70| The Decision Part 5

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"I know you're there, just come out already" he snapped.

Yuki appears from behind the tree, wide brown eyes showed shame and fear at having been caught spying. "G-Gakushū-sama" she stuttered fearfully. "Forgive me young master"

"What were you doing there anyway?" Gakushū asked, taking pity over her fear and softening his voice.

"I was... U-umm.. The mistress Masami suggested I should get to know you better since we are a family, even if I'm from a distant blood. But when I saw you looking so peaceful I didn't know how to approach you without.. Annoying you" she clutched the head of her skirt

Gakushū watched her for a few stilled moments. Before beckoning her to approach

"Yuki---that's your name right?" He raised a brow. She nodded

"I don't see anything wrong with getting to know you. I see you around the house diligently working.. You'd turn your head to my or my sister's direction, open your mouth as if to say something only for you to clamp your mouth shut again" Gakushū stood up from his laying position on the grass.

"You remind me of a younger sibling shyly trying to get attention from their relatives"

"I... I do?" She asks, tone and expression pleased.

"Yeah.. " he admits. "I know... Yuji, why don't we spend the entire day together?" He smiled gently at her, and held out his hand. "Get to know each other? We are, after all... Family, and we carry the same Asano blood in our veins

He didn't miss the gleam in Yuki's eyes. She eagerly nodded and took his hand in his.

He led her deeper into the garden. She, like a puppy, followed after him

"Yuki... Tell me what's your father like?" He asked suddenly.

The stopped in front of a gazebo.

No one hardly ever visit this area of the garden, so some grasses were over grown and wild flowers trailed their path. "My father? He's ambitious" she revealed. "He wants acknowledgement.. From the main branch of the family. We are often over shadowed by the success of the main Asano family... Your family"

He sensed a bit of bitterness there

"I was smarter than my other siblings, I was quicker to adapt, and my father saw my potential so... " she squeezed his hand. "He forced me to learn etiquette, play instruments, sing and dance, master mathematics and science"

"Seems like you had a rough childhood" was that sympathy talking?

"It wasn't that bad. I want to make my father and brothers proud"

"Where's your mom?"

"I don't know. She left when I was nine" she explained sadly. "Anyway... One day we saw our chance in rising the career ladder. There was a need for a new maid and my dad sent me here to work for you" she shifted awkwardly. "Befriend the... amazing Asano Gakushū, the star of the Asano family, and hope you would put in a good word for my dad"

Gakushū laughed coldly. "How naive" he scoffed.

Yuki glared at the back of his head

" I mean I.....We, have worked so hard. We suffered in silence while your family rose above the rest, we were overshadowed by you lot" she said through clenched teeth.

Gakushū just moved aside and snatched his wrist from her, turned around and held her shoulders, forcing her to face him.

"Listen, I'm sorry your side if the family feel abandoned and unappreciated" he said. "But do you think I am enjoying myself? Do you think we, the man branch family are all fine and fucking dandy here?"

"What's your point cousin?" She spat

Gakushū mockingly patted her head. "I'm saying.... we're all suffering in our own ways, dear Yuki... You've seen firsthand how cruel my fucked up father can be"

Yuki's glare didn't dissolve.

"Listen to me. Yuki, you're a suspicious bitch who's desperate enough to do whatever my father wants just so you can rise up the ranks, don't think I haven't noticed you spying on me through the peep hole you made in my room" he narrowed his eyes at her. "Or found the little recording device you hid in my sister's cabinet"

"I--I didn't-"

"Don't lie!" He harshly interrupts. "I'm warning you... Cousin cozying up to my old man ain't gonna get you very far" he smirks dangerous. "If you do something to ruin everything I planned for the past weeks...you're gonna wish my family's blood isn't running in your veins" he warns

"And I'm warning you too" Yuki smirks back. "If I find out whatever the hell you are planning against Gakuho-sama affects me negatively.... you'll never see the light of day again"

The cousins smirk at each other, eyes flashing with malice

(Author: so what do you think of the recent chapters so far? Especially this one..)

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