29| Growing closer already?

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Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep
Everybody's worried about me


"I feel like it's time to go back" Gakushū said.

"Yeah, let's go back" Rio agreed.

Karma frowned and placed a hand behind his neck. "What's the point?" He muttered. "I mean, we're already really late..."

"We still have plenty of time to make it to the middle of the lesson" Nagisa voiced "Let's just say we lost track of time or, that we went to the infirmary in the main building or something"

Karma clicked his tongue. "Well-"

Rio and Nagisa we're already leaving the water, Gakushū was about to follow them, but he turned to Karma. "Oi" he called.

The red head looked at him.

"Come on" Gakushū beckoned him with his head.

Karma followed Gakushū back to the beach. They put on their socks and shoes, and then retraced their steps back to the cave.

During the walk, Gakushū and Karma had purposely fallen behind. "Is there any particular reason you suggested we skip our class and go to the beach instead?"

"A whim" Karma replied nonchalantly.

"Oh really?" Gakushū rolled his eyes. "You can't fool me. That was too random, even for you"

Karma bit his lower lip and casted his eyes down, puzzling Gakushū. "I-" Karma began. "I just wanted to provide a distraction for you alright? Even if it's temporary"

Gakushū looked disconnected. "A distraction for what?"

Karma looked at him up and down. "One look at you and I already knew you were having a bad day. I thought, I'd liven you up"

This actually made the strawberry blonde chuckle. "You're one of a kind Karma" it warms his heart that this person had decided to take him to the beach just to distract simply because he knew he was having a rough day. Really, Karma is something else...

"In a good way?" Karma pressed.

"Of course" Gakushū confirmed.

Soon they had to part ways.

Karma, Rio, and Nagisa went back to the E-class building, while Gakushū went down the mountain to return to the main building. Although he was in no hurry to get to his class...


That night, Karma laid in bed. He had trouble sleeping again, so he just laid there for hours, his thoughts were rampaging in his head.

He promised to save Gakushū, but he has no clue on what he should do.

Karma groaned and covered his eyes with his arm, and Gakushū's handsome face flashed in his head.

His fearful, stressed, tired face

His small snorts, his sarcastic and witty remarks, his smirks and chuckles.

Karma rolled around his bed. "You're one of a kind Karma" Gakushū's words echoed in his head.

The way Gakushū looked at him, it made his heart thunder in his chest. "Snap out of it!" He scolded himself.

Karma decided it was a waste of time just lying there so he got out of bed and went to his bathroom.

There he opened the mirror cabinet and began searching for something.

He pulled out a bottle of sleeping pills. It was the sleeping pills he had confiscated from Gakushū awhile back.

Karma bit his lip, before twisting the lid open and looking inside. He was tempted to use a pill to help him sleep, but he pushed down the temptation. He's been clean for two weeks now, he doesn't want to return to being addicted to sleeping pills and...


That would make him a hypocrite, especially since he had told off Gakushū for the very same reasons.

But the pill bottle looked so tempting.

Karma shoved the bottle back inside, and closed the cabinet shut.

He ran his hand down his face.

Karma went back to bed, pulled his blanket up his chin, and turned on his phone.

He read the messages his friends has sent him that he hadn't replied to.

Rio: Oi, u alright?

Rio: hey you haven't been urself lately

Rio: just checking in on you

Nagisa: Karma, wanna watch that new superhero movie that just came out? You like those movies right?

Rio: stop ignoring me dumbass and reply to me!

Nagisa: If you're going thru something I'm here to talk

Rio: U looked tired today. Again. Why'd you even come to school if you're tired? Did you even sleep?

Nagisa: Karma, have you been sleeping lately?

Nagisa: you looked really sick today, r u alright?


He received new messages from Rio and Nagisa.

Nagisa: You seemed better today than you were yesterday. I'm still worried for you though. Are you already asleep? If so then great, that means your insomnia is getting better right?

Rio: Is it just me? Or is there some sorta sexual chemistry going on between you and Asano? What with all the eye fucking going on >:}

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