28| Ren's mistake

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Cause I'm my biggest enemy,
I can't look myself in the eyes


Ren was hesitant to do this, but he felt worried for his friend and the gnawing feeling at the pit of his stomach wouldn't leave him alone.

He knocked on the door nervously.

"Come in" came the cold voice of the Chairman.

Ren gulped before pushing the door open and stepping inside.

The chairman didn't raise his head from his papers. "What is it?" He asked in a cold, curt tone. "S-sir did you send Asano-kun somewhere? Er..was he sent home early?" It would make sense, since Asano did look deathly pale earlier today. Maybe Asano is at home resting?

Gakuho laced his fingers together and placed them on the desk, studying the nervous brunet. "No" he answered. "No I didn't send him home, as far as I know he's supposed to be at his classes at this very minute" his violet eyes wandered over to the clock. "Where could that boy had wandered off to?"

It was at that moment Ren knew he made a mistake coming to the Chairman. He should have just stayed in class and waited for Asano to come back. Now his friend could get in trouble because of him.

"Or maybe not" he reasoned. "Perhaps I'm just being paranoid, perhaps the Chairman will simply give Asano-kun a little scolding" it was normal for parents to punish their children for acting up

And Asano is a teenager. At this age it's normal for teenagers to start rebelling against their parents.

But why is it that at the back of Ren's head, there's a little voice telling him that because of what he did something terrible will happen.

He can't help but feel sick in the stomach about it.

"Sir, earlier today Asano-kun looked really sick" he brought up. "And at lunch, halfway through his meal he suddenly stood up and made a run for the boy's room where I presumed he spent the entire lunch hour vomiting"

He noticed the corners of the chairman's lips twitch in amusement.

"I'll have a word with the lunch ladies" Gakuho promised. "And I'll buy my son the medication he needs. You don't need to worry Sakakibara-kun, he'll be fine, I will take care of my son"

The brunet nodded silently, before turning on his heel and left.

Once the boy was gone, Gakuho dropped his look of pleasantness and instead took on his cold and calculative look.

He opened his laptop and started searching.

He went to the cameras, looking for his son. His eyes went from screen to screen, until eventually he found his son throwing up again, in a dumpster.

Gakushū kept vomiting for a five more minutes, before his stomach seemed to have emptied itself out completely.

The boy clutched his stomach, looking very tired and frail, and before he knew it his legs started moving on it's own, towards the E-class mountain.

Unfortunately for him, he cannot use the CCTV at the mountain because he has yet to replace them.

Gakuho watched his son slowly become a mere dot on the screen as he walked up the mountain where the camera cannot reach him.

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