16| Worried friends and distractions

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Three days later

Shiota Nagisa considers himself Karma's closest friend. He and Karma understand each other. The red head can sense when he's distress and try to cheer him up, and Nagisa can sense if Karma's going through a crisis and try to assist him as best as he can. They are friends, maybe even best friends?

But these days Karma has been lacking his......well, his usual Karma-ness(if that even makes sense) so Nagisa felt worry grow in him. He's less focused on assasination, and always has this frown on his face now.

And yesterday, he came to school with dark circles under his eyes.

But he decided to not confront his red haired friend yet, and continue to observe. But when he gets the chance, he'll corner him.

"Are you alright Nagisa? You look tense" Kayano approached him during their sparring sessions.

"I'm fine" he assured his green haired friend. "I'm just worried for Karma"

"Karma?" The green haired girl looked over at the red head who was sparring with Isogai. "He looks fine to me" the girl said, confused as to what Nagisa was concerned about. "You should be more concerned about the chairman's son" she lowered her voice to a whisper in case any of their classmates were listening.

"Didn't he almost drown? Good thing Karma was around and saved him. And it's a good thing we were there to help" Nagisa could see the pity in Kayano's eyes. "I wonder...did he fell or jump, into the water?"

"I'm sure he just-" but Nagisa stopped himself. "He..."

He remembered Karma's panicked expression as he pumped the water out of Gakushū's lungs. But what nobody else noticed was the expression Asano Gakushū held in his unconscious face.

Nagisa doesn't know what to feel as he remembered the expression Asano held.

It was a look of relief.

".....gisa.....Nagisa....Nagisa!" Kayano tapped his forehead. "What? Huh?" The blue haired boy blinked twice.

"Karma left, Rio said we should follow him again" Kayano said.

"He'd probably off to go check up on Asano again, like he's been doing for the past three days" Rio said with a slight chuckle. "I mean he's always around Asano these days! And he ditches us every chance he gets just to go see Asano"

"Maybe they're dating and Asano doesn't want anyone to know?" Isogai suggested.

"No way, they hate each other" Maehara brushed off the idea. "And Asano sees E-class as bugs under his feet"

"But he respects Karma" Isogai reminded everyone.

Nagisa stood up, and slipped away from the group and walked inside the building. Everyone's assumptions are wrong, he knows it. They need to look deeper and see that Karma and Asano are going through something. But the fact that Nagisa doesn't know what it was scared him.

He took out his phone and texted Karma.

Me: hey, Karma. Are you free after school?


"What did he do to you now?!" Karma growled as he wrapped fresh bandages around Gakushū's abdomen.

"Relax Akabane, it wasn't my father this time" Gakushū said.

"Who is it then? Did he hire someone to do his dirty work for him?" Because all Gakushū needs to do is give him a name and he will track them down and destroy them!

"No, no" Gakushū shook his head. Noticing Karma's dark look, Gakushū parted Karma's head. "Hey, I'm okay"

"Tell that to your beat up stomach idiot" Karma thinks.

He finished patching up Gakushū's stomach and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "So who did this?" He asked again.

Gakushū knows Karma won't give up until he gets a valuable answer. "Just my karate master's son"

"So, just karate lessons?" Karma looked doubtful.

"They thought I was ready for, new techniques" Gakushū shrugged and winced at the ache in his shoulder.

Karma still looked doubtful, but he nodded at Gakushū. "Okay"

"Hey!" He snapped his fingers at Karma's face. "Do you think I'm that weak? I'm weaker than my father sure but there's fear mixed there. But I'm stronger than most people" he smirked. "Stronger than even you, I bet"

Karma chuckled. "Oh really?"

"Oh yes"

"You wanna spar? Right here, right now, while you have a stomach wound?" Karma was already stretching.

"If it'll distract you enough to stop worrying, then yes" Gakushū thought, but no way would he say that our loud, Karma might tease him. The stupid red head was becoming way too comfortable being friends with him! Wait....since when did they agree to be friends? Since when did he say yes to being Karma's friend? He can't remember!

But, no turning back. He and Karma are friends, and he's not going to loose this friendship.

"On three?" Karma smirked. "I know you're trying to distract me idiot, but if it'll put you at ease then I'll play along" for now.

The two ran at each other, Karma showing his assassin's training and Gakushū using his Taekwondo.


"So this is where he went" Ren said, peeking through the half open door and watching Karma and Gakushū spar.

Behind him, Nagisa was peeking over his shoulder, standing at his tip toes to watch Karma and Gakushū.

They both look...happy, at ease even.

Nagisa sighed with relief. There was nothing for him to be worried about after all.

Something was just growing between Karma and Gakushū.

(Author: Uhh, Nagisa, there is definitely something you should worry about!)

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