Chapter 15

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I am so so sorry i havnt updated in FOREVER! School was absolute madness and extremely stressful. But now the term is over so i am going to be updating as much as possible! Yay! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Its short, i know but i hope you like non the less. Let me know what you think. Im trying to get the plot moving because i feel like ive been dragging it out too much. 

Also! I have a new story that has a total of 3 chapters published so far. It's called "Look After Her" its just a teen fiction and it would mean alot if you could take the time to check it out :) 


"So how are you going to go about it?" Max asked, taking a swig of his beer

We were currently at my apartment out on the balcony watching Bondi's nightlife come to life.

"That's what I was kind of hoping you'd help me out with" I replied, avoiding his gaze

"That's why you called me over here" He accused giving me a sassy look "Not to watch the game and hang out, but to discuss a game plan for you and Sam"

"No..well..maybe...I mean we are still going to watch the game and whatever but I just need your expertise on the situation"

Maxi huffed before returning his gaze back out to the view of Bondi. A few moments passed "Hmm" Maxi hummed, I raised my eyebrow at him "Okay" He chirped turning to me "How about this. Are you ready?"


"How about you go to her house"

"Im listening"

"And you knock on her door"




"You tell her you love her"

I groaned in frustration "Maxi"

"What?" He asked 'I thought it was a good idea"

I rolled my eyes and turned around to go back inside "No but seriously Max" I placed my beer down on the kitchen bench "What am I going to do?"

"Exactly what I just said before"

"I can't just turn up to her house and be like 'oh hey nice furnishings, by the way I am in love with you'"

"Sure you can"

I gave him a look before turning around and heading over to the couch with my beer in hand "Let's just watch the game"

Maxi plopped down next to me as I switched on the TV and started flicking through the channels to find the game "Listen Whip" he started, his voice calm looking straight ahead at the TV "If you love someone, you tell them. Even if your scared that its not the right thing, even if you're scared that it will cause problems. Even if you're scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it and you say it loud. And then you go from there"

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