Chapter 36

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I know i know.... Its not great and its not long, but i had no idea how to finish this chapter so i thought since i hadn't given you guys anything in a very long time that this would be okay for now...Enjoy!!

Walking up to the Tower I felt on top of the world

Walking into the Tower, I felt like someone had punched me in throat. Hard.

If Whippet hadnt been holding on to me from behind, I would have crumbled to the floor.

All the boys in the Tower faces fell and whitened as they realised that the people who they had invited into our happy place, were indeed, not welcome.

The two 'guests' turned around at the sound of my voice, their faces hard and cold. The same cemented expression they held the last time I saw them.

"Samantha" My 'Mother' acknowledged

My Father nodded his head In my direction.

Whippets hand found mine and he gave me three little squeezes. Calmness enveloped me for a few moments before I was brought back to the awful reality literally sitting in front of me.

A few eerie moments passed. The boys tried to get back to work but Whip and I stood in the same spot. "How did you find me?" I spat, trying to swallow my emotions knowing those were the same words I asked Mark the night he broke into my home. I wouldn't let them get to me. Not after what they did.

"Did you really think we wouldn't?" My Mother hissed, her voice menacing and evil. She stood up and slowly began to stroll over. "Not only did we know that this was our daughters favourite place and that she always wanted to come here, but the magazines and tabloids have your little face plastered all over them" She looked up at Whippet, behind me "And..his". Whippet tensed.

Hoppo turned around on his chair, a tiny bit of anger, protectiveness and irritation flashing in his eyes as he watched her and the way she addressed us.

I shook my head "Please, just leave. You didn't have to come here. Why did you come here? Why can't you just leave me alone?" Emotion broke through my voice as tears began to fall down my cheeks. Overwhelmed, I spun to try and get out of the tower. I couldn't breathe in here.

My Mothers scrawny hand latched onto my wrist. All seated bodies were suddenly out of the chairs and Whippets hand was forcing her grasp off of me, while Hoppo and Maxi had stepped forward to pull her away if it came to it.

"You are our daughter" My Mother spoke "We came to bring our daughter back"

I looked back at her "You never treated me like a daughter" I shook my head "Im not your daughter"

I began walking out the Tower, with Whippet ready behind me. But again, she opened her mouth "When Mark came to our house that night"

Just the mention of his name sent shivers down my spine.

"And he told us that he had come home after work and all your things were gone..."

I cut her off "He didn't come home from work and find me gone. We had a fight that night. He hit me. He hurt me. He left to go to the bar. I saw my chance, and I left. For years he hurt me, Mum. Those bruises on my arm...when he told you that I tripped over in the dark... those were all lies" Tears continued to fall "How could you not see? How could you not see that your own daughter was struggling? To live? To smile? To be happy? You were so blinded with how smart, rich and educated Mark was to see that he was abusive and full of anger and hate... I tried to leave and he wouldn't let me . So I ran. I ran and I ended up here. And I will never leave"

My Father, who had not said a word this whole time appeared behind my Mother. She wore a hard, disapproving expression on her face.

"But im going to ask you to. I want...I need you to both leave. Don't come back. Don't contact me. Just go....Please" I begged

My Mother stared straight into my eyes, never breaking eye contact.

I looked at my Father. He looked defeated. He nodded his head. He nodded his head, whispered something to her and suddenly the Tower door sounded closed behind me and I fell. I fell to my knees. Sobbing into my palms.

"Jesus.." I heard Max whisper under his breath. None of the guys knew how to react to what had just happened. Not even Whippet.

What felt like a long few minutes passed until I rose to my feet again. All the guys were looking at me. Waiting for me to say something. To cry. To yell. To do anything.

But i felt nothing and there fore i did nothing but just stared back 

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