Chapter 21

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"Where’s your car?" I asked, my eyes scanning the car park for Whippet's black Jeep.

He didn't say anything and continued walking towards my car I had driven here "Please tell me you didn't walk here" I accused, catching up to him

He turned to me as he reached the passenger side of the car and I, the drivers side. He looked over the top of the car with a guilty look on his face "it's only like a 4 minute walk" he defended

I rolled my eyes "Whip, you just got out of hospital…. I just…" I groaned In frustration, running my fingers through my still damp hair "Just get in the car"

I opened the car door and slid Inside, Whip hopping in just after. I turned on the ignition and began the short drive home.

The short drive and trek up the stairs to the apartment were quiet as Whippet led us into the apartment.

"Im gonna jump in the shower" I announced heading straight for the ensuite

I exhaled dramatically as the warm water began to wash over my exhausted body, soothing my tired muscles.

I squirted coconut and shea butter shower gel onto the little beige puffer and began soaping my sore and sun stroked skin. I cleansed my face, wanting to get rid of the greasy day-long sunscreen and ran my fingers through my hair one last time before turning off the faucet and stepping out of the steaming shower.

Wrapping the towel around my body and I stepped out of the ensuite into the bedroom. The apartment was quiet. I sighed before walking over to the bed and pulling out my pyjamas from under the pillow and slipping into them.

Rubbing the towel over the hair to dry it a little, I walked back into the bathroom and hung it up on the rack. I heard the TV playing downstairs and realised Whippet must be watching it. I sighed, turning towards the bed knowing I wasn't in the mood to talk right now. Pulling the overs back I slid into the cool sheets, resting my head on the pillow.

I don’t know how long it was until I began drifting off.

But you know when you are like, asleep but you can still here things going on around you. So you are, like, half asleep.

Well, just as I was about to enter complete unconsciousness I heard the bedroom door creak open and the left hand side of the bed sink.

My eyes sprung open, alarm rippling through me before a hand snaked around my waist pulling my in. Realising it was only Whippet, I relaxed. His breath tickled the back of my neck before his voice broke the night silence.

"I'm sorry"

I sighed

"I'm sorry I came into work when you told me not to leave the house"

I flipped over so I was facing him "Im not's just.." I exhaled "You got hurt because of me. You got hurt fighting my  demons. And I don’t want that to every happen again. I don’t want you to hurt"

Whippets eyes softened and he pushed a strand of hair out of my eyes, just like he did in the hospital before we kissed for the first time. "You don’t have to protect me" He whispered "That’s my job. I protect you"

I small smile creeped across my lips as my cheek fell against his palm. He pressed his lips to my forehead before wrapping his arms around me. I nuzzled my head into his chest as his grip around me remained strong. I  closed my eyes, my lashes fluttering against his Heineken T-shirt.


I woke in the same position as I had fell asleep. My head against Whippet's chest and his arms wrapped around me, keeping me close. I wiggled my legs, realizing my foot had gone numb during the night. The resulted in Whippet to stir and his eyes slowly opened.

"Good morning" I whispered bopping him on the nose with my finger

He smiled groggily "good morning to you too"

I rolled out of his embrace and lifted my head to look at the alarm clock sitting on his side of the bed "I have to be at work in 40 minutes" I pointed out falling back onto the bed

It was quiet as both of us lay there wanting to just sleep forever, staring at the ceiling. Whippet's side of the bed creaked "Alrighty, come on. Ill get breakfast ready and you go jump in the shower"

Groaning like a 5 year old, I rolled off the bed and trudged into the shower as Whippet made his way downstairs.

I continued my morning routine of washing my hair and cleansing my face and body before jumping out of the steaming shower. I wrapped a towel around my body before turning on the ventulation fan and stepping back into the bedroom.

I slipped into my uniform before wrapping the towel around my hair and heading down stairs. The smell of raisin toast and coffee filled my nose as I rounded the corner into the kitchen to see Whip spreading butter onto two pieces of toast. He looked up as I planted myself onto a stool. He glanced up at the towel on my head and pushed the plate of toast and a mug of coffee towards me "that’s attractive" he teased, licking some butter off his finger.

I poked my tongue at him before  biting into the warm toast.

He poured himself a cup of coffee as I took a sip of mine.

"So, what are you gonna do today?" I asked

He shrugged, taking another sip of his coffee 'I was thinking about driving into the city and grabbing a few things"

I nodded my head

"Do you want anything?" He asked

I shook my head "Im good. But if you want you can drive me to work"

He smiled and nodded his head before setting down his coffee "Give me a couple of minutes to get dressed and we can go"

"Okay" I replied as I watched him disappear upstairs. I chowed down the rest of my breakfast before throwing my almost dry hair into a bun and making sure I had everything ready for the day ahead.

Hey there lovelies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Rescue Me! Sorry its taking me so long to update. Im having major writers block with this book! Hopefully you will enjoy this chapter though! Mwah! Have a fabulous day xx -Sara 

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