Chapter 5 - Plan Into Action

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Winter Soldier's POV

We set an alarm for 3:30 am so that we had enough time to prepare ourselves.

Winter Shadow was busy deciding what weapons she should bring with her and tuck away under her clothing. We didn't need too much this first day, even if something were to happen, we knew what we were doing.

As I loaded some rifles, I look over to see her carefully polishing a jet black dagger. I'd never seen one like it before, judging by the way she handled it, it wasn't just an ordinary weapon to her.

She seemed to notice me staring, she looked over and grinned.

"See this here," she pointed to the tip of the blade, "it emits a high voltage shock after stabbing a victim, in other words, it's a deadly taser."

"Sounds good for a quick kill." I chuckle lightly.

"It was specially made for me, and despite all the wipings, I never forget about it." She stopped to stare out the window, a numbed look on her face.

Being a Winter Soldier meant no memories, no identity, nothing that could stick with us for longer than a week. HYDRA made sure of this, but we didn't ever dare to question them. After this mission, we most likely won't have the ability to recall each other, or this mission.

There were minor things that stayed, but it was mostly HYDRA intel and basic occurrences that happened within its walls.

Today, we would follow Fernando in hopes of figuring out his schedule and his whereabouts. This way, we can figure out where it would be best to kill him. Of course we considered the fact that he might go to different locations tomorrow than where he goes today.

HYDRA requested this mission to be the least public as possible, with minimal witnesses. My guess is that if people knew HYDRA was responsible for Fernando's death, they could think we were planning an attack with his weapons.

We put on our casual clothing that we packed, with weapons concealed underneath. I tucked the glove into my jacket sleeve, making sure that my arm was completely covered. It was something that anyone could recognize me by.

"It's too early to get something to eat, everywhere's closed at this time." She said as she put a handful of raspberries in her mouth.

"Yeah, I guess we'll have to settle for what we bought yesterday." I reach for my bag of plums sitting on the coffee table. We had stopped at a gas station prior to going to the fruit stand, so we thankfully had a selection of snacks.

Some granola bars and chip bags lay spread out across the table. I reach for the last almond fudge Cliff Bar, only to have it grabbed on the other end by Winter Shadow.

"Give it." She stated.


"It's mine."

"Let go."

She glared at me for a solid ten seconds.

"Fine then." She let go, only to snatch my bag of plums from the coffee table.

"Just what do you think you're doing?"

"Well if I can't have my cliff bar, you can't have your plums." She reached into the bag and held the plum close to her mouth.

"This is childish." I say, her expression didn't change. I decided to play along.

"Fine then, have it your way." I smile. I slowly tear open the wrapping of the cliff bar. She clenched her jaw.

I peel the wrapping down slightly, enjoying the frustration on her face.

She was determined not to break, my smile quickly faded when she took a small bite of the plum.

My plum..

I took a giant bite out of the corner of the cliff bar, to which she stuffed the entire plum in her mouth.

"Do you know what you've just done?"

She scoffed. "It's not like you were ever going to give me one! Besides, you ate half my cliff bar!" She snapped.

We both then realized that we had a mission to complete.

"Here." I gave her the cliff bar and took a chocolate chip one from the table. She stared at me.

"I might've given you a plum, if you'd asked."

Two hours later

We had stolen two motorcycles and headed for Fernando's home address. It was far from the busyness of central Madrid, so we needed to have enough time to drive there.

The traffic was nearly backed up. Even this early in the morning, Madrid was a big and lively place. Once we got further away from the city, the number of cars died down a bit.

We had completely covered our identities, this time we wore a black mask that covered our mouths, and dark shades for our eyes.

Winter Shadow's POV

Eventually, we arrived at the mansion, hidden by a large forest of towering oak trees. It's easy for anyone trying to find the house to wind up lost and just give up on finding it all together.

Thankfully, we were trained enough to find our way through these kinds of situations, using every hint of someone's property to guide ourselves to his residence.

We parked our motorcycles almost a kilometer away from the lawn. I tighten my ponytail, glancing at the Winter Soldier, assuring we were both prepared. We weren't here to kill Fernando just yet, but maybe just a few of his guards if necessary.

"We should take out any cameras around here." He said, pulling out a small handgun from his bag.

I nod, and look around to check for any security cameras. I figured they would be hidden well, considering the man was a billionaire.

"Here, take these." The Winter Soldier tossed me a pair of high-tech glasses.

"It's new HYDRA tech, it can detect any kind of nearby gadgets like cameras or sensors." I'd never seen them in the prep room, maybe I just got them wiped from my memory.

I put them on and looked around. My vision was slightly sharper, and everything appeared in black and white.

I glance up at the nearby trees, checking for any cameras. After a few minutes, I was able to find one.

I realized that we couldn't just shoot them, it was deadly quiet around the area, anyone could hear the gunshots.

The Winter Soldier seemed to realize this before me, and was holding a small knife instead.

I pull out my dagger, and quickly strike the camera, making the least noise possible.

He nodded towards me, and continued searching for any other cameras or sensors.

We eventually found five more cameras, and two motion sensors. Any areas we didn't find cameras, we avoided.

"That's the last I think." I concluded.

"We can either spy through the windows, or split up and wait outside." Just as he said this, our question was answered for us.

Two gunshots were fired, and they weren't from either of us.

Author's Note

Alrighttt, here's a new chapter. I've been planning out the plot little by little, so these chapters may come a little slower than I'd hoped. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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