What Is Kevin's Blood Type?

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Carly's POV
"Kevin has been stabbed" Leo's voice was shaking, Kathrina was frozen in place. She looked up at me
"It's not true right? Mr Kevin is not hurt right?" Tears were forming at the corners of her eyes

I wiped it with my fingers
"Yes, he is hurt but he will be okay" I assured her then we heard loud siren noise from the ambulance that passed us by, Kathrina was holding her tears

I was honestly very worried about Kevin but I can't leave Kathrina here nor can I bring her to see Kevin or else she might get scared at the sight of blood
"How about we make cupcakes hm? You said you wanted to eat cupcakes" I cuddled her and her mood was easily changed

"Really?" Her toothy smile was very bright, I smiled warmly and nodded to her. She jumped from her seat and stood up, she pulled my arm to go down
"Hold on sweetie I have to say something to Leo first" I told her and went to tell something to Leo
"Honey you there?" I asked
"Yeah love I'm here"

"Ew I'm logging out" Tasha spoke
"Same here" Merlin logged out

He turned the call back into a video chat and I can see his face
"I will be watching over Kathrina so don't worry, I also have a gun" I told him and his brows furrowed

"I don't think you both are safe alone right now, I'll come and get you both so Kathrina can stay at your home for a while" I can hear his tired and worried voice, the night is filled with too many things that happened and I can imagine his stress

"Sounds like a plan, the person just stabbed Kevin. He wouldn't hesitate to come at me who has a gun" I replied as I cleaned Kathrina's room

"I'll see you soon love" he said softly and ended the call, I went down to the kitchen to see Kathrina wearing a pink princess styled apron
"You are prepared" I tried to muster up a happy tone for the sake of her to not cry and worry, she worries too much for her age

She pushed a chair next to the island and helps me prepare the frosting and cupcake mix, it was relaxing that we played some pop music as we wait for the cupcakes to be ready in the oven. After we finished putting all the frosting I decided to tell her what we are going to do next

"Sweetie it seems like your big bro will be at the hospital to watch over Mr Kevin so while he is there do you want to come and sleep at my home?" I cleaned her cheeks and mouth that is messy because of the frosting, there is also a bit of frosting on the tip of her nose

"That sounds great but I would feel guilty if I'm having a great time and big bro is not" she told me and kept eating the cupcake

"That wouldn't be a problem Kath" we heard Leo's voice that was sitting at the dark side of the room
"Since when did you get here?" I asked him as he put an arm around my waist and he pulled me to him

"Just 20 minutes ago" his nose was close to mine, we heard someone clear their throat and it was Kathrina who has a smug smile

"Alright time to pack your clothes for your sleepover" he carried her on his shoulder that made Kathrina squeal and giggle as we walk to her room, we took a small purple glittery backpack and stuffed it with her clothes
"Be good while I'm gone for a while ok?" He asked her eye to eye

"When are you gonna come back and get me?" She asked him back, Leo patted and higher her tightly. Leo's body was really big and tall compared to the tiny body of Kathrina who looks a bit frail

It was a heartwarming scene between siblings, I finished packing everything she needs and told Leo we are ready to go as I put my bag on. We hurriedly locked all doors and windows of the house before we hurriedly ride in the car

He took a shortcut to my home and we are now at the front of my home as I knock on the door, Mom and Dad greeted us. Mom hugged me instantly
"Are you three okay?" Dad asked us
"Yes sir" Kathrina spoke up and My parents have to look down to see her, she wore the hairstyle I styled for her and she is wearing her Disney princess Panama paired with the glittery purple backpack

"You must be Kathrina" Jasper squeezed through from my parents and knelt to her height, his eyes were filled with excitement. Kathrina nodded to him shyly, Dad told us to come in

Matt came down the stairs, he went directly to Leo
"I heard what happened, how's Kevin?" He asked him, Leo sat on the sofa

"He is not doing good, he needs a blood transfusion but his parents are in the other town and the people who are taking care of him doesn't have the same blood type. The hospital ran out of extra blood because of a bus accident that happened near the side of our town"

"Then how on earth did his parents know he was missing?" Sean asked
"His relatives called them"

Blood, he needs blood
"What is Kevin's blood type?" I asked Leo as I sat beside him, Kathrina was carried on Jasper's shoulders and they're running around in the house

"Blood type AB" he answered
"Maybe I can donate some of my blood to him" I told him quickly, Kevin was running out of time and then stopping the bleeding will be too late

"We can try" he muttered and we ran out
"CARLY!!" My family yelled but I was already in the car and we drove to the hospital and ran quickly to donate my blood to Kevin, I saw his state when I entered the room

Many nurses and doctors were trying to stop the bleeding, Leo told one of the nurses that I can donate blood to Kevin and she hurriedly ran to get the medical supplies needed. I was told to sit on a chair and wait

She came back and injected a needle into me which I flinched a little from the pain, the ER was in discord. On the very corner, I can see Brittney trying to calm Stacy down from sobbing so much and Hunter was patting Brittney's back and blocking her view of Kevin because her PTSD

Ross was walking around in circles as he was cracking his knuckles, he punched the wall out of anger and frustration so Leo ran to calm him down. I was getting dizzy after the nurse removed the needle from me and I try to look at Kevin who is now brought to the emergency surgery with a bag full of my blood

Before I closed my eyes I can see everyone still in panic and crying, I was now in deep slumber

I was in a castle-like place, the walls and ceilings were high and I was in a tiny beaten up body. Strolling around I saw a balcony and the view of the sea was beautiful, the checkered floors and the majestic intricate details that were designed on the walls and ceilings

The pillars are so tall like I could imagine them reaching the sky or is it just because I am small?

"Maria" it was a male voice that I hear from behind me, the way he said the name is cold. As I was about to turn around

I can feel someone shaking me, I open my drowsy eyes to see Stacy's puffy eyes that she got because she cried a lot

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