1| Sinking in despair

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"I hate this man, and I hate this room" the strawberry blonde thought as he reported to his father, the chairman. "And that's why, the student council decided to-" Gakushū's mind went blank. His head throbbed and his vision darkened, he was so tired.

"Decided to what?" the chairman laced his fingers together as he watched his son, impatience in his voice.

"To hold a fundraiser event to promote the school's altruistic side" Gakushū pulled himself together and stood firmly. But was his father's office always so dark and fuzzy?

"I worry about my school if my student council president can't even relay a simple report to the chairman" Gakuho scoffed at him. Gakushū clenched his teeth. "I believe I relayed it quite well, sir. If you'll excuse me" Gakushū nodded his head at his father before turning on his heel and leaving.

As soon as he closed the door however, Gakushū punched the wall.

Will he ever be proud of him? Gakushū felt like nothing he does is good enough for his father, nothing at all. And why does that man have to be so cold and cruel? Gakushū would appreciate something so simple as a hand on his shoulder or a head pat even.

Composing himself, Gakushū walked back to the council room.

He passed many other students, all greeting him and smiling at him. Some stopped him to chat about trivial things that Gakushū doesn't give a shit about.

He wanted to drop his act, but he couldn't. He returned their greetings and smiled patiently at everyone, responding to questions and stupid things and denying requests to hang out after school.

He was so tired.

When Gakushū arrived infront of the council room, he fixed his disheveled hair and tie first, before entering. There was a high stack of paperwork waiting for him on his desk, and the other council members were nowhere to be found.

Gakushū found himself smiling at the empty room, finally some piece and quiet, maybe he can rest here.

The strawberry blonde went behind the desk, and placed his head down, pulling the stacked papers to cover his face so no one would see him sleeping on the desk.

He didn't know how long he's been asleep for though, but he did wake up by the loud ringing of the school bell indicating the end of the day. He must have been there for hours.

"What are you doing?" Came a cold voice.

Gakushū shot up in shock, his heart bating fearfully when his eyes met the Chairman's.

"I--..I was just" he stammered. His father's face was shadowy, he was always hard to read. But he could feel the disdain that was aimed for him.

Gakuho picked up a fallen document, read it, before placing it in the desk. "You disappoint me" he said, before leaving the council room.

Gakushū just sat there, motionless, face blank.

Then he got up, gathered his things, and he too left the council room. Luckily, he didn't have to deal with his father in the car because he always walked home. He'll have plenty of time for himself before he reaches home and he gets his punishment there.

He doesn't even know what he did wrong this time, but he might as well prepare himself for the mental abuse and ridicule he will face.

Gakushū stared at his bandaged wrists, it was bloody now. His wound must have reopened.

Thank God he wore his blazer, the long sleeve covered his bandaged wrists.

Gakushū walked for twenty minutes, but then stopped when he reached a bridge. He looked down at the fifty feet drop, and the deep, murky running water.

For a while, he just stood there, staring down at the river. Then as if making up his mind, the boy dropped his bag, and took off his blazer.

No one was around to stop him. Even if there was someone, he doubted they would care. People these love the drama, the media.

A student of the prestigious Kunogigaoka school, recognized as the son of the chairman, drowned in the river

Not bad for tomorrow's headlines. His head throbbed painfully, and he was fighting to keep awake. Why were those sleeping pills taking affect only now?

Not that it mattered. "Sayonara" the strawberry blonde whispered, before spreading his arms, and letting himself fall.


Gakushū felt himself sinking deeper and deeper into the dark water, his lungs burned from the lack of oxygen. "Why is death by drowning such a slow procedure? I should have just overdosed my pills instead" he thought.

He was slowly loosing consciousness.


But then there was a second splash, and seconds after that he felt something grab him and pulled him up.

It was too late for the wanna-be hero though, he felt his last breath leave him.

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