Courage Of A Chicken Nugget

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Carly's POV
"I have the courage of a chicken nugget" I said in my head as we passed by some few people

"how about I add some fun in this walking?" Leo whispered in my ear, I turned to look at him and I was met with his mesmerizing eyes. His lips turned into a mischevious smirk

"what do you have in mind?" I asked him and he pulled me closer, our faces were really close
"how about a game of simon says ?" he said

"simon says?"
"yes, but with a twist" he pulled me in the middle of campus
"when I say what comes to mind, we run to it. We do it alternatively" he said in a excited voice and I can't just let his spirits down with a no, but I also can't just run around the campus because people might talk about us again

"Leo, you do know if we do this game the whole school will talk about it right?" I told him and he gave me a shrug with a grin on his face, running around school doesn't sound like a bad idea and if Leo doesn't care what others think then so am I

A smile crept up at my face "let's do it", Leo jumped a little with excitement like a little kid. So we stood in the middle of campus as we look around, I was first to do it

"Simon says....find a green color pencil" I said then we ran quickly, Leo ran the other way. I was running like my life depended on it as I search for the art room, I don't have enough strength to borrow a green pencil from a student. Talking to others seem to much of an effort especially if I don't know them

The rule of the game is that you should say the object that is not seen in your line of sight, like you cannot say an object that will be near you it must be somewhere far and not seen yet

I squeezed myself through a hallway filled with students, I hit a lot of people and some of their stuff fell on the floor

"Sorry!!" I said to all of them loudly as I keep moving forward in search for the art room, I was finally in the art room and I took a green color pencil in a box that was in a cabinet and ran out to the middle of campus

I saw a figure that was sitting and it was Leo, it looks like he was waiting for me. He showed me a green color pencil in his right hand
"where did you get that?" I asked him

"I asked a few people, it's quite easy if you know everyone in school" he shrugged at me

I sat down as I try to catch my breath from all that running, Leo pulled out a water bottle in his bag and gave it to me. I finished the bottle and gave it back to him
"geez what a loving girlfriend" a voice that is filled with sarcasm

"what made you want to play simon says this early?"
He looked at me and pulled out something in his bag, he finally pulled out a paper and gave it to me

It was the flyer for the BATTLE FOR THE CROWN game, it was actually to determine the prom king and queen more fairly
"I was testing your ability in a game and you suck!" in a mocking yet playful tone, he has a proud look on his face

I hit his shoulder
"just because you have an advantage in a game doesn't mean it could outshine mines" I crossed my arms at him

He leaned to me with a brow raised
"oh really? Then what are you good at?" he asked me

I should have not said that to him because in reality, I suck at everything well...except in studying my grades are ok

Leo knew what my answer was before I could even tell him, his eyes studied me then he looked at some people

Leo's POV
From all that running that Carly made her hoodie fell down, it's not her hair that now attracts attention. It was her beauty

There was a group of guys that were looking at Carly and I didn't like it one bit, I put the hoodie on her and she now noticed it too so her eyes are now wide like saucers
"I didn't know that it was down, thanks"

One guy from the group that was looking at Carly came up to her, Carly shifted her focuse to him and he introduced himself
"hey my names Denise and you?"

"Carly" she shook his hand that was out for her to shake

Carly still has a bit of a hard time opening up to people but even though I try to encouraged her to talk to others, there is still a part of me that wanted to tell her that she is not allowed to talk to guys but that will destroy her progress

I held back from trying to pull Carly away from him

Carly's POV
I talked to Denise for a bit and he was an ok guy, he ended the conversation and waved bye to me. He went back to his group of friends

It feels great to talk to a new person and having a nice conversation with them, I glanced at Leo and he was not too happy. He didn't tell me he was not happy, his face did

Leo looks like he is in deep thoughts, I called him out a few times and he finally snapped right out of it

"you ok?" I asked him with concern in my voice

He didn't smile but he only took my hand and didn't look at me, he looks a bit grumpy. He is grumbling something under his breath

I think what he said is "He is not that good looking, I think I look better" and I laughed at him, his face turned beet red
"you heard?"

I nodded at him, I cuppped his face
"don't worry, you look ten times better than him"

Leo's POV
Carly gave me a huge grin, what she said did gave me reassurance that she was not into that guy so I kissed one of her hand that cupped my face in approval

Author's Note:
Hey guys, sorry if I might not update much because of schoolwork

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