Chapter 4

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Whippet's Pov,

I trudged up the stairs and into the tower. It was 7:30 in the morning and I was half an hour late. 

I threw my bag in the corner and pulled off my t-shirt and replaced it with my blue Waverly Council lifeguard shirt.

"Oi, where you been?"  I heard Hoppo's voice boom from above me

I turned around and made my way past him and up to the front of the tower.

"Well?" I heard his voice follow me

"I slept in" I said, lying of course

"uhuh" He said staring me down

I ignored his stare and started examining the beach.

"Well, you better get your shit together because its gonna be another hot one and the beach is gonna be packed. And we don’t want another incident like yesterdays" Hoppo lectured

"yeah okay" I said picking up the binoculars

I heard the door slam and I watched as Hoppo walked down the stairs and got on the Rhino and headed down to the south end of the beach.

"Is it because of that girl from yesterday?" I heard Jesse ask

"Is what because of her?" I asked spinning my chair towards him

"You being late, and the reason why your so gloomy this morning"

I didn’t say anything, I just stared at him.

A smile formed on his face, taking my silence as a yes.

An uncontrollable smiled formed across me face and I I blushed slighty "go away" I said turning away from him.

He chuckled slightly and patted my back.

I sighed as I turned back so I was looking out over the water and at the beach below. And even though I was focusing on what was happening down at the beach, Skylar always seemed to find her way into my thoughts and every time she did so, butterflies formed in my stomach and my heat started to race.


The day seemed to drag on as I performed rescue after rescue. I tried my best to get back into Hoppo's good books but I hadn't seen him all day, well, apart from this morning when he lectured me on staying focused.

It was about 6:45 when we all started to pack up for the day. The last few swimmers were emerging from the water and the sun was starting to go down as the sky started to turn orange.

After shutting the doors from underneath the tower, I walked back up the stairs to grab my bag and head home for the day. I walked inside to see the boys chilling and drinking a couple of beers before knocking off.

"Hey where's Hop?" I asked them

"Uhh, he's back at the Pavilion talking to some new trainee lifeguard that’s starting tomorrow" Chappo said winking at the rest of the boys

I rose an eyebrow at them and then shrugged my shoulders. I was too exhausted to go over and apologise to Hoppo today, ill speak to him tomorrow.

"Alrighty, well im gonna go" I said as I swung my back pack on my shoulder.

"cya" they all said in sync as I walked out the door and back down the stairs and off the beach.

I was walking along the pathway near the pavilion when I saw her. She was a few metres ahead of me.

Should I call her name? Should I go talk to her?

I thought about what I should do or if I should do anything, and finally decided on casually approaching her but when I looked back up at her she was no where to be seen. I stopped walking and looked around but she was gone.


Maybe it just wasnt meant to be...

Hey Heyy! new chapter! I know it is sooooo bad! Im sorry! Promise it will get better!! Im just warming up ;) Let me know what you think! And dont forget to comment and vote!!


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