy stalkerish guys that seem to be everywhere she went. I jumped straight in the shower to rinse off the salt water from my body. I wrapped a towel around my waist and wandered over to my wardrobe to get some clothes. I chucked on a pair of shorts and t shirt before giving my hair a little shake to help kick start the drying process. As I walked into the kitchen I took a quick glance at the clock seeing that I still had 30 minutes until I had to be there. I grabbed a beer and slide open the doors that led out to the balcony. I leant against the railing and took a sip of beer, the sun was just starting to set and was reflecting off the calm water. A few couple were walking the beach along with a few joggers. My eyes drifted to the hill where Sam's apartment was. I wondered what she was doing right this minute.

Sam's Pov,

After walking back home from the tower I quickly jumped in the shower to wash my hair and scrub off the salt from my body. I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body and waddled over to my wardrobe to pick out an outfit for tonight. I stood there for a good 3 minutes until I start flicking through my outfits "Nope, no, nope, nop-yes" I pulled out a black shift dress that still had the tag attached to it. I ripped it off and laid it on the bed before walking into the bathroom and starting on my hair and makeup. I decided to straighten my hair and apply a small amount of makeup consisting of a little foundation to cover up the dark spots, a little power, blush and one or two coats of mascara. I then walked back into the bedroom and slid on the dress before walking back over to the wardrobe and picking out a pair of black heels.

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