It's A Gift You Dumbass

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Leo's POV
"I would love to understand why would anyone want to have a glow in  the dark bracelet at 18 years old" Jake complained as he watches his sister dance around happily while wearing 2 glow in dark bracelets in each hand

"Jake don't be a party pooper, Jana is happy so just let her be" Carly scolded him while gorging down a triple fudge chocolate cake, the corners of the mouth has some chocolate so I took a napkin and removed it for her

Jake scoffed "At least I don't have a nanny to wipe the chocolate off of my face"

I rolled my eyes "It's because you don't have a girlfriend"

My sentence made everyone stop what they were doing and look at Jake with pity, Jana was dating her classmate, Stacey and Kevin started dating now so I was a bit sad for him cause he was hoping to get Stacey to like him

Carly stomped on my feet discreetly and laughed "The cake was delicious! Where did you guys buy it!?" She asked loudly to shift the attention to her

"Honey I love you and all but you are brutally honest to Jake, cut him some slacks will ya?" She whispered to me through her wide grin that she was showing to her friends

"He needs to know the truth even if it hurts" I whispered back to her

"Yeah, you need to know something too"

I turned my head to face her "What is it?"

She sighed "I can't believe I'm gonna say this" she says to herself quietly "You look masculine but you are feminine too"

I pointed to myself "Do I look like a girl?"

She shook her head "No but your hobbies are and I like it, it adds up to your charm points" she winked at me before drinking the apple juice in one gulp, she coughed because she accidentally inhaled a little bit

"Well that was an embarrassment" Stacy said as she looked at the both of us, I was patting her back and she was regaining her normal breath. I looked to Kevin to shut Stacy up and he got the memo

He held up a piece of cake on a fork and kept giving it to her so she would not say a word, Carly finally was breathing normally and she has to chuckle a bit to herself. She gave me a sheepish grin as if that would erase her coughing face that was funny that is now buried at the back of my mind

Jana's party is held at her home and being surrounded by family and friends, it was simple but she enjoyed it that she kept taking multiple pictures and I was the volunteered photographer. Gift giving was the best part because we would see which gift will be Jana's ultimate favorite, in the end, it was Sean's gift that she ended up liking

Sean's gift was a blue bear that has a flower on its head with wings and a unicorn horn, we all looked at each other with confused looks. Carly mouthed to her brother "What the f*ck is that!?" She pointed to the gift with her eyes

Sean responded "It's a gift you dumbass" he mouthed the words because he was just standing beside Jana who was thrilled to see the stuffed toy, she squealed in delight and jumped a little "It's blue horn bear!" She said loudly

I was about to ask what she's talking about but everyone gave me the look to shut up, Carly tugged at my shirt, and I bent down so she could whisper "A favorite character I guess" she shrugged

Carly's POV
After the birthday party, Jana was found sound asleep on the couch hugging the stuffed toy that Sean gifted to her. Me and Stacy giggled at how childish she can be, we found a blanket and covered her before helping with the cleanup and walking out of her home

Sean wanted to stay so we left first, we walked back to my house to find Libby's car parked in our driveway. I pointed to the car and asked Leo "Why is Libby here?"

He gazed down at me "To get your measurements" he went behind and started pushing me to the front door, I was a slow walker and that is a fact I have to live with. Walking along with friends always make me walk alone behind them sometimes

Stacy and I went in with our arms hooked together, during our mini walk, Leo and Kevin were discussing something while me and Stacy chatted about what might be our future careers. I was thinking of becoming a pediatrician while Stacy wanted to be a lawyer

I liked kids and ever since I found out about my ability, the medical field has interested me even more that it made me want to pursue my interest in helping others. Libby was talking to Mom and Dad while showing a drawing that is in her hands "You're here! Come, come" Libby gestured for me to come closer to her, she got a measuring tape ready

Mom helped Libby measure me while Dad, Leo, Stacy, Kevin, and my two brothers watched. Libby gave Dad the dresses to choose from and they all ganged up together to help me find a dress to wear for the Christmas Party Company Ball tomorrow

Stacy was the only person that has the fashion senses enough to stop the guys from choosing horrible dresses, every time they pick something she fringes so hard that it was obvious on her face "You guys have no taste" she said to all of them

"Well we don't have any idea how you girls dress these days" Dad said

Me, Leo, Stacy, and Kevin looked at each other as we remembered the risque dresses we wore to prom without our parents' knowledge. We acted like we didn't know anything

Mom decided to be the one to explain to Dad "It's just the dresses you are choosing are not gonna flatter Carly's style of choice"

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