Chapter 35 - Deceive

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"I have to hand it to you Miss Romanoff, I'd never expect you to turn yourself in to the authorities with such ease." The RAFT guard remarked as he led her and the others towards their cells.

"Hey, watch the arm! It hasn't healed yet." Scott said from a few feet ahead to the one of the guards, who had thoughtlessly grabbed his shoulder a little too harshly.

"I don't know what to tell you." Nat shrugged, as they continued down the narrow halls. "I always have my reasons. Doesn't mean I'm obligated to share them."

"Don't get cocky Romanoff." He warned. "I won't forget what you said to the government two years ago."

"Oh please, you're just being sensitive. Not everyone bows down to one big man in a suit like you do."

She frowned to herself at the sight of Wanda, who unlike the others, had several guards enveloped around her, with both of her arms strapped restrictively to her chest.

"You know Miss Romanoff." He began. "There's always another way we could do this. You could, per say, tell us just where exactly Barnes and Y/l/n have scurried off to. If not them, then Rogers."

She spared him another snarky reply, zipping her mouth shut. She had one mission, and a rather simple one that if not carried through properly, would land her in a situation worse than the one she was in now.

Nat watched as the team compliantly walked towards their fate in complete and utter defeat, having no Steve nor Tony to help them. The Avengers had been severed and splintered to a complete mess.

The RAFT was far unlike anything she had ever seen. The walls appeared claustrophobically close to one another, seemingly closing into those who travelled down the narrow passageways. There were minimal windows, which frankly would serve no difference, considering all that lay outside of the RAFT walls was the vast sea.

Eventually, they reached a circular room rimmed with exactly five cells. Wanda was the first to be thrown in, with her cell visibly smaller and more guarded. Nat stared at her dishearteningly, treated as if she were a ticking time bomb. A threat.

Soon, everybody else was guided bitterly into their own cells, each with transparent windows and iron bars that all faced the center of the room. Nat could only imagine what the other cells in the RAFT were like, considering the team was likely placed in the most decent cells they had to offer.

Nat slumped down on the small, mat like bed and stared up at the ceiling blankly, toning out the officer listing all of the rules and conditions to all of them.

"I said, do you understand Agent Romanoff?"

Nat lifted her head until he was in her view, then laying back down. "Crystal clear sir."

"You better watch your tone here, Romanoff." He jabbed a finger in her direction. "You're the one who's finally locked up behind that wall where we can finally keep an eye on you."

"And you're doing a wonderful job." Nat replied, smirking when his nostrils flared in rage. He turned on his heel and left the team to sit, completely marooned and bound to their small spaces.

"Damn you, Stark." Nat heard Scott mutter to himself.

"Don't blame him Lang." Nat let out a long sigh. "This all should've never happened in the first place."

Sam sat on his bed, refusing to face their way as he shook his head. "Those damn Accords should never have happened."

"I can't believe Stark let this happen, just have us thrown into the one of the most highly guarded and isolated prisons in the world. Nothing personal or anything." Clint muttered, circling around his cell before slumping down onto his bed. "Are these things beds or damn yoga mats?"

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