Chapter 18

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It's a short one, i know but you guys have been so nice with your comments and i wanted to give you something! I hope you like it! And i promise the future chapters will be longer! Mwah! Let me know what you think xxx-S

"No" I breathed, my eyes darting from the one boy to the next, searching for some response or explanation.

Reidy opened his mouth to speak

I took a deep breath

"He's in the ICU"


I exhaled in relief and I felt every inch of me relax.

"Is he okay?" I asked

Jesse nodded his head "He should be okay, Azza and Chappo are with him now"

I nodded my head and pulled the itchy hospital blankets off me. My bare feet made contact with the cold floor and my head spun from the sudden movement

"Woah, hey" Hoppo said moving to my side to support me "Where do you think you're going?"


"To see Whippet" I replied as my head started to settle

"I don't think s-"

"No" I interrupted pointing my finger at Hop "Im going to see him"

Hoppo looked a little taken back but I continued to stand.

I began to waddle across the hospital floor, my mind set on one thing and one thing only, seeing Whippet.

I suddenly felt a pull on my arm. I looked down and turned my wrist to see a IV needle taped to the downside of my wrist. I had no time to pull along a plastic bag of drugs so taking the needle in my other hand I pulled out the IV needle.

The boys gave a little gasp and I suddenly felt an arm wrap around my waist "Sam, you really should lie back down. We can take you to Whippet when you're a little stronger"

I shook my head and kept walking. I had to see him.

"That's hard-core" I heart Maxi comment as I turned out of the room and began my trek down the hospital corridors to the Intensive Car Unit.

Almost 20 minutes later and 5 nurses who tried to stop me I finally made it to the ICU. Still sporting my hospital gown and bare feet, with the guys and 2 ICU nurses following behind me, Whippet's room came into sight.

Mentally consolling myself, I took a step into the doorway.

What I saw next, knocked all the breath out of me and I felt tears instantly well in my eyes.

I put my hand against the door frame as I tried to catch my breathe.

Whippet, was lying unconcious in bed. What looked like one hundred wires and tubes entering and exiting his body. His face was bruised and he had one black eye.

"Sam.." I felt Maxi come up behind me "You don't have to do this now. We can come back later"

I shook my head and stepped into the room.

It was cold and a shiver crept up my spine as I inched closer to the bed where Whippet lay.

I had done this. This was all my fault.

I moved closer to the bed, looking down at the mess I had caused.

A chair was seated next to the bed so I steadied myself and sat in the chair.

I sat there for a little while, unsure of what to do next. I had hardly even noticed Azza and Chappo, who were now standing with the rest of the boys, whispering quietly.

I moved forward, closer to the bed. I had my hands awkwardly in front of me, unsure of what to do with them.

Without realising or being concious my actions, my hands found his.

I held on, squeezing tight.

I tried to keep back the tears as they were threatening to fall. "When will he wake up?" I managed to say, not taking my eyes off of him.

"Because we put him into an induced coma, a little while ago we gave him a drug to bring him out of it. He should wake up soon"

I nodded my head "Okay.. thank you"

I'm not too sure when they left, but when I turned around to finally ask what happened there was nobody there.

"Sam?" I heard a small, dry voice croak

I spun my head back around to see Whippet slowly force his eyes open. His grip had grew tighter on mine and I wondered how I hadn't felt it.

"Oh my god" I breathed "Whip? Oh god. How are you feeling?" I asked, trying to hold back tears.

He didn't reply but a little smile formed on his lips "What?" I asked wiping away a stray tear

"I knew it" He barely whispered, still smiling

"Knew what?"

"I knew you'd be here waiting for me"

Rescue Me - Bondi Rescue FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz