Chapter 5

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Whippet's Pov,

I threw the covers off and swung my legs off the bed and sighed

Off to work I go…

It was 6 in the morning and the sun was just coming up. The sound of crashing waves carried throughout of the apartment as I pulled on a singlet and boardies. I ran my fingers through my messy hair and poured coffee into a travel mug and screwed the lid on. I grabbed my backpack and swung it over my shoulder. I grabbed the keys to the apartment off the kitchen bench and locked the door behind me as I walked down the stairs and onto the side walk and started for work.

Sam had none stop been on my mind since yesterday when I had seen her at the pavilion...I just wanted to see her to her...get to know her…

God, I must sound like an absolute freak..

So I continued my way to Bondi.

Deano and Azza were already getting the Rhino and boards out for the day and I gave them a quick wave before jogging up the stairs to the tower. I pushed open the door and threw my bag out the back.

"Mornin Lover boy" Maxi's voice greeted me as I passed him

I punched him in the gut which made him topple over and make an unhuman noise

I smirked as Maxi collapsed to the floor clutching his stomach and started rolling around.

I nodded at the guys "mornin" I said as if I hadnt just punched Maxi

"Morning" they all replied, still watching Maxi with amusement.

"Where's Hop?" I asked sitting on a chair and gliding across to the front bench

All the boys shrugged "He's probably getting the new lifeguard ready" Gonzo said entering the tower.

I slowly nodded my head and turned back to face the beach. Exhaling dramatically, I heard the door to the tower open again "alright, boys I want you to meet our new lifeguard" I heard Hoppo's voice call. I was about to turn around when the phone rang. I leant over and grabbed it "Waverly Council Lifeguard Tower this is Whippet" I answered still starring out at the beach. "Okay, thanks bye" I said hanging up. "Sorry, it was just th-"


Sam's Pov,

"Alright, I reckon its time for you to meet the boys" "Hoppo" my new boss said as he rose from his seat and guided me out the door of his office, out the pavilion and towards the lifeguard tower.

I have to admit...i was a little nervous...i going to be the only girl lifeguard at Bondi not to mention I was going to see Whippet again...just the thought of being able to look into those eyes again made butterflies form in my stomach and forced a blush to creep across my cheeks…

I followed Hoppo across the searing hot pavement until we got onto the sand and started to make our short trek to the tower. I took a deep breath as Hoppo started to open the door. "Alright, boys I want you to meet our new lifeguard" he said as I followed him around the corner until the boys came into view.

"Hi" I said waving at them shyly. I looked around the room. They were all the same boys from the other day. I scanned each of their faces until my eyes landed on him. His back was turned and he was on the phone. My heart started to beat faster and faster.

"Okay, thanks bye" he said hanging up and turning his seat around. "Sorry it was just th-" He stopped mid-sentence as his eyes landed on me.  "Sam"

I smiled weakly. His gaze made more butterflies flutter around my stomach and my legs felt like jelly. We locked eyes for what felt like an eternity until Reidy spoke. "Arnt you the girl from the other day? When you ran into the water to rescue that boy?"

I tore my eyes from his, and turned to Reidy and nodded my head "sure am" I replied.

"And that's why she is here" Hoppo added "She has some real skill when it comes to the water. She knew that she had to ride the rip in and she kept the boy calm. All without a board or someone to assist her" he continued

I blushed a little at Hoppo's comments and looked up to see all the boys staring at me. Maxi sent a wink my way which made me chuckle.

Hoppo finished talking and re-introducing me to everyone. As I had already met them the other day.  "Okay, so how about we show you the ropes eh?" he said turning to me. I nodded my head. "Okay..uhhh" he said glancing at the boys. "Maxi, you take Sam down to the garage and show her all the equipment, then head down to the south end and take over from Deano and Azza"

"Sure thing boss" said Maxi, as he did a little salute to Hoppo and walked past him. I smiled at his childishness and followed him out of the tower.

"So, Sam" Maxi started

"Mmm" I said looking up at him

  "This is where we keep the rhino's and all the gear" he said motioning towards the garage that contained 1 rhino, a few boards and some other rescuing stuff.

I nodded my head

"And that’s pretty much it" he said turning to me. I giggled at him and turned to look out at the beach.

"Have you ever worked as a lifeguard before?" he asked

I shook my head "Nope...well I did nippers when I was younger"

"Well I guess that’s pretty mcuh the same thing" Maxi replied sarcastically.  I smiled at him. "How about we head down to the south end and give the other boys a break yeah?" he asked

I nodded my head "sounds good" and we started walking along the beach to locate the boys who were currently on patrol down at what I believed was called "backpackers rip" or "south Bondi"

And that’s pretty much how my "first" day as a Bondi lifeguard went...I only saw Whippet once after that and that was when Maxi and I went up to grab out stuff for the day. He didn’t make eye contact with me which honestly didn’t make me feel very good...I really wanted to get to know him…

Oh well, ill be seeing him pretty much everyday from now on so I guess that’s a plus...even if he doesn’t want to talk to me...

New update woo! This will be the only update for a while since i am going oversea's! sorry lovelies! hope you like it and let me know what you think!! XX

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