60| Yes,home sweet home

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Loving you was young, and wild, and free, loving you was cool, and hot, and sweet, loving you was sunshine, safe and sound


"That's enough"

Karma had wrapped himself around Gakushū in a comforting hug, his forehead pressed against the other boy's shoulder.

Karma's eyes went to the blonde woman, Gakushū's sister, Nanami.

"S-sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave" the manager nervously said, pointing to the door. "You've made a scene and frightened the other customers"

"Don't worry we were leaving anyway" Karma assured, keeping a hand on Gakushū's shoulder as he detached himself from the boy.

"Asano-san, I'll be taking your son off your hands for now" he smiled kindly at Masami. "That is if, you'd let me?"

"I-" she looked between her son and daughter, before nodding at Karma. "Yes, go ahead. Just return him home by five"

Natsuki stood there in confusion, watching the exchange between her son, the boy, and the woman. "Karma?"

"Let's go home mother" Karma said politely, leading Gakushū with them. "It's been a bad day here in this amusement park, full of shitty drama and conflict" he said as he passed his mother.

The woman spared Masami and her daughter one look, a displeased one, before following her son.

Masami had frowned too after Natsuki shot her that brief look of displeasure before returning her attention to her still frozen daughter.

"I shouldn't have brought you here" Natsuki sighed as she called for a cab.

The boys were sitting on a bench, Gakushū leaning against her son and her son draped his arm over him.

"But if you hadn't then I wouldn't have run into Gakushū" literally "so it's fine, I suppose"

Natsuki glanced at her son and his companion. "What's your name?"

Gakushū responded with a monotonous "Asano Gakushū, Hajimemashite Akabane-san" he raised his head to meet her eyes. Her golden gaze(similar to her son) met his tired violet ones.

When the car arrived, the three of them got in the back seat. Gakushū sat between the Akabanes

It was a painfully silent car ride, with Karma rubbing circles on Gakushū's hand with his thumb.

Soon they arrived back at the Akabane mansion. The three of them removed their shoes, and the woman went to the kitchen to make the boys something to eat.

Karma led Gakushū to the living room and played a movie for them to watch.

Natsuki knew the boys weren't really watching the movie. The movie simply provided background noise for them, and probably to drown out their voices so she wouldn't be able to eavesdrop. She still heard them though

The two were talking about what happened back at the parlor. Gakushū growing defensive and Karma reminding Gakushū that-

"---you talked shit to me about not hearing my parents out and being too hard on them. But five minutes later you're running your mouth against your sister and barely letting her get a word out" Karma didn't sound furious, didn't sound like he was scolding Gakushū

He sounded annoyed and worried for the other boy.

"I....I'm sorry if I seem hypocritical" Gakushū apologizes dejectedly. "I was..I just--the park made me emotionally unstable and seeing Nanami again I just" he stumbles with his words. God he was so pathetic, just earlier he was arguing with Karma about 'not seeing it from their point of view' and then later on he argues with his sister about her disappearance on his life and then her sudden reappearance

Karma studied Gakushū's stressed, emotionally drained expression. He sighed, before parting Gakushū's brows with his fingers "That amusement park really messed with our heads huh Shū?" He jokingly said.

Gakushū's lips tugged up to a small smile. "Yes, it did"

When he gets home, he'll apologize to his sister for his reactions to her. But before she can reply to him he'll escape to his room emmadiately. He's not read for a full length conversation with her yet.

"Hey your wounds are healing faster! That's great right Shū?" Karma directed their attention to Gakushū's wrists, sliding down the sleeve to reveal the fading scars. "Can barely even tell that the scars are there" Karma smiled at Gakushū, causing his cheeks to warm up and his pulse to beat quicker.

"And your neck's looking fine too" Karma placed a hand on Gakushū's neck, pulling his face closer.

"The ones on your collarbone's barely visible now as well, have you been using the ointment Rio and I bought for you?"

"I--yes I have" Gakushū stammered. "Hey, uh...could you?"

"What?" Karma teasingly asked.

"Could you" Gakushū leaned backwards. "Give me more space! You're too close!"

Karma laughs when Gakushū pushed him away.

He fondly listens to Gakushū berating and scolding him for not respecting his privacy and being too comfortable with being close with him.

Karma then pointed out "You didn't seemed to mind when I kissed you in the mirror house"

Causing Gakushū's face to flare up. "Y-you bastard! What was that for anyway?"

"A crying Gakushū is not a good Gakushū so I wanted to cheer you up no reason" Karma playfully winked. "You're ridiculous!" Gakushū claimed. 

Yes, this is much better now. Gakushū seemed to have temporarily forgotten about the events from earlier thanks to Karma's teasing. He watched with a fond smile as Gakushū rambles on and on about words he couldn't decipher since his ears tuned him out


Nanami stood infront of the large building she ran away from when she was only seventeen. Biting her quivering lip hard, she tried to suppress the traumatic memories that thretenned to seep into her mind and replay in her head like a video on loop

The mental abuse, the physical abuse, the pressure put on her shoulder

The whip

She unconsciously reached for her back, feeling the scars beneath her shirt.

"Welcome home dear" Masami eagerly led her inside. Oblivious to her daughter's shaking body

"Yes" she whispered

"Home sweet home"

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