51| Akabane Natsuki

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But something happened, for the very first time with you, my heart melts to the ground found something true



Karma's eyes snapped open when he heard sounds of glass breaking, followed by shouting and cursing. He frowned, and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD MAKE THAT PARTNERSHIP DEAL WITHOUT CONSULTING ME FIRST!!" he heard a woman's furious screams. That...would be his mother



His eye twitched. They just got back after months of being gone and the first thing he hears from them is fighting and furniture breaking?

Karma sighed, and reached for his headsets.

He set the volume to max, and clicked on the loudest song he could find.

It drowned out the sounds of his parents screaming profanities at each other, at least a little bit.

The red head grabbed his shirt and put it on, before sliding out of bed. Music blasting in his ears.


He stepped over the fallen table and the broken vases.

When he arrived at the kitchen, he was greeted with his mother throwing plates at his father, who kept dodging them with ease.

"I don't want to be eating breakfast with my psychotic wife! There is a chance you could slip poison in my food!" His father angrily declared before storming out.

"Fine! I can't even stand another moment looking at your pathetic face!" Natsuki spat.

Once her husband is gone, and she's taken a few breaths to compose herself, she realized her son was in the kitchen. "Oh--Good morning Karma!" She greeted him sweetly. "Did you sleep well my precious ruby?"

Karma dumped the entire content of the cereal box on his bowl before pouring the strawberry milk on it. "What do you think?" He remarked.

Natsuki bit her lip before going to the fridge. "Er...what is that you're listening to?" She attempted a conversation.

Karma was rather reluctant to answer her, but he did so anyway. "I forgot what song this is called, but I know what band this is from"

"Oh?" Natsuki smiled.

"Yeah it's by I fucking hate my parents " he revealed. Natsuki's smile dropped.

"It's a band, mother, it's.... not how I feel for you" he continued.

"Oh....how, charming" was her hesitant response.

The two of them fell into an uncomfortable silence. The woman he calls his mother slid onto the chair beside him, a smaller bowl Infront of her. "When did you two get back?" He asked suddenly.

"3am..." His mother responded.

"What were you two screaming about?"

Before Natsuki could answer, there was a loud crashing sound, followed by cursing from upstairs. Natsuki bit her lip. Then, an idea hit her.

"Do you know what we haven't done together in a long long time time?" She asks in a voice that suggested she was talking to a toddler. "We haven't gone on a date in so long! A little...mother and son bonding time, it'll be good for the two of us"

Karma's frown only deepened. "What would we even do?" He demanded. "The last time we went on a 'date' together was when I was five. I'm not into those things anymore" carrousel rides and feeding the ducks isn't very pleasing for a fifteen year old anymore.

"But you were always so happy when we went on dates together, why not another one today? We could go to the mall, or the amusement park! What do you say dear?" Natsuki hugged her son's side.

"I think I would rather shoot my knee" Karma muttered. Natsuki kept her smile on "There we go! Anything but staying in this house" she got up and took their bowls before dumping its contents in the sink.

"We can eat a better meal at the mall, now...go change Karma dear" she said to him.

Karma rolled his eyes but stood up from the table nonetheless and went back to his room to prepare for his 'date' with his mother.

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