68| The Decision Part 3

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Masami noticed a change in her children a week later.

They were... Chipper? Happier?

There was a different light to them.

Nanami was practically gliding and Gakushū seemed to have his mind elsewhere. And it seemed that whatever 'beef' the siblings had with each other(mostly Gakushū) has been resolved and now the siblings were joined at the hip once again.

They worked and moved together with fluid movements and grace. It was like they shared one mind

Masami was happy for them. It really seemed like kami-sama has answered her prayers for peace and tranquility.

Her husband though, she has not spoken a word to not seen for days. He was always holed up in his office our leaving the house for an event or two. It was disappointing but she supposed there's nothing she can do when he's a busy man. At least she can enjoy her children's smile and laughter

Though, sometimes she'd catch them whispering under each other's breaths, throwing conspirator glances at each other or sometimes even just disappearing around the house only to reappear again after hours.

She shrugged this off, choosing to turn a blind eye to what she considers an 'unimportant' detail to what she deems what should be 'perfect' and finally 'happy' moment between her children.

Today was one of those days.

"Gakushū dear! Lunch is ready" she knocks on Gakushū's door.

There was no response. "Gakushū" she tried knocking again.

Opening the door she finds the bedroom empty, the bed neatly made.

Her eyes noted the bed looked as if it had not been slept on for a week. Or maybe she was just over thinking?

Next she turned to her eldest daughter's room.

Unlike Gakushū she ignored knocking and chose to just enter.

The room was empty too.

Frowning, Masami turned around to search for the two, only to nearly have a heart attack when she came face to face with Asano Yuki, their maid and.... distant relative. "Ahh! Goodness Yuki! " she scolded. "You scared me"

"Forgive me mistress" she bowed. "It wasn't my intention"

"We need to get you a bell, you're too quiet" Masami clicked her tongue. "And by the way, I seemed to have misplaced my children. Where are they? "

"In their rooms"

Masami glared at the maid. "I wouldn't be asking you where they are if I already know. As you can see-" she opened the door wider to show Yuki the empty bedroom "Nanami isn't here, and neither was Gakushū in his room"

"The last time I saw them they entered their bedrooms"

"When was that? "

"Literally five minutes ago ma'am"

Masami was irritated, but also confused. "They couldn't have just disappeared into thin air!" She threw her hands back in annoyance. "Look for them!"

The maid nodded and scurried away. Her footsteps were quiet, and she moved with practiced grace

Sometimes Masami found herself comparing the girl to a cat.


Later that evening the family sat together for dinner.

Gakuho as usual sat at the head, with Masami beside him. Gakushū and Nanami sat together at the far end.

This was something Masami wanted to change. It was like her children were purposely separating themselves from their parents

"Where had you two been? " Masami brought up. "I didn't see not even a hair from either of you"

"I spent the rest of my afternoon in the attic" Gakushū excused. "Then I was called by Ren to come to school to finish important student Council work that couldn't wait until Monday... so that is why you didn't see me around"

"I see"Masami didn't buy that. " And Nanami"

"I went out for a walk" Nanami said. "I'm sorry if I worried you, next time I'll leave a note or just tell you"

"I understand. You really should leave a warning for me before either of you disappear to who knows where" Masami laughs.

She turned to her silent husband, gouging for his reaction. But nothing

He was as unreadable as ever

Smile as fake as can be

Gakushū shot his father and mother a quick smile. "Of course mother" then, turning his steely eyes to his father he said coolly "and father... those pills you use to sleep properly? I restocked them for you"

Gakuho returned his gaze with an equally steely one of his own.

It was like the father and son were having a battle with their minds.

"Oh? That's quite kind of you son" Gakuho smiled charmingly. Something that would have lowered another person's guard but this was his son and his son one that the smile held a darker meaning.

So Gakushū returned it with a dark smile of his own

"Of course father I want you to sleep well after all... "

(Author: we start off light, and end it dark)

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