17| Bad thoughts, similar thoughts, damaged minds

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I do my best all on my own


Gakushū almost walked to the direction of Karma's house instead. But he stopped and turned back to the direction of his own house.

He can't keep avoiding his father forever.

He supposed he should be grateful. Gakuho has mostly left him alone for the past three days.

He wasn't lying when he said his injuries was caused by his karate sessions. He didn't go easy on himself today.

Karma: Wanna hang out at my house?

Karma: Not like my parents are home, we'll have the place all to our selves

Gakushū found himself smiling at the red head's text.

Me: Maybe next time Karma

He knows he'll just end up worrying the red head, but Karma seemed to forget that Gakushū has been on his own, with a monster for a father and a constantly disappearing mother, for years.

He's been battling with his demons for years, all by himself.

The reason he gave up in the end and chose to take a swan dive off a bridge was because he realized he had nothing to live for.

Wow, this is a depressing thought. But it's not like it's a lie. Gakushū had no reason to get up in the morning and, to keep moving forward. His mother worked as a good motivation for him for a while

But she was barely in the house anymore. When was the last time he saw her pretty face? Heard her laughter? Felt her hand on his head?

She left him behind. Taking business trips after business trips to get away from her husband and forgetting about the son who's stuck in a hellhole.

Gakushū shook his head. "Don't think about that" he told himself.

His mother loves him, but she's a coward.

She can't defend him. She's tried before, and it didn't exactly....go as she planned.

Gakushū shook his head aggressively, wanting to forget, to erase, to suppress the bad memories.

"He's just a father trying to discipline a disobedient child" a dark voice at the back of his head whispered.

"He provides for his family. He put food on your table, clothes on your back, a roof over your head...all you need to do in return is to get high grades and be the son he wants you to be..." The voice in his head continued. "Is that wrong? Gakushū?"

"Shut the fuck up" he growled.

He stormed to the nearest men's room, thankfully nobody was there, and locked himself in a cubicle.

He took out the small bottle of the new pills he bought yesterday.

He popped three into his mouth, and drank his cold water. He spilled a small amount of water on his chest, but Gakushū didn't care.

He covered his ears, willing the dark voices to shut up.

"Disobedient child"



"Self harming..."


He really needs to go see a doctor. But Karma might follow him.

Karma already knows he's not exactly right in the head

But would he be disgusted in him if he finds out just how broken he really is? Would he give up on Gakushū?

He didn't register the sound of the door of the men's room opening with a loud bang

Or the sounds of the other cubicle doors opening until it reached his.

The door was pulled up.

Soft hands touched his. He was gripping on his hair so much that he pulled on them hard enough to draw blood. "God fucking damn it" he heard Karma curse.

His face was gently pressed to Karma's stomach. The red head softly petting Gakushū's head as he hummed something, was it a lullaby?

The pills finally took affect, the voices in Gakushū's head quieted down. He felt drowsy, his eyes suddenly felt heavy.

"Karma.." he whispered. "Are you sure you want to involve yourself with someone like me? I'm damaged goods" he whispered.

"Don't worry, we're the same, you and I. I'm damaged goods too, heh" Karma chuckled. He planned to call Nagisa and Kayano once Gakushū has calmed down or fallen asleep.

But Gakushū shook his head, hugging Karma's waist. The red head blushed, and was lucky Gakushū didn't see.

Pretty soon Gakushū has fallen asleep.

Afterwards, Karma called Nagisa and then Kayano.

(Author: Well this was another depressing chapter. I bet some of you are wondering, will there be fluff and a happy chapter? Yes you'll get your happy chapter just wait ok? )

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