Chapter 6

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Yes yes i know! I havnt updated in like 2 months or something and i am honestly so sorry! But ive been so busy with school! Ive got 2 weeks left of this term so hopefully ill be updating alot more over the holidays! Sorry for the short chapter but i needed to give you guys something! Let me know what you think! And im sorry if this story seems to be dragging out! I am open to any advice or any ideas as to where this story should go or how you would like it to go! Thank you! Xxx-Sara

Whippet's Pov,

God I'm such an idiot…

Sam had been working on Bondi for a week now and I had been a complete ass to her pretty much the whole time.

I don't even know why...I guess I just havnt been in this kind of situation before...I mean, I like her a a lot a lot. But I don’t think she even feels remotely the same towards me...why would she? Ive treated her like shit this whole week.

I kicked a stone as I walked along the sidewalk. It was my first weekend off in weeks and I had no idea how to spend it.

I wandered aimlessly along with the walkway lining Bondi Beach watching as the volunteer lifesavers ran in and out of the water pulling tourists and swimmers from the rips. I continued to wander up the hill, passing the small surf shops and cafés as I did so.  I wondered what the boys were up to today...Probably not much knowing that none of them can function more than 10 metres away from the beach...But who am I to judge? Neither can i.

My thoughts are interrupted by yelling. My eyes flicker over to where the commotion seems to be coming from. Outside a smoothie and juice bar a man is following a girl and the girl is yelling at him to stay away from her. I stop walking and notice that no body in a 100 metre radius is even fazed by the girls obvious discomfort with the guy.

Hang on…

I squint my eyes at the girl. She… she looks a hell of a lot like Sam...

The girl spins around to face the man following her up the pathway and starts yelling in his face.

Scratch that, it is Sam.

I watch carefully from a distance. Her expression changes from anger to fear as the man grabs her arm and roughly pulls her towards him. She triess to free herself from his grasp but he only tightens his grip on her arm

"Hey!" I yell, walking quickly towards them.

The man doesn’t budge and pulls her closer towards him putting her face near hers.

"Oi! Get away from her!" I yell, grabbing him by the shirt and yanking him away from Sam.

"Who the hell are you?!" The man yells, stepping towards me. His looks to be about 2 years older then me, he's wearing a black tank top and ripped shorts with thongs.

"Didn't you hear her telling you to leave her alone?" I ask not breaking eye contact.. to..I don’t know.. intimidate him?

I move in front of Sam. "I-" he starts but I cut him off. "If I were you I'd start walking In the other direction before I call the cops and you get charged with assault"

Everyone's eyes are on us.

He eyes me down and then looks at Sam before opening the door to his car and hopping inside before driving off without another word.

I turn to Sam and cup her head in my hands, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I ask checking her over for any cuts or bruising on her arms.

Still a little freaked out, she manages to stutter a small "I'm okay". I pick up her bag and place my hand in the small of her back "Come on, I'll take you home".

Hope you liked it! Let me know what you think! xx-Sara 

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