27|The beach hidden in a cave

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I know of a place I can be me, fills up my heart with some meaning,soundtrack on my phone receiving, I'm 'bout to go there, I've gotta go there


"Can you go on one day without fighting someone? Do you think you're the son of the Greek God Ares the God of war?" Gakushū scolded as he wrapped Karma's broken hand with his spare bandage he keeps in his pocket. "They started it!" Karma defended.

"It doesn't matter!" Gakushū hissed. "Whatever it was they did or said to you, you could have just ignored it" he finished bandaging Karma's hand, and took a second to admire his handiwork. He gave Karma a patronizing look "Oi, are you even listening?"

"Yes daddy "Karma remarked. He noticed the small shudder from Gakushū, and couldn't help but smirk.

"What about you?" He snatched his now bandaged hand from Gakushū. "Why do you look half dead?"

Gakushū frowned and ran his fingers through his hair. "I just..had to deal with my pesky classmates and schoolmates, putting up a prince-charming-persona for the girls and holding up a patient mask for rowdy boys and....." he chuckled tiredly. "It's nothing I'm not used to. This is normal for me"

Karma then eyed Gakushū's sweaty uniform and his pale skin. He leaned close to Gakushū and sniffed him.

"O-oi! What are you doing?!" Gakushū pushed Karma's face away from him. "Why are you smelling me like a creep?" He frowned. But then he thought...does he smell weird? Did he forget to put on deodorant? Is it his cologne?

"Why do you smell like vomit?" Karma brought up.

"Oh right, I forgot that I spent an entire hour in the boy's room throwing up my breakfast and lunch..." He thought, grimacing in disgust at the recent memory. "Why do you think?" He shot at Karma.

A thought crossed Karma's mind and he held a dark look. "Did your father or one of his lackeys poison you or somethin'?"

"Does it matter? We can't prove he did it. He's the chairman after all" Gakushū rubbed his stomach.

"Of course it matters!" Karma snapped. "He food poisoned you Gakushū! And judging by the smell coming from you...you spent a fucking Gods awful time in the bathroom puking your brains out! Ack!" Suddenly Karma held his head, as if he was in pain.

The red head took deep breaths to try and calm him down.

Then, he felt soft hands touch his head, and started stroking his hair in a calming manner.

Karma pressed his face against the fabric of Gakushū's uniform, ignoring the smell of sweat and vomit on it.

Gakushū continued this process for five minutes, eventually Karma slumped in his arms. "Better?" Gakushū asked.

"Hmm..thanks" Karma responded.


the two flinched and looked at the source of the sound, only to find Nagisa and Rio appear from behind the tree, looking guilty. Rio had her phone out, probably taking a picture of them or videoing the scene.

Karma glared at them, indicating he didn't want them here, but his friends ignore the harsh look he threw at them.

"Spying is rude, didn't your parents taught you that?" Gakushū reprimanded.

"Sorry" Nagisa rubbed the back of his neck. "We were looking for Karma and then we saw the two of you and-"

"-Decided to capture the cute moment" Rio smirked, showing them her phone screen.

Gakushū made to snatch the phone from her hand but Rio stepped back from him, shaking her phone mockingly.

"Hey" Karma stood up and placed his hands in his pocket. "Let's ditch school and go to the beach"

"Game" Rio was quick to say.

"But-" Nagisa started to protest

"Absolutely not!" Gakushū shook his head. Crossing his arms he threw Karma a look that says 'don't you dare!'

Karma grinned mischievously. "Don't worry~ I found a path that'll lead us to the beach and back here, in half an hour. I found it a few months ago"

"Is this true?" Nagisa seemed more interested now.

"Yep! Promise" Karma said.

"Lighten up student council prez~" Rio ruffled Gakushū's already messy hair. "Lead the way Karma!"

So, Karma led Rio, Nagisa, and a reluctant Gakushū deeper into the forest. They seemed to be going down the mountain from the steepness of the path. Eventually they found themselves facing a suspicious, dark cave.

Rio turned on her flashlight on her cellphone and gave it to Karma, who continued to lead the way.

Gakushū kept squirming and jumping at the sounds of bats and the occasional rats. Nagisa offered to hold his hand(not in a mocking way but out of sincerity) but Gakushū glared at him.

Soon, they saw a light at the end of the cave. Karma cheered and ran ahead, Rio, Nagisa and Gakushū following behind him.

They then soon found themselves surrounded in white sand and the ocean. "You were telling the truth?" Gakushū looked at Karma in surprise.

"I'm hurt you thought I'd lie to you guys" Karma pouted and pinched Gakushū's cheek.

Nagisa and Rio took off their shoes and ran to the water, Karma following behind them.

Gakushū stood behind, watching the trio run in the water, splashing each other.

"Asano!" Nagisa waved at him. "What are you waiting for? Join in!"

Without another thought, Gakushū kick off his shoes and took off his socks, rolling his pants up to his knees and joined the E-class students play in the water.

Gakushū felt like something he hasn't felt in a long time

He felt like a child


Ren stared at his friend's chair in worry. Gakushū didn't return after lunch, where could he have gone?

The brunet stood up, and headed to the door

"Where are you going? Lunch will end in ten minutes!" One of his classmates told him.

"I'll be back before the bell rings, I just need to see the Chairman about something..." Ren assured before sliding the door open and stepping out.

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