Chapter 20 - Lost

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Personally I thought this song went with the middle part of the chapter, I actually wrote it while listening to it :)

2014 - Present Day

Winter Shadow's POV

"Hey... wake up." I heard a soft voice whisper in my ear.

I groggily sit up from leaning against the car window and look to my left. Winter Soldier was looking at me, his eyes studying my face. His lips curved into a small smile when he noticed I was awake.

"C'mon. We should change into our disguises." He motioned me to come out of the car with him. I rub my eyes and open the door. He had parked us at the edge of a forest. I stepped onto what I thought would've been pavement, but instead was dirt. There was no road behind us, only a dirt path that lead out of the forest.

"Where exactly are we?" I question, gazing up at the towering trees.

"Safe." He said simply.

I smirk and grab my things from the trunk. I take my black jeans and burgundy hoodie and stuff them under my arm. I start walking deeper into the trees before I look back at him. "D..don't come this way until I say so okay?" I blush. He nods and turns to walk the other way.

Leaves and twigs rustled under my boots every step I took as I ventured into the woods. This has to be the most relaxed I've felt in a while.

I slip off my heavy, leather uniform. The cool air hitting my bare skin sending a wave of relief through me. I messily pour some water from the bottle I was carrying and rub the sweat and grime off my body.

Everything was happening so fast, and I was as confused as ever. Only hours ago I was driven to kill an innocent man for an organization that ruined me. Now I was alone, with a man who knew as much as I did. I don't know my name, where I'm from, my age.

The only thing I had to go off of was that name, Y/n. I shouldn't call myself that until I know it's true. I need proof that Y/n is really me.

I threw on my hoodie and took a moment to take in my surroundings. There was now a soft wind that sifted through the trees, enough to gently blow loose strands of hair from my face. I secretly wished we could just stay here for the rest of our lives, grow old, not have to worry about the constant matters. I know that'll never be possible. It doesn't matter how we ended up in this situation, that fact is that we did, and how we face it now going forward.

I swing my bag over my shoulder and begin heading back to the car.

"Hey Shadow, come over here." I hear his soft voice call out.

I step over small shrubs and jagged twigs. As I walked closer to him, I could hear booming sound that grew louder and louder. He had gone completely off the trail, and I was sure that we'd lost our way back. Once I reached him, I realized that didn't matter.

There, in front of us was a breathtakingly, gorgeous waterfall. The sun glared down into the glassy lake just below it, causing the water to shimmer in the light. I stood there, mouth agape, gazing at the wondrous sight in front of me.

"Pretty neat huh." He chuckled.

"It's... incredible." My voice came out as a whisper. Incredible wasn't enough to cut it. It was like something out of a storybook. For a second, I forgot about everything that was going on in our lives.

I glanced to my right and realized how close I was standing to him. I shifted away a little, scared that I was making him uncomfortable. He just stared off into the distance, taking in the beautiful sight that lay ahead. The sunlight and the water only made his eyes bluer than ever. I couldn't help but get lost in them.

He turned and noticed my gaze. "What's on your mind?"

"I just.." I get lost in my words. "I feel as though I've known you my whole life, whatever that means."

He nods and looked back to the waterfall. "No, I get it. Something about you throws my mind in all different directions every time I look at you. I guess in a way, it's comforting. It gives me a sense that maybe I haven't been a mindless assassin my whole life."

I give him a soft smile. "Yeah... that's one way to look at it."

The past few hours had felt like a blur of events that never happened. It was as though I'd just been placed here, somehow, in this peculiar situation. Here I was, standing with this man I knew, but didn't know at the same time. We both had little to no memories of anything, and nowhere in particular to run. Aside from that, we're being searched for in about fifty countries, with some maybe even placing a ridiculous bounty on our heads.

With our minds in the clouds, we forgot that we were on the run. "Maybe we should go." I say softly.

He glanced over at me and nodded solemnly. "I guess you're right."

I snatched on last glance of the scene, and retreated back towards the car. The further and further we got, the less I could hear the rushing water, crashing into the lake.

"We'll come back." I state. "When we need somewhere to run, and somewhere to stay... this is where we'll come."

I push through low hanging branches and step over sharp branches that threatened to scrape my thighs, until I finally see the white SUV waiting patiently in the distance.

I get into the car and lean my elbow against the window."Where to soldier?"

"You'll see." He started up the engine.

He said something about going to the past last time. I crease my forehead and try to think of what he could've possible meant by that.
I sit up and switch on the radio, mostly because I was feeling slightly anxious.

"Private spy organization SHIELD has fallen under the hands of the Nazi terrorist group HYDRA. It has been said that they were defeated in the end by none other than Captain America..."

He raised an eyebrow at me, hinting to shut it off. I nodded and cranked the volume all the way down.

"Are we almost there?" I sigh impatiently.


He wasn't wrong. Not long later, I found myself standing outside of the Smithsonian museum.

"We're supposed to be staying away from people, not the opposite." I say lowly. "You really think going to a museum is a good idea?"

"Trust me, this is a good exception."

Author's Note

Sorry guys this was a short chapter. I cannot thank you for the 2K views! I never thought anyone would read this, it was mostly for fun. The next chapter will be much longer, I promise. Also, if you haven't already, feel free to check out my new Bucky story My Euphoria!

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