Chapter 20

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Goodness, i am such a terrible person! I am so so sorry for not updating! I have officially completeed grade 11 and ugh, i dont even want to think about grade 12. Im probably going to spend 98% of the time crying hahaha. Anyway! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think! xx-S

A cool whisp of air blew against face

"It's time to wake up" A soft voice cooed

"Mmmm" I groaned, nuzzling my face deeper into the cushioning pillow

Another light blow of air ticked my neck and, still half asleep, I flung out my arm trying to swipe the nuciense

away. My hand came in contact with something, and it flinched back, letting out a small groan.

"Oh shit!" I squeaked, instantly awake. My eyes adjusted to the light to see Whippet sitting on his knees at the end of the bed holding his nose

"Ow" He whined rubbing it, causing it to turn red

I giggled "Sorry"

He smiled, and scrunched up his nose a few times to try and regain feeling in his nose.

"I warned you not to wake me up in the morning" I laughed moving over to him

"Yeah, but I didn't want you to be late for work" He replied, pointing to the digital clock sitting on the bedside table

My eyes widened "Frick! Is that the time!?" I yelled jumping off of the bed "Why didn't you wake me!?"

"Umm...well" Whippet began, an amused look appearing on his face

"Im gonna be late!" I yelled, digging into the hamper to try and retrieve my uniform and togs

Taking hold of them in my fist I retreated back into the bathroom to get changed. There was no time to have a shower so I jumped into my black  one piece and hopped into my uniform. I flung open the door of the unsuit so find Whippet still sitting on the bed, he gave me an amused look.

"Im going to be late and you're just sitting there" I sassed placing a hand on my hip

He cast me one of his beautiful smiles and I felt my insides begin to melt.

God I hate him.

I jogged down the stairs, holding onto the banister as i swung myself around and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed my bag off of the breakfast bar and began shoving my stuff inside. Whippet who had been behind me,  grabbed a travel mug and began pouring hot, rich coffee into it before screwing the lid on

"So I was thinking of asking Hop, if I can come back to work"

I looked up from my phone "I don’t think so"

He groaned like a five year old at my reply "Saaammm"

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