Not Here

470 24 12

Leo's POV
I searched frantically for Kathrina in the burning ballroom when suddenly I heard a faint cry

"KATHRINA!" I yelled out as I ran around avoiding the fire in the process, I was getting close to the stage when I can hear her cry very loudly. I ran up to find her hiding behind the curtains, there was no time so I carried her in my arms then dashed out of the ballroom doors

The hallways that lead to the exit are now blocked from all the burning wood and chandelier that fell from the ceiling, there was one thing to do. I looked at the window on my right side

It's a good thing I booked the ground floor ballroom

I removed my blazer and covered Kathrina before I ran to smash myself out of the window with a lot of force, I used my body as an impact from the landing we made at the concrete pavement. I groaned in pain as it hurts my back so bad that I didn't stand up until an hour later

Mom tended to me as the paramedics and firefighters were running around to and the fire and to treat the burn victims "Mom, where's Carly?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen her yet in the crowd and her brother ran into the fire to find her"

Just as my Mom finished her sentence Sean was supporting Matt who has a stab wound and it looks like he was about to faint, Brooke and Tyler ran to their sons along with paramedics to tend to Matt who fainted in Brooke's arms

Carly is not here

If she did she would be with her family right now

Jasper walked up and sat on the pavement beside me, he had a worried face in

"Jasper, where is Carly?" I asked him as I feel my palms sweat from nervousness, she was supposed to get out first! Where is she!?

He looked at me with despair in his eyes his hand went to my shoulder and I knew from that moment it was not good news "Carly is not found yet"

It felt like my world had broken apart and a sudden strong earthquake is going to break it even more, if there was one person thing I could think of that was responsible for this it would be Liz

I clenched my hand like a fist of rage, just when I was starting to finally be happy. Carly wherever you are I hope you are alive

My mom gave the employees an extended Christmas and New Year holiday no workday in compensation for what happened today, we would also be volunteering to pay all the medical bills if there are people injured who are our employees. All of us were brought to the hospital and we got word that the fire has now died down due to the rain

The detective arrived asking Sean what happened to Matt, he knew also who could be the culprit to the origins of the fire. It made no sense how a fire so small could cause such catastrophic destruction that reached the ballroom

Matt was still unconscious and Brooke demanded they should hurry up and find Liz's location because it would only be her that can make it happen. They already got the search warrant which is good news and concrete evidence for their arrest

All we need to do is find Carly and those bastards of a parents

Word of Carly's disappearance reached all of our friends and it made headline news in the News Channel, her body was never found in the fire and nobody was able to see who had taken her but the police had the picture of Elijah and Liz in the New channel for wanted

If only Matt woke up quickly he can say who are the culprits are since we assumed that he saw them that is how he acquired the stab wound, without Carly's blood Matt wouldn't be able to recover fast as Sean or Kevin did.

I looked at Matt who was sleeping at the other end of the room, we were in a ward for two people. I was on the hospital bed connected to the IV bag, the doctors told me I inhaled so much smoke that it was a miracle I haven't passed out after finding my sister

Kathrina was not harmed but got traumatized that Mom would accompany her to visit a doctor for therapy, Brooke and Tyler we're very kind to attend to my needs when Mom isn't around but I don't want to be a burden to them especially if Carly is not yet found

Sean and Jasper would come to visit along with my friends, Stacy cried because she wanted to hear the words from me and asked if the headline news was true. I said yes to her and she broke down in front of everybody along with Brittney who treated Carly as her savior

Hunter knows a little about the parents and will cooperate with the police to do a pretend search warrant when actually we were searching for Carly too, Kevin and Ross tried to lift my mood but no matter how hard they try I just couldn't get myself to give a genuine smile. I put up a forced happy expression for Carly's family and mine in hopes it can lessen their worries

Merlin along with his Mom also cooperated with the police for the search, it seems like Merlin's Mom knows a thing or two about how Elijah can react to a situation when he is cornered which is a very helpful tip if we ever cornered him and Liz

Ross told me that people from school are also worried about Carly and will do anything they can to help, it seems like not too long ago they didn't care for her well-being but it's actually the opposite this entire time.

While eating lunch 3 hours ago, a group of guys had stepped forward to me and confessed that they were a group that admired Carly from afar and hates my guts but will do everything to bring her back

I don't even want to know how did they even form in the first place

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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