Chapter 19

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"I knew you'd be here waiting for me"

I smiled as another tear rolled down my cheek

Whippet lifted his arm and brushed the tear away delicately with his finger

I rested my head in his palm as his thumb rubbed soft circles on my cheek.

I bit my lip, trying to keep the tears from falling.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else"

Suddenly our faces were only inches apart. My heart thumped against my chest as his eyes grazed my lips.


And closer.

And then it happened. The moment that I had waited all this time for. It had finally arrived.

His hands cupped by face as our lips moved in sync.

You how in movies when the main girl and the main guy kiss for the first time after a long awaited plot and she  looks at him because she felt it. She felt the magic. The fireworks. The electricity when their lips first touched.


I felt that magic.

And I smiled.

Whippet pulled back, giving a slight groan in pain.

"Oh god. Are you okay?"

His pain-filled expression was taken over by another one of his beautiful smiles "I'm more than okay"

A small laugh escaped my throat as tears once again, filled my tired eyes.

I stood up from my chair "I'm going to get the doctor, ill be right back"

He nodded, not taking his eyes off of me as I exited the room.

Once I exited the room and was out of Whippet's site, I placed my hand against the cold, sterile hospital wall. I took several deep breaths, inhaling oxygen, exhaling carbon dioxide. And then a smile spread across my face, and for the first time in a very, very long time. I felt okay. Happy.


I turned around to see Hoppo and the other boys walking up the corridor

"Is everything okay? Is Whippet okay?"

"Yeah, yeah he's fine. He's awake" I replied

"I'll go get the doctor" Maxi volunteered spinning around and making his way hastily down the hallway.

Rescue Me - Bondi Rescue FanficWhere stories live. Discover now