58| A not so warm welcome back

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"What the hell are you doing here?! You have some nerve to come back!"

He yells as soon as he sees his sister

"Gakushū!" Masami exclaims, shocked at her son's outburst.

Nanami surveyed her brother up and down. Truly, he's grown taller. She was still a foot taller than him though

His hair reaches the back of his neck now, his once pinkish hair color now darkened to a more orangey shade, and his once light purple eyes darkened to a cool violet.

"Hello, Gakushū" she managed to say.

Gakushū gritted his teeth, glaring at his sister who betrayed him. "What, the fuck are you doing here Nanami?" He demanded.

"That is no way to speak to your sister!" Masami scolded.

"Oh! Sister of course! Haha!" Gakushū gave a cold laugh. "I forgot I even had a sister wow umm..how long has it been? Dear onee-sama of mine? Three years? Four? It's truly been so long!"

The boy's voice dripped with such sarcasm it made her wince. It was clear he held no respect for her, and she can understand that.

"Gakushū, everyone is looking" Masami warns, gesturing to the small crowd that surrounded them, their interests having been piqued by Gakushū's outburst.

"Oh let them look mother, after all onee-sama has always desired the attention right?" Gakushū coldly responded.

Nanami frowned, and turned to the watchers. "Move along! Move along!" She yells "This isn't a street show for you to enjoy! Nothing to see here! Get moving! Scram!"

The onlookers hurried away fro the three of them. Gakushū continued to glare at his sister. Nanami sighed, and forced herself to smile at her brother, ignoring his cold gaze "How about we eat some ice cream? You love ice cream right Shū?"

Before Gakushū could give a snide remark, Masami piped up

"Oh yes! Wonderful idea Nanami! Shū adores ice cream!"

"Ten years ago maybe" Gakushū remarked. He was ignored by his mother and sister and was forced to follow the to an ice cream parlor.

Gakushū planned to let his disdain for his sister be known to her the entire time she's with them.

Meanwhile, with Karma

The red head was being fretted over and scolded by his mother

"Don't just run off like that! You worried me so much---why didn't you respond to my messages? Why didn't you call me back? Do you really hate me that much Karma?" Natsuki cried, shaking her son a bit.

Embarrassed by the stares from the onlookers, Karma pushed Natsuki's hands off his shoulders and stepped back.

"I-" Karma cleared his throat, cheeks red from the embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I over reacted" he said, head lowered so his eyes would be covered by his bangs.

Natsuki stood there, motionless, eyes unblinking as she studied her son.

Her son whom she hasn't seen in months.

No actually, her son whom she hasn't seen in years

"I'm sorry for screaming at you earlier, and for just, running off and leaving you behind" Karma continued.

"I've left you behind too many times to count so I guess we're even" Natsuki wanted to say but held back her tongue.

Instead, she pulled out a handkerchief and wiped her eyes. "This um.." she pulled herself together. "Coming here was a mistake. You didn't even really want to go here and I dragged you"

Karma still wouldn't look at her.

So he really did hate her this much. Can't even look at her anymore

Unknown to her the reason Karma couldn't look at her was out of shame.

Natsuki placed a hand on her son's head. "Let's just go home" she sighed, before walking a head, Karma trailed after her.

Halfway through the parking lot though he suddenly pulled on her sleeve and stopped her. "Wait"he said, head still lowered. "Can we" he paused, "Can we go to that ice cream parlor first? I'm..suddenly craving something cold, and sweet"

He raised his head, but rather than look at her directly in the eyes his gaze was casted to the side, he was also biting his lower lip.

Surprised, the woman agreed, and led him to the ice cream parlor across the street.

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