43| Cause for concern...

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Heart beats fast, colors and promises, how to be brave, how can I love when I'm afraid to fall, but watching you stand alone, all of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow


That kiss was never mentioned again between the two of them. Not like it was that big of a deal anyway, it wasn't a lip contact kiss. That forehead kiss Gakushū gave him could mean anything. If it was his way of showing his appreciation for their friendship, Karma is alright with that.

But there was something that changed between then ever since that night(er, early morning) under the bridge.

They were close before, but now they're more comfortable to be physically affectionate. Karma was now allowed to rest against Gakushū, using his lap or shoulder as a pillow. Gakushū is more comfortable revealing secrets to Karma, because Karma said that he can be his diary, the keeper of his secrets, he'll always be by his side.

Too good to be true, those lines were. But Gakushū knows they are true.

But of course, he felt that, despite their new found closeness, and his revelations of his true emotions to the red head, he felt like Karma wasn't being too open to him. Like it was okay for Gakushū to be vulnerable to him

But it's not okay for Karma to be completely vulnerable Infront of Gakushū.

He wasn't going to confront him about it yet, because it took him a long time before he decides to be fully open to the only person who understood him and new of his pain. He'll wait for Karma, just as Karma patiently waited for him to open up.

But Karma's constantly tired appearance never stopped bothering him, despite the red head's insistence that he's fine, and that he's just been studying for the upcoming exams.

Currently, he's looking out the window, looking at the E-class mountain, wondering what they were being taught, if E-class was prepared for the exams, if Karma was in class or if he was skipping once more. He really needs to tell him off for skipping.

"Even if he's skipping to check on you?" A sly voice in his head whispered. He shooed away those wishful thoughts and forced himself to focus in the lecture.

"Who can give me the answer to this equation?" Their sensei tapped the board.

Gakushū's hand shot up to the air. "Ah, Asano-kun!" The teacher said proudly. "Come up"

He stood up and walked to the front to write the answer.


"Karma, are you okay?" Nagisa's worried tone brought him back to reality. He raised his head, his tired eyes met his friend's concerned blue orbs.

Nagisa gasped when he saw the dark circles under his eyes. "Karma-"

"Is it my turn already?" He stood up and stretched, before walking towards Karasuma. They would be taking turns sparring Karasuma one on one, something Karma has been looking forward to.

Nagisa observed his friend's movements, his attacks and his form.

Karma was quick on his feet and light on his toes, he was quick to dodge Karasuma's blows and block his punches. But Nagisa can tell something was off with him, he looked so tired and it was like he was rushing to end the session quickly.

"Psst" Rio called him. He looked behind and saw Rio with Kayano. The blonde had her hand in her pocket, she used her other hand to beckon him to come to them.

He approached them. "What's up?"

She took out her hand and handed him a pill bottle. "What's this?" He read what was written on it. Modafinil

"A pill to keep you awake for up to twelve hours, or more. Found it in Karma's bag" Rio explained.

"What were you doing searching through his stuff?" Was all Nagisa managed to get out.

"He's got three other pill bottles. Two of which are also Modafinil, the other one doesn't have a name on it" Rio revealed, looking uncomfortable. "Think we should confront him about it?"

"We should tell Koronsensei" Kayano said firmly.

"Nakamura! It's your turn" Isogai calls.

Rio eyed her two friends before grabbing the pill bottle from Nagisa and shoving it in her pocket before jogging towards Karasuma.

"What should we do?" Kayano whispered to Nagisa.


"Oi" was his greeting to Gakushū on the rooftop.

Gakushū eyed his friend warily. The dark circles under his eyes were more prominent. Wordlessly he spread his arms, as Karma understood his intention. He walked towards the boy, dropped to his knees and laid his back against Gakushū's chest, allowing his friend to securely wrap his arms around his waist and rested his chin on his neck.

"I got you something" Gakushū revealed. "Is it a math textbook?" Karma responded dryly. "No" Gakushū said before digging in his bag and bringing out a manga.

Karma's eyes widened at the cover.

"Where'd you get this?"

"Ren leant it to me, he was surprised I asked for it" Gakushū said rolling his eyes as he remembered Ren's surprised exclamation of "you read manga Asano-kun?!"

Was it really surprising? What did he think, that the only books he ever opened were academic ones?

"I'll hold it to make sure you don't flip the page too fast, and damage it" Gakushū said slapping Karma's hands.

Karma laughed before letting Gakushū hold it as he wished. They were in a compromising position, and if anyone were to walk in they would have the wrong idea about the kind of relationship they have.

But Karma didn't care at the moment, he was just happy to be in his strawberry blonde friend's arms, resting against him so comfortingly, reading a manga with him.

In fact he felt so comfortable, so relaxed, so at peace, that he felt himself become drowsy. His eyes slowly lowered, and soon he was out like a light.

What do you expect for a guy who's been awake for 68 hours.

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