You Thief!

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Leo's POV
There was something inside of me wants this person to come out of my phone so I can punch them directly in the face and maybe more than that
"Who are you?" I asked as I frantically search my eyes around the area

The person chuckled evilly "you can't see me but I can see you, my dear daughter is sleeping on your shoulder"

I recorded the call quickly as I kept making the person talk more "why are you doing this?" I told the person through gritted teeth, I was furious that Carly was suffering along with everyone

"I want my daughter back" as the only words they said to my question, I laughed a little like I was slowly becoming crazy from too much anger that was pent up inside of me. Carly shuffled a bit in her sleep and I stopped moving so she can rest more

My eyes still kept searching around the ER "no sh*t Sherlock but I don't think you are going to get your killer hands-on Carly" my statement made the person really angry at me

"SHE IS MY DAUGHTER!!" She yelled on the phone which made Brooke take my phone from my hand

"Listen here you psycho Carly may not be my daughter she is still one to me so shut the f*ck up and die" she told all of that in a calm voice, Brooke looked so composed but I feel like she will do the most damage when she meets the person face to face

The person on the phone was silent "Brooke is that you?"
My eyes darted to Tyler who had already taken the phone from his wife  "I had enough of you torturing her"

We heard a maniacal laugh on the phone "this is a legit crazy person" I said to myself as I hear the laugh become more louder

"YOU THIEF! So you two are the ones responsible for Maria's escape, how could you?!"

What is the person talking about, I was asking Matt who was also listening to the conversation. Jasper was also listening as he wanted to know more about the problem

Tyler was fuming that I can imagine smoke is coming out of his head at this moment, Brooke gave back my phone and was trying to calm him down as he made him sit on the metal chairs

Their eyes went to their children who were watching and listening to them, Brooke and Tyler looked like deer in front of the headlights

It was a bit awkward talking about the situation in the ER since the phone call made a lot of people look at us so we all decided to go to a cafè nearby and talk about it like a parent to a child, Matt woke Carly up but she is a bit drowsy so I held her hand as we walk to the cafè

Carly was very tired that at the moment we sat in one of the booths she instantly fell asleep again on the table, the parents were hesitating and sucked in a sharp breathe

"We used to work with Carly's father"

That statement made my brows furrow and my eyes wide, Matt and Jasper had the same reaction but differently. Matt was gripping both of his hands that his knuckles turned white while his jaw clenched, Jasper, on the other hand, was not showing signs of emotion except for his eyes that I could tell like he wants to murder Carly's biological parents

Brooke started to speak up first "I was in charge of giving food and taking care of Carly while her Mom was out partying and shopping, she was neglecting her own daughter"

Tyler was up next "I was working as a butler to her father, to be honest, we both didn't really know about the child experiments because we were not allowed to go down to the basement" he explained to both himself and his wife

If you look at it from a strangers perspective it sounds like their statement is not believable but the truth was way further, they took in another child knowing that they will have a hard time raising 4 children but they managed to get through it

"What we do know is that both of them neglected Carly and only care about her if she shows promising signs related to the injections that were given to her by her father" Tyler added as he held his wife's hand

"And you think we wouldn't be angry that you both should have told us all about this? You only told us to protect her like a little sister" Jasper replied

"You guys got into an accident running away from them did you?" I asked both Brooke and Tyler that they were caught off guard by my question, it was the only reasonable explanation how Carly and her parents got into a car accident

"The accident was caused by her mother, she knew all of that would happen so she cut the brakes" Brooke's eyes watered and were holding herself back from crying

"The accident was one thing but her hair was a different story, she used to be a brunette" Tyler pulled out a photograph in his wallet and showed us a small picture of him and Carly

I couldn't imagine Carly as a brunette because I was so used to seeing her in blue hair that it just became normal for me and her too, Carly's parents showed us some pictures of what Elijah looked like

He was a man with soft blue eyes like Carly and has blonde hair, there were wrinkles at the end of his eyes
"Probably from all the fake smiling he did" I thought

"I don't know how they found us or Carly but what I do know is that they won't stop until they get her, the experiments they did are showing results" Brooke told all of us and we nodded in agreement

When Tyler moved the phone to the next picture I was shocked to see familiar eyes but has a different face

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